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Hello. I really want to start adding my own parts and addons to ksp, however I cant understand much.... can you guys share a simple list of how and what do I need to download/get/do to start modding? Im using C4D, not Blender...

few questions though:

1. Whats a good program for coding in ksp?

2. How can I export .MU and the other file extension from C4D,

3. Does the part texture will stay with the model ? (so if Ive colored my model in C4D to be green, will it stay so?)


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Thank you, I cant add the parttools package into unity, all its saying is "Then you open unity with the parttools package loaded up.", how do I put it in?... also, 0.23 parttools are okay? and I love mechjeb :P

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Thanks, Im sorry for those questions, but few more:

1. Ive put the things in the parttool asset folder and opened it as unity project, its worked so far,

2. any tutorial of what to do from here?

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1. Sorry, I am not sure.

2. Do you mean a part.cfg? Every part in the Squad/Parts folder has one and it defines the parameters of the part. Take a look at those and try to create one based off the info found there. (Best suggestion I can give while not being a part creator myself)

3. Sorry, yet another thing I do not know about. =\

Hope that helps, even if it is just a smidgen~

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For me I started with this tutorial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71CIu-Pkn3k.

It's not very polished and it doesn't cover a whole load of techniques BUT it is the ONLY tutorial I have found that covers EVERYTHING you need to know to make a basic part. It doesn't assume you know how to load in part tools unlike others (why would people know that if they haven't modeled before?). It doesn't assume you have used blender or unity before like others. I would love to see a better edited version of it but it beats all other tutorials for covering the basics. It is far too easy to assume other people know something you know because you learned it long ago and don't have to think about it.

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Wow that really is Starting from Zero.

In terms of programming I really would ask what you want to program? Quite a few affects can be achieved by modifying the .CFG files rather than programing new coded modules. The .CFG files are not well documented but after a lot of experimentation I found you can do a lot of things with them you would assume you need a module for.

I've been programing as an amateur on and off for many years. I did programing at university although that was a while ago. I'm not the best programmer and I'm not the worst but programming for KSP is very hard. Learning to program when you have to treat other bits of code as black boxes is very hard. Programming of KSP is not a good place to start programming and not an easy place to program in. I have managed to get some bits of code together which is why I started learning modeling so that the whole thing could be presented as a whole package. The modelling has taken a couple of months to get the hang of and even now I'm sure I'm not doing some bits right or in the most efficient way. I dread to think of what I would have programed if I was learning programming at the same time.

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