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Kethane Station Discussion


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  HatBat said:
Sounds like you've got some really cool designs! The reason carriers aren't allowed to carry extra ammunition is to stop BD armoury weapons from having too much of an advantage over stock weapons, but the way things are going they probably won't need extra ammo - BD turrets in the series will be limited to a short yet undecided amount of time for which they can fire in each turn. For example: if I had 5 seconds worth of firing time in a turn I might spend 3 seconds of it on one ship and 2 seconds on another. This means even a small amount of ammunition will last a long time.

Okay, that perfectly explains the reasoning, and I understand it now. Guess I'd best go design a few stock weapons and resupply ships for said weapons! I think I've got a few ideas already...

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Y'all know those challenges some people do. Well I was going to make one.

Basically the idea is using setting up targets around KSC you have to destroy. The idea an unknown enemy has taken over KSC so you have to retake it by destroying all the targets.

Yes BD Armory will be used so you can take out the targets but they will fight back

The catch: You have to keep damage to the buildings as minimal as possible.

If I make something like this would y'all be interested in doing it?

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So whats the deal with Kerbpaint? I know that only allies companies are allowed to use it, however what I don't know is how I get flags/logos on the craft. It seems that the mod hasn't been touched in some time and that there is now allot of stuff other people have made for it. My question is what are the ones you have been using and do you really care if we even use kerbpaint?

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  DerpenWolf said:
So whats the deal with Kerbpaint? I know that only allies companies are allowed to use it, however what I don't know is how I get flags/logos on the craft. It seems that the mod hasn't been touched in some time and that there is now allot of stuff other people have made for it. My question is what are the ones you have been using and do you really care if we even use kerbpaint?

From what I understand he has decided not to use kerbpaint but will use logos.

Hatbat correct me if I'm wrong

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You're spot on War Eagle. To create your own logos you'll need to download my template from the OP, open up the image file in your editor of choice, paste or create your own logo/emblem, save it, rename the part name in the parts config file, rename the folder, and finally drag the whole thing into the 'Parts' folder in your main KSP directory.

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  Megalodon 720 said:
I think the current logos are awesome, but the GMI logos were barely visible on Victory's massive, grey hull. Making different sizes of logo shouldn't be a bad idea.

I tried that when making the logos, unfortunately it breaks whatever ship I put them on :/

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  HatBat said:
You're spot on War Eagle. To create your own logos you'll need to download my template from the OP, open up the image file in your editor of choice, paste or create your own logo/emblem, save it, rename the part name in the parts config file, rename the folder, and finally drag the whole thing into the 'Parts' folder in your main KSP directory.

Ok so I tried this and I can't quite get it to work. Right now I currently have all of your files (unedited for testing purposes) in a folder called "HKA Logo" that is residing with the other major part folders such as Aero and MK1. Any clue what I'm doing wrong? Also for future reference I'm guessing you need the part file stuff with the save and whatnot.

Edited by DerpenWolf
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  DerpenWolf said:
Ok so I tried this and I can't quite get it to work. Right now I currently have all of your files (unedited for testing purposes) in a folder called "HKA Logo" that is residing with the other major part folders such as Aero and MK1. Any clue what I'm doing wrong? Also for future reference I'm guessing you need the part file stuff with the save and whatnot.

I had to rebuild the cfg from scratch. Try this one http://www./download/64jkn0t0qwf23h2/PTV+insignia.zip

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  HatBat said:
Don't put them in the Gamedata folder, put them in the parts folder in the main KSP folder. If you don't have one then make one - it still works.

Well Derp, It worked. Totally forgot about the other parts folder... