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Base-in-a-Box: A single-launch base on Minmus - with FLAIR


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I like Minmus for bases because there are nice flat frozen seas on which to build -- and the light gravity makes landing big things easy. So I decided to see if I could send a nice big base there in one launch. Well, technically it's just the core of a base, but it's BIG. Other sections will follow: housing, science, garage & rovers, and much, much more. Somehow, I managed to forget to take a screenshot of the landed base before I sent the condo complex, so the final shot includes the four stacks of hitchhiker modules that was sent AFTER the base, in a different launch.

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The other thing is that I cracked up the landing in a big way - the entire base tumbled several times but somehow it miraculously did not break anything. My horizontal speed was very high as I touched down, but by that point it was too late to try and fix it so I thought I'd just go ahead and land and watch it explode spectacularly -- but it survived instead! I thought that was so cool so I didn't bother re-doing the landing. And most importantly, I was recording it. The beginning is pretty cool, as the fairings open up and you see the base emerge and unfold. After that, jump ahead to the 7:15 minute mark where it "lands" and watch the fun.

I will post the additional base modules as they arrive. Thanks for looking!

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