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[1.12.x] Freight Transport Technologies [v0.6.0]


How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)  

389 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about the VTOL engines? (Vote for both)

    • Propfan: Just right!
    • Propfan: OMG! Overpowered!
    • LFO Thrusters: Too weak
    • LFO Thrusters: Just right!
    • LFO Thrusters: OMG! Overpowered!

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  Caithloki said:
So weird glitch or maybe by design but the Kontainer 2.5m says it costs 3.8k but when you select Rocket parts it goes to I think 5 million, I just found this out after getting one into orbit. Just thought I'd mention this incase anyone else wonders where their money went and to hopefully have Roverdude fix it :P

Yup can confirm this as well.. exact amount 4,458,890 kerbucks :)

Looking at the cfg, looks like just a couple extra digits got typed in...

the tankcost line reads

tankCost = 31500;36;13500;36000;14400;4131;[U][B]4500090[/B][/U];630000;720000;360000

This could be intended for all i know. IMHO rocketparts SHOULD be expensive :P to help encourage people to go get them off planet.

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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  Caithloki said:
So weird glitch or maybe by design but the Kontainer 2.5m says it costs 3.8k but when you select Rocket parts it goes to I think 5 million, I just found this out after getting one into orbit. Just thought I'd mention this incase anyone else wonders where their money went and to hopefully have Roverdude fix it :P

I would log a github. Also it's good to specify that the cost goes to 4,458,890 funds empty. So its not like you are forgetting to factor in the cost of rocketparts.



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I am not quite sure on how to log a github, or quite sure what it means. I have seen it mentioned a few times but never asked. I'm more then willing to log a github though.


Nevermind figured it out, sent a ticket for the funds issue now.

Edited by Caithloki
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I second the request for more powerful RCS, it would be a nice option to allow launching fully loaded containers which weigh a few hundred tons each.

I've about to reach orbit with my starmover after about a week failed launches and redesigns. I've learned that due to the weakness of stock RCS, it's highly unlikely to launch an 800 ton payload without ensuring it's as rigid as possible.

Also short squat radial boosters are excellent for stability, though I've had a lot of problems with discarded stages ramming into the rest of the rocket, I shouldn't have been dumping radial boosters during a gravity turn anyway.

The successful launch: nBGL9ss.png

860 tons fully fuelled, 280 of that being liquid hydrogen. Enough to haul 600 tons from duna with 1700 dv.

This was the final booster configuration I used:


Always plagued with problems, even this launch did not go smoothly, you can see 5 14400 tanks with rhinos at the very bottom of the stack, the first booster stage damaged half of these and they were discarded for symmetry, luckily there was barely enough fuel left to reach orbit without that final stage.

Features include 3 cargo racks with docking ports for carrying colony modules, or senior docking ports for larger payloads.


3 Kontainers attached with docking ports, 8 enclosed cargo bays, and 12 radial MKS tanks.


Also 12 radially attached docking ports around the drive section allowing the easy attachment of an additional 860 tons of fuel tanks.


These would allow a staggering 2800 tons of freight to be delivered back to Kerbin from Duna, or a much smaller quantity from Jool, or deliver a decent colony setup to Laythe.

Edited by MarcAFK
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Got enough delta V?

And why are you trying to launch fully loaded kontainers in the first place?!?!?!?! They haul hundreds of tone for a reason. They are not meant to launch full!

EDIT: The mark 1 actually makes a nice fueler from kerbin to fill up the behemoths.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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It wasn't launched full, all containers and fuel tanks were empty except for mono propellant, 10 tons of Uranium for the reactor (no containers hold enriched uranium so refuelling would be difficult) and about 50 tons of fuel which was intended for reaching duna, but was actually needed for circularising due to the problem with the last booster stage.

Starmover parts are heavy, those radial ASAS modules weigh 30 tons each, engines and the reactor 20 tons each, most structural parts are over a ton, and finally empty hydrogen tanks themself are 30 tons empty, holding only 46 tons of fuel. Im shocked that I managed so much dV without the modified tanks.

With my modded parts the whole thing would be significantly lighter, though I did make Kontainers heavier depending on the payload, a base weight of 2.5 tons, double the weight if the cargo weighs 50-100 tons, and for ore and metal I believe I made them weigh 10-15 tons empty which is about 5% the cargo weight.

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It probably goes without saying that these things are not actually intended to be launched from Kerbin (EPL orbital construction is a very appealing option with them). Also I did some maths and Roverdude does not use the same cheat factor that Nertea does with LH2, and that may be why I find delta-V problems with these.

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While this ship does work and I will try using it for it's intended purpose, it has 300 parts and consequently causes terrible lag during launch, and occasional lag while maneuvering, but it was a pretty good test of the capabilities of the starmover parts.

