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Kerbodyne SSTO Division: Omnibus Thread

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  Red Iron Crown said:
I've been messing around with planes a lot more in 1.0 given the new stock aero system, and having followed this thread for a long time I was able to quickly meet with some success. Thanks, Wanderfound, for sharing all your designs and helping everyone else refine theirs. :)

A 6-seat crew transfer shuttle (I later added a probe core so I don't necessarily need a pilot):


A heavier cargo variant, can get a ~9-ton test payload to orbit with enough LFO to deorbit, plus some extra LF for atmospheric maneuvering:


As you can see, I like diamond-wing designs, the control surfaces from outside to inside are aileron, elevon, elevator. These are also the first planes I've done in a while that didn't need a utility compartment, the only non-aero part is an RTG hidden under the central airbrake of each. There's a bit of clipping of the intakes and fuel tanks, but I don't even feel bad because the aesthetic appeal makes up for it.

Totally stealing these.

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  Crikeycrapper said:
Hey Wanderfound, since KSP 1.0's aero changed, will your craft work with the new aero? Just asking.:)

99% of what's here is designed for FAR.

A lot of them will probably fly in stock (because stock is so forgiving that almost anything will fly), but no guarantees. Likewise for the old ships even with FAR installed; NuFAR is different enough from oldFAR that many ships will have radically altered drag profiles.

I did do a few designed-for-stock ships while I was waiting for NuFAR to arrive. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90747-Kerbodyne-SSTO-Division-Omnibus-Thread?p=1888219&viewfull=1#post1888219 and http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90747-Kerbodyne-SSTO-Division-Omnibus-Thread?p=1897125&viewfull=1#post1897125 and http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90747-Kerbodyne-SSTO-Division-Omnibus-Thread?p=1910666&viewfull=1#post1910666

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Ranger N is impressively... kerballed together. Not your usual style, but I like it :)

Had a 'little' go with nuFAR...

. Good performance, impressive spare delta-v; wouldn't be hard to tweak this bird for a Munar orbit, and might do Minmus landings if refuelled in LKO. Not sure I could do that with a 2-engine, 33 ton plane in stock :S

First revision didn't have airbrakes; kind of low drag so basically went 1/2 way round Kerbin before slowing down after atmospheric entry. Pulling up to gain some pancake-drag resulted in bouncing off the atmosphere at 30km and gaining altitude again. Twice xD

Edited by eddiew
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Am I the only guy here that prefers nuStock? It means you can get ridiculous stuff into orbit:

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This one's even K-Prize compliant, getting into orbit with at least 200 m/s dV to spare. It's also the first plane I've successfully landed...

Maybe we should put together some sort of pros/cons list for FAR and nuStock? Or maybe just a guide for nuFAR?

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Since there's usually some FAR experts hanging around in this thread, can anyone give me a suggestion with this? I'm mucking with B9 procedural wings for custom shapes and lower part counts. The craft below can get to orbit, but gets very unstable around 17-25km for absolutely no reason I can ascertain - other than that the CoL behaves very suspiciously in the SPH. In fact it's so suspicious that I'd be inclined to disregard it, if not for the horrible flight handling. Maybe proc wings just isn't happy with nuFAR yet? (I replicated the airframe approximately with stock wing parts and it flies much better - annoyingly.)


  Kagame said:
Am I the only guy here that prefers nuStock? It means you can get ridiculous stuff into orbit:

See three posts up - nuFAR doesn't stop you getting ridiculous stuff to orbit ;) You can however crash in nuFAR, which stock just doesn't let you do with a plane since there's no stall mechanic. On the other hand, nuFAR will let you get to orbit with a lot less rapiers/turbos, and a lot more delta-v left, so it's a case of choosing which fits your play style and requirements better :)

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Don't bother with the CoL indicator - do static analysis. And pitch stability does tend to become worse at higher mach numbers - you might want to add some AoA deflection to your pitching surfaces.

As for wings themselves, the CoP tends to focus toward the front of the wing, though obviously that will change with flight condition somewhat.

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  blowfish said:
Don't bother with the CoL indicator - do static analysis. And pitch stability does tend to become worse at higher mach numbers - you might want to add some AoA deflection to your pitching surfaces.

As for wings themselves, the CoP tends to focus toward the front of the wing, though obviously that will change with flight condition somewhat.

Pitch control is actually fine, it's more that around 17-20km and mach 2-3, suddenly the thing wants to either pancake spin or roll - always to the right, which is why I suspect the off-centred CoL is telling me something. I've double and triple checked for asymmetric thrust in low oxygen, and that's definitely not the culprit.

Guess maybe there's a reason planes aren't built like a this though xD A large square surface may be a perfect recipe for spins and rolls, especially when the engines are on the outside and have maximum leverage. Just odd that a stock equivalent of roughly the same shape behaves much better and can basically ascend to orbit unassisted... can't help wondering if there's some magic I'm missing about how to shape those procedural wings.


Just learned that starting a career game with nuFAR is basically impossible... ok, well, nuStock until I have decent fins seems reasonable...

Edited by eddiew
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Kerbodyne Kangaroo.

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Craft file at https://www.dropbox.com/s/cd5zy6ota4qd2ve/Kerbodyne%20Kangaroo.craft?dl=0

Requires Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

- - - Updated - - -

  eddiew said:
Just learned that starting a career game with nuFAR is basically impossible... ok, well, nuStock until I have decent fins seems reasonable...

That sounds like a challenge...

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Oh yeah... goo is available immediately... I have it in my head that it's an unlock that needs you to do a couple of basic flights first :P

It is however an utter pain to control a capsule on top of an SRB under FAR without fins xD

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