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Vernor Engine

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Ok, I must have been standing behind the door when the vernor was implemented because I can't seem to make it work. Should it be radially mounted to a rocket fuel tank or on the belly? I've trying to incorporate it into a munar lander I'm building but can't make it work. What am I doing wrong? Please, someone make me go "DUH"!:confused:

Edited by SpacedCowboy
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Probably radial mounted, and it responds to RCS commands rather than the throttle. It's a heavy-duty RCS thruster intended for large lifters.

Yes, I've tried that, radially mounted in a 4x symetrical (sorry, my spelling sucks) arrangement on a medium sized tank, using RCS, but it doesn't work.

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You do have LF/O on the ship, right? Attached to the LF/O tank radially or with fuel lines.

Doesn't need to be attached to the tank; they draw from all tanks equally, ignoring crossfeed rules, same as RCS.

But, as you say, they need oxidiser and liquid fuel. If you don't have those, they won't work.

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I'm pretty sure it's like a linear port. So if you mount them on the sides of the tank you can thrust up and down, left and right, but not forward and backwards. If you want to use them for a main engine you'll need to stick them on the base of the tank, using symmetry to get balanced thrust.

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You do have LF/O on the ship, right? Attached to the LF/O tank radially or with fuel lines.

Edit: apparently it ignores fuel flow rules and I've been adding fuel lines for no good reason.

Yes, and yes. One would think that having them attached radially (directly on to the LF/O tanks would work!, but it doesn't

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Hmmm, have you tried the IJKL and HN keys yet?

The vernor is not like the RCS thruster block, it thrusts directly out of the face of the part, and unless you stick them on facing sideways they aren't going to be pointing the right way for rotation control.

Try fitting some regular RCS as well so you can see when they are firing with your control inputs, and don't forget to press R :)

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Also in the obvious things to check department: Right-click your fuel tank in the VAB. Check it's full, enabled (there should be green arrows, if there are red no signs that means it's disabled, click to switch), and isn't a jet fuel tank.

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Hmmm, have you tried the IJKL and HN keys yet?

The vernor is not like the RCS thruster block, it thrusts directly out of the face of the part, and unless you stick them on facing sideways they aren't going to be pointing the right way for rotation control.

Try fitting some regular RCS as well so you can see when they are firing with your control inputs, and don't forget to press R :)

OK, if you listen closely, you can now hear the loudest "Duuuhhh" around the Kerbalverse! I had 4 tanks arranged symmetrically with two verniers, radially mounted on each, Henceforth, they were cancelling each other out. No wonder they didn't work!

Everybody, Thanks for your help God I feel like such a dumb ass!

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OK, if you listen closely, you can now hear the loudest "Duuuhhh" around the Kerbalverse! I had 4 tanks arranged symmetrically with two verniers, radially mounted on each, Henceforth, they were cancelling each other out. No wonder they didn't work!

Everybody, Thanks for your help God I feel like such a dumb ass!


Happens to the best of us...

Incidentally, I've been getting a lot of use out of the Vernors for my spaceplanes.

* Good for yanking the nose around vectored-thrust style while doing aerobatics.

* Good for forcing up the nose or stabilising yaw at high altitude on unruly heavy cargo planes.

* Good for emergency touchdown braking assistance when mounted forwards/up.

* Good for use as VTOL jets on Minmus or the Mun.

I'm sure that folks will come up with more creative uses as time goes on.

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Happens to the best of us...

Incidentally, I've been getting a lot of use out of the Vernors for my spaceplanes.

* Good for yanking the nose around vectored-thrust style while doing aerobatics.

* Good for forcing up the nose or stabilising yaw at high altitude on unruly heavy cargo planes.

* Good for emergency touchdown braking assistance when mounted forwards/up.

* Good for use as VTOL jets on Minmus or the Mun.

I'm sure that folks will come up with more creative uses as time goes on.

That's what I was going for! Chicken little here,,," Attention,,, attention, the sky is not falling, I repeat, the sky is not falling! Thanks to everyone,,,helping me to find my a** with my own two hands!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm... looking forward to trying the vernors first hand, but still curious... how do they "cancel out"? I thought they were supposed to work like RCS, so if you want to, say, pitch down, only those engines that can push nose down and aft up will fire, and not nozzles that are placed on the opposite sides of the craft.

Still, how do you control roll and pro/retro grade speed adjustments? Looks like you need one set of thrusters for controlling attitude, another set to control roll and yet another to accelerate and decelerate. This is a shame, I was kinda hoping for a plain vanilla RCS made 12x stronger (2000+ t ships are not easy to steer, I was even trying to concot a RCS from clusters of standard rocked engines side-mounted using hubs, but manually switching them on and off is just impossibly difficult :)

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