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Kerbodyne SSTO Division: Omnibus Thread

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Kerbodyne Chrome.

Interesting... I like the novel way of getting 3 air breathing engines AND a nuke in there. I'd probably have cheated and clipped one inside the other :P I'm guessing the pitch down from the tail turbojet isn't very significant?

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Interesting... I like the novel way of getting 3 air breathing engines AND a nuke in there. I'd probably have cheated and clipped one inside the other :P I'm guessing the pitch down from the tail turbojet isn't very significant?

Negligible; the turbojet is angled, and the lateral tanks are positioned to null the RAPIER torque as well.

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Nah, I just like preatty planes.

EDIT: *I spell Very well*

- - - Updated - - -

One other thing-the Radial engine bodys(I think thats what they are called anyways the inline intake you used on the twostep) are just a more expensive version of the Engine naclle.

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One other thing-the Radial engine bodys(I think thats what they are called anyways the inline intake you used on the twostep) are just a more expensive version of the Engine naclle.

More expensive and nicer looking. I also like pretty planes. :)

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The Xenu idea is epic - but is there a good way to increase TWR? 0.07 TWR sounds really boring even for ions.

For example, would it be practical to cut the liquid fuel fuselage and reaction wheels? I'm guessing the fuselage is there as much for length as fuel.

Edit: or why not use the body that has an intake? would the 3rd intake increase the jet ceiling?

Edited by lordcirth
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The Xenu idea is epic - but is there a good way to increase TWR? 0.07 TWR sounds really boring even for ions.

For example, would it be practical to cut the liquid fuel fuselage and reaction wheels? I'm guessing the fuselage is there as much for length as fuel.

Edit: or why not use the body that has an intake? would the 3rd intake increase the jet ceiling?

Increasing the jet ceiling would only save a small amount of oxidiser.

The idea was to have something with just enough oxidiser to reach orbit, plus some LF for atmospheric flight after reentry. Shaving the (already thin) fuel load would save a small amount of weight, but the bulk of the mass is in the engine, cockpit and wings.

Low TWR is just the price you pay for xenon; if you want faster, go nuke. There are plenty of 5-6,000m/s nuke ships here.

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Kerbodyne Nenu III.

Unusual designs in this series, but I like them :) They seem like good early-game ships, since you can reach nervas with a tier 2 R&D facility; much easier than you can get to rapiers ^^

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Unusual designs in this series, but I like them :) They seem like good early-game ships, since you can reach nervas with a tier 2 R&D facility; much easier than you can get to rapiers ^^

It basically came from me building a small RAPIER/nuke ship (Nenu I) and realising that I didn't need to turn the RAPIERs to rocket mode at any point. Keep the weight down, and a nuke or two is enough.

A nuke and turbo working together really is the most efficient way to orbit.

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The funny thing is Wanderfound I have downloaded some of your craft to test out and compare to my designs, and I dont understand how you fly craft with such high stall speeds due to such small wings. You are essentially fling manned missiles. Have you ever considered adding a bit more wing to your craft to increase your low speed handling?

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