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Where have you never been?


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I've never been to Eeloo, Dres and Moho at all. Apart from that I've at least orbited everything. I didn't land anything on Ike, Gilly, Tylo (only impact-probe), Bop, Pol and Vall. As for manned (or kerbald?) missions, I only went to Mun, Minmus, Eve (without returning), Laythe and Duna. I kinda want to land on everything landable in my current carreer though.

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I've been to all but the sun and Jool well I've fallen into them more times then I wished.

Still yet to get anyone off my tylo outposts / tried but failed. would love if squad could add more like ....

oh another star :) that would so be awesome true intersteller stuff. :cool:

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At this point, the only object in the Kerbol system that i have never encountered at all is Bop. I actually had to research that a bit since I thought I might have had a flyby or some such in the past, but evidently not. I suppose I'll need to remedy that situation in the future, perhaps with a lander of some sort.

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Never in any way? None.

Never orbited? Tylo.

Never landed? Above plus the sun (duh), and Jool if you don't count crashing into it.

No manned landings? Above plus Eve, Vall, Bop, Pol and Eeloo. All manned landings have resulted in safe returns, although occasionally with a rescue mission.

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  Sanf said:

I like to land 3+ Kerbals each time, I don't know if I will ever succeed for Eve and Tylo.

For Eve, that's quite difficult, yes. You'll need a pretty monstrous lander (or go the cheesy route, and do it with external command chairs). For Tylo it's probably not so bad. I usually do one-man landings there, but as long as you can get the dV up to around 6 km/s or higher in that lander, and with a Tylo-relative TWR>1, then you should be good to go.

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I've only done manned missions to the Mun, Minmus and Eeloo. I have sent unmanned rovers to Duna and Ike, put a probe in orbit around Eve and Eeloo, and crashed a flyby probe into a Moho mountain at about 10-12 thousand m/s.

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I've landed and successfully returned a Kerbal from every terrestrial body except Eve, Tylo, Bop, and Laythe.

The two demon planets for me in this game are absolutely Laythe and Eve. My last attempt to Laythe I lost 8 kerbals. Two in a landing vehicle and six others inside the Taurus crew capsule. I was trying to aerobrake (with deadly reentry) and things didn't go as planned. On my last save, I also lost two kerbals on Laythe when they went over water instead of land. Eve, I recently set up a one-way science outpost. For whatever reason, my solar panels heated up and exploded and the kebals died in a few minutes (because of tac life support mod, yes I play hardcore).

This past week I've just been building a space station in Kerbin orbit with the tiberdyne shuttle mod. I'm hoping I can use this to-be super massive space station as a fueling outpost for interplanetary travels.

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I've landed on every body in the system, except the Sun and Jool.

I finally got around to doing an Eve ascent in 0.24, from virtually sea level, and then got bored again. I still haven't done a Tylo ascent, just because I'm lazy. I'd really like some new systems to explore!

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I've done everything but a return mission to Tylo (and Jool and the Sun, but duh). I don't see the point in it anymore. I did Eve, which is harder, and Tylo would just be more fiddling and tweaking to get the stages to cut out at just the right times. There's also nothing cool to see on or from Tylo that I'm aware of, except maybe the Cave. To me, the cave seems too much like a glitch to be worth checking out.

If they had implemented the resources system, they could have given Tylo some special resource that is relatively rare everywhere else and then maybe it would make sense to go there... BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO...

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  Red Iron Crown said:
Tylo's a bigger piloting challenge, IMO. Eve landing is just a matter of having enough chutes but Tylo is a big powered descent. Ascent is fairly easy from both, piloting wise.

True, Tylo is quite unforgiving of piloting mistakes. It's just a more mild engineering challenge.

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