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[1.12.x] Asteroid Recycling Technologies


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*sigh* I want to install this and use it for a Munar fuel depot just for sh**s and giggles but the plugin which powers the Near Future engines is pretty busted up by 0.90 and Nertea has crap going on. Alas we are left without an update (and this ain't an issue a quick recompile can fix) and without my MPDTs I refuse to do an ARM attempt.

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I discovered that mining when the rock resource of the asteroid is not full (either due to venting or using rock) causes the rock resource to fill up without new space being added before it's full.

Looking at the source for REGO_ModuleAsteroidDrill, space is not added before it's needed, but asteroid mass is not subtracted before space is added either. The implication of this is that is that a single small asteroid can give you an infinite supply of rock for the mass driver and extractors. It seems to me that the natural fix would be to simply always add space and remove mass.

Also, it seems like the total space available for an asteroid always being 0 is simply because ConvertSpace in USI_AsteroidTank only increases availCapacity, not maxCapacity.

I'd send pull requests for both fixes, but I don't like submitting untested code and I don't have a C# build environment available.

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Ok, I seem to have a problem.

(Skimmed this thread so far, but didn't find anything... Probably should have looked more closely)

So, problem is this:

I caught a class-A-asteroid and put it in Kerbin orbit. Put a "Jaw" on it. But I can't seem to carve out the astroid.

I don't even get a mass.

Looks like this:


(Says "rock 0/0" at the bottom)

None of the buttons does anything.

So, what am I doing wrong? I believe I have all the required mods installed... (ART, CRS, KAS, Regolith, AES... and more)

Undocking the transfer vessel doesn't do anything.

Not enough energy? Class A too small? Something else I overlooked?

P.S.: Just LOVE your mods... just beginning with them and haven't understood them all yet. So most likely it is an error on my part.

EDIT: Nevermind. It was my "usual" mistake. Found the error. But seriously.... who keeps track all the time if he has really the current version and not an "old" one (as in "from yesterday")

Thanks anyway! It was - as I predicted - an error on my part.

Edited by Tokay Gris
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I'm having a headache putting a Class E asteroid into Kerbin orbit and figured I'd use this mod to diminish the mass of the asteroid.. so, curious question: how much "space" can i create from an asteroid with more than 1000tons of mass?

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I hate to post this because the awnser is probaly obvious. But is the probe implimented ( the thing that according OP says how much rock is left ) and if so where can you find it in the VAB ? Is it even called "probe" ? as the storage tanks in the OP are actauly called fuel hatches. Or is there some other sensor thing from another mod that does the same thing ?

Im really getting irked with this new part selecting system, the old one had less features but atleast I knew where every thing is. Ive spent alot more time just trying to finding parts then building damn ships. Also would it be possible to make a wiki with all the USI stuff in it. I love all the mods but holy crap are they complicated and nowhere near enough documentation to come close to figuring them out.

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I have a problem that keeps popping up, whenever I use the JAW and try to warp (non-physical uber fast one), then I try and use the ship, the jaw piece is frozen in space.

When its on the launchpad and I speed up time, then try to launch, everything else tries to move while the jaw is frozen in place. in space it simply tears the ship apart.

my mods are roverdudes general mods plus mechjeb, KAS, and docking port alignment.

any idea whats up?

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  victus nolen said:
I have a problem that keeps popping up, whenever I use the JAW and try to warp (non-physical uber fast one), then I try and use the ship, the jaw piece is frozen in space.

When its on the launchpad and I speed up time, then try to launch, everything else tries to move while the jaw is frozen in place. in space it simply tears the ship apart.

my mods are roverdudes general mods plus mechjeb, KAS, and docking port alignment.

any idea whats up?

Your report is not very clear. Are you saying the jaw physically does not move when you attempt to launch following time warp? I don't understand how one part can be locked on rails but not the entire vessel as that actually defies the way KSP handles orbital pathing.

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  Captain Sierra said:
Your report is not very clear. Are you saying the jaw physically does not move when you attempt to launch following time warp? I don't understand how one part can be locked on rails but not the entire vessel as that actually defies the way KSP handles orbital pathing.

It can happen, though. If a PartModule does something with physics (forces or joints), a bug can put it in a state where the part's position and velocity fail to update and it freezes relative to the current physics coordinate system. I'd need a Unity log to have any idea why the Jaw would do that after coming out of time warp. If any of the modules on the Jaw normally did that, someone else would have found it.

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  Captain Sierra said:
Your report is not very clear. Are you saying the jaw physically does not move when you attempt to launch following time warp? I don't understand how one part can be locked on rails but not the entire vessel as that actually defies the way KSP handles orbital pathing.

Exactly! It makes no sense! Its like the object is just frozen in space and everything else is trying to move around it, like its a fixed structure.

this shot is from the launch pad after the engines have been running for a bit and the structure underneath the jaw wobbles

  undercoveryankee said:
It can happen, though. If a PartModule does something with physics (forces or joints), a bug can put it in a state where the part's position and velocity fail to update and it freezes relative to the current physics coordinate system. I'd need a Unity log to have any idea why the Jaw would do that after coming out of time warp. If any of the modules on the Jaw normally did that, someone else would have found it.