Its possible the empty mass of the LH2 tanks will be reduced in the future to be more inline with stock fuel tanks, but at least I've proven the parts work well straight out of the box, of note is that the ASAS modules were essential for keeping it stable during launch, they use so much power a reactor is needed (they only use about 4% of it though) and good reinforcement is needed around the ASAS modules to keep the ship from wobbling when they're operating.

An interesting thing I discovered is that there's a massive difference in density between a full LH2 tank and a standard fuel tank, so any heavy starmover will always need a pretty big volume of tanks to have any DV, even considering the efficiency of the nuclear engines, and Kontainers can get damn heavy so it's best to design a simple efficient rocket for moving the heavy ones like ore or metal, a single Kontainer at a time attached to a robotic ship with a single engine and barely enough dv.

They survive re-entry and can be lithobraked though :P

Edited by MarcAFK
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  Captain Sierra said:

Got enough delta V?

And why are you trying to launch fully loaded kontainers in the first place?!?!?!?! They haul hundreds of tone for a reason. They are not meant to launch full!

EDIT: The mark 1 actually makes a nice fueler from kerbin to fill up the behemoths.

The "Mark 1" what?

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Since I cannot fly a VTOL to save my life, what are the odds you can add some giant all-terrain monster truck type wheels for the Honey Badger...so I can just drive the thing around like the spice harvesters on Dune.


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  Smurfalot said:

Since I cannot fly a VTOL to save my life, what are the odds you can add some giant all-terrain monster truck type wheels for the Honey Badger...so I can just drive the thing around like the spice harvesters on Dune.

Kerbal Foundries wheels and tracks maybe?

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  Smurfalot said:

Since I cannot fly a VTOL to save my life, what are the odds you can add some giant all-terrain monster truck type wheels for the Honey Badger...so I can just drive the thing around like the spice harvesters on Dune.

  smjjames said:
Kerbal Foundries wheels and tracks maybe?

Yea, there are plenty of other mods with big wheels and tracks. I don't see Rover needing to put time into it.

Honestly though, the stock wheels work fine for me.

Also, Get Throttle Controlled Avionics. Trust me it is a godsend for VTOLS. Especially if you are like me and can't be bothered tweaking the balance to be perfect.


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hi peoples! sorry,i wasn't read all posts - only last 12 pages .

i really like this mod,but after update to 1.0.2 can't get "planetary survey camera" work .it's always "broken" when i got to space ... what i am doing wrong ? in V0.9 i was able to see a colored balls on surface ,how can i do it now?

- - - Updated - - -

and - ya ,installing this mod stacking on some file(don't_rememder_325) . i have delete him .

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  BENDERr said:
hi peoples! sorry,i wasn't read all posts - only last 12 pages .

i really like this mod,but after update to 1.0.2 can't get "planetary survey camera" work .it's always "broken" when i got to space ... what i am doing wrong ? in V0.9 i was able to see a colored balls on surface ,how can i do it now?

A few things.

First, The planetary survey camera is not part of this mod. It is part of MKS

The "balls" haven't been a thing in forever. I am pretty sure they disappeared with the .90 releases

All USI mods now use the stock resource engeine. So the survey camera works much like the stock system for scanning.

Make sure you have all mods fully up to date.

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i noticed that some of the parts have different values in the cfgs. For example most of the parts have:

breakingForce = 203040
breakingTorque = 203040

But the cargo bay has only:

breakingForce = 2030
breakingTorque = 2030

The small cargo pod has:

breakingForce = 12690
breakingTorque = 12690

But the jumbo cargo pod has::

breakingForce = 1410
breakingTorque = 1410

Are these correct? Should they be all different like that?

I am trying to stick a MPL in the cargo bay, but it breaks away from the node inside the cargo bay with even the slightest provocation.

Can one of the Kontainer textures be used to turn a Kontainer into an MPL analog and also maybe another for a hitchhicker can type module to carry kerbals instead of supplies?

I have also tried using an UKS octogonal landing module for legs on my honey badger....they fit pretty well, but seem to not be anywhere near as rugged as the other HB parts. Since HB does not have any dedicated landing gear packaged with it, how about something similar to the Octo lander with a proper HB texture/look and adjusted stats to balance with the rest of the HB parts?

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Those values are massive, the last version of FTT didn't even have breaking force or torque on any parts so I modded them to force between 50-400 and haven't had problems with any parts breaking except for the ASAS module which doesn't surprise me considering the effort it was putting into controlling my stupidly huge ship.

Could your problem be part clipping? I have had parts spontaneously spring apart from each other on loading the Launchpad because they were clipping.

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