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Did i have chance to bring my probe from mun orbit back to Kerbin?

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This is link to my save file


I would be glad if someone told my does i have any chance to bring craft to Kerbin, i mean i landed it, used science module, get 100 science points, if i get it back to Kerbin, i know i can send it by radio, but i will get only 20 points:( and i want the all 100 points:D

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It would be better if you posted screenshots of your craft with the resource panel open.

Don't feel too bad about not making it back, though. It happened to all of us when we first started. It just takes lots of practice.

The best return from the mun is to take off at a 90 degree heading and get a circular low equatorial orbit around 8km (it doesn't have to be perfectly equatorial). Position your craft at it's closest point to Kerbin in that orbit around the Mun and burn prograde until the kerbin periapsis falls into the atmosphere. If you do it right, you won't need another burn, but it will look like your going the wrong direction at first.

Remember when first taking off, your most fuel efficient launch is to get just above the surrounding obstacles and gravity turn as low to the horizon as possible till your reach that 8k, this makes the circularization burn much cheaper.

Edited by Alshain
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  Alshain said:
It would be better if you posted screenshots of your craft with the resource panel open.

Don't feel too bad about not making it back, though. It happened to all of us when we first started. It just takes lots of practice.

The best return from the mun is to take off at a 90 degree heading and get a circular low equatorial orbit around 8km (it doesn't have to be perfectly equatorial). Position your craft at it's closest point to Kerbin in that orbit around the Mun and burn prograde until the kerbin periapsis falls into the atmosphere. If you do it right, you won't need another burn, but it will look like your going the wrong direction at first.

Remember when first taking off, your most fuel efficient launch is to get just above the surrounding obstacles and gravity turn as low to the horizon as possible till your reach that 8k, this makes the circularization burn much cheaper.

even better:D

I tried to lower the periapsis i know it can make craft faster and reduce fuel usage

Edited by Pawelk198604
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Yeah, your pretty low on Delta V there. You might be better off planning a rescue mission. You can take the science with you (surprising number of people don't know that, sorry if you did), just EVA and right click on the command pod or science equipment then EVA over to the rescue ship. Rendevous is real easy, much easier than landing on the Mun, you don't even have to dock just get the ship there with enough fuel to get home. Just make sure the rescue ship has a spare seat, it can be unmanned probe on a command pod or just a 2 seater with an empty seat.


Edited by Alshain
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  Alshain said:
Yeah, your pretty low on Delta V there. You might be better off planning a rescue mission. You can take the science with you (surprising number of people don't know that, sorry if you did), just EVA and right click on the command pod then EVA over to the rescue ship. Rendevous is real easy, much easier than landing on the Mun, you don't even have to dock just get the ship there with enough fuel to get home.


Thanks, Jebediah would love to hear that he was selected to insane science rescue mission :D

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  Alshain said:
You might be better off planning a rescue mission. You can take the science with you (surprising number of people don't know that, sorry if you did), just EVA and right click on the command pod or science equipment then EVA over to the rescue ship.

The much more fun way is to send over a ship with a CLAW to grab it and haul it back

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  zarakon said:
The much more fun way is to send over a ship with a CLAW to grab it and haul it back

Agree, but I wasn't sure he had that level of tech if he is still grabbing science from the Mun, and having trouble at it, I think he probably isn't that far along.

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Try and find out? Quicksave and burn. It is close but it seems like you could maybe pull it off. It looks like that 10m/s of dV you need puts you really low on kerbin. You only need to get down to around 40km to aerobrake. At that height you will have to do a number of passes but you will eventually land without needing any more fuel.

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Hard to see the ship in the video (if only you'd swung the camera round to show the lit side!) and I can't load the save since I've yet to upgrade to .24, but attempting to re-create it I reckon you've got 230 m/s of delta-V in Munar orbit at best, which I don't think is enough for a direct return to Kerbin.

If you can redo the launch, do so, there are often delta-V savings to be made there. For a start you don't need a 32 km orbit, 6.5 is fine if you're in a roughly equatorial orbit.

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