Can you upload pictures from your computer directly on here? Just tried to but not sure if it worked, basically exactly what you described though.

How would I get you a unity log?

Edited by Master Tao
merge double post
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Wasn't sure if this thought should be here or in MKS/OKS thread but since this does deployable tanks and such inside an asteroid what about the greenhouses or habitats from OKS. Expanding greenhouses and habitats into the asteroid makes real-world sense and would allow for a lower part count and something to do with the asteroids after emptying them of resources besides just fuel tanks especially if 1 expandable greenhouse part can be used to take the place of all needed greenhouse parts. It could tie into the crew part for the people needed for efficiency.

I always ran under the assumption that each biomass module needed its own greenhouse so if I am wrong then this is a useless idea.

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I am having an annoying problem with this very promising mod.

I have launched a ship with a JAW and karbonite converter, as well as a LFO converter. I flew this ship to intercept an asteroid in solar orbit, so it would be attached when it enters kerbins SOI.

The problem i have is that the JAW does not have an option to start melting rock.

Right clicking on the JAW gives the following:

Status: Locked

status: No info

Release (Option)

Control From Here (Option)

Free Pivot (Option)

The two status messages are sort of confusing.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

ADDITION: I just noticed that when right clicking on the asteroid the following lines are missing relative to the youtube video:

Remaining Rock

Asteroid Size

This may be the issue.

How do i "Initialize" the asteroid?

Edited by niceundtidy
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  niceundtidy said:
The problem i have is that the JAW does not have an option to start melting rock.

Right clicking on the JAW gives the following:

Status: Locked

status: No info

Release (Option)

Control From Here (Option)

Free Pivot (Option)

The two status messages are sort of confusing.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

ADDITION: I just noticed that when right clicking on the asteroid the following lines are missing relative to the youtube video:

Remaining Rock

Asteroid Size

This may be the issue.

How do i "Initialize" the asteroid?

Same thing here. And in the parts, I can't find any of the tanks except for the 'fuel tank.'

EDIT: Read some earlier posts in this thread, found the fix. Had to install KSP-AVC then update several things(not including ART though). Everything is now working as it should be.

Edited by narf0708
Because I can't read.
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Same thing in my game, no "remaining rock" or asteroid size. Also, every time i reload the game, the asteroid mass is replenished. "compress" doesn't work either. And now I have millions of units of space which would require tens of thousands of "expand" clicks to use.

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  locustgate said:
Are all the parts suppose to have TBD in the description and manufacturer and be called extraction module? Just want to check to see if my download isn't corrupted.

TBD: To Be Determined. Yes, all the descriptions are just TBD for the time being, thats normal. It just means Roverdude has not gotten around to writing descriptions for them (I'm sure if he asked his users could whip up some awesome ones, hint hint).

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  locustgate said:
Are all the parts suppose to have TBD in the description and manufacturer and be called extraction module? Just want to check to see if my download isn't corrupted.

Your download is fine, they are still TBD.

@ Captain Sierra - I've actually edited all the cfg with Descriptions and manufactures for my own install :P Id be happy to put up a pull request if Rover wanted :D Just didn't wanna throw it up there if he had plans of his own for them.

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Well i figured out what my - and possibly why it wasn't showing up for many others as well. when i went to update regolith, i noticed a new file that wasn't there before, so i'm guessing maybe It was accidentally left out of one of the updates? That's my best guess. :D

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  victus nolen said:
I have a problem that keeps popping up, whenever I use the JAW and try to warp (non-physical uber fast one), then I try and use the ship, the jaw piece is frozen in space.

When its on the launchpad and I speed up time, then try to launch, everything else tries to move while the jaw is frozen in place. in space it simply tears the ship apart.

my mods are roverdudes general mods plus mechjeb, KAS, and docking port alignment.

any idea whats up?

I can confirm this bug. Havent tried it in space, but upon trying to launch my JAW-vessel, I am running into the exact same problem. :(

If there is anything I could do to help figure this out, let me know...


- - - Updated - - -

Here is the craft-file if needed. Only other mod I used is KW Rocketry iirc...


EDIT: strange, now it works again.... hrmmm :P

EDIT 2: now its happening to all other ships that were working fine before I spawned the jaw for the first time ever. Stuff that has been in space for years suddenly gets ripped apart through structural failures. Looks like my save is corrupted now. Luckily I have a backup. :)

Edited by TrooperCooper
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I've gotten the exact same issue, I have no idea if it's a stock bug or a USI one, but The first launch on any session runs fine, and that usually means I can launch and capture and redirect the asteroid. Then my next launch works fine UNTIL I do a non physical time warp, then the momentum tearing means timewarp and self destruct are the same buttons. It doesn't matter if the time warp is on the launchpad or in orbit. Closing the game fixes this for exactly one launch then no matter what ship I hop to after the initial ship the timewarp tearing happens. It only ever happens to me when I have already harpooned a rock, and is sometime resolved by me letting go of the rock (Not always though)

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Hey RoverDude, any recent thoughts or musings with respect to the old Asteroid Cities integration? I really like the styling of the 2.5M Klaw better than the stock grappler or other small part for creating a robust foundational part for an asteroid complex.

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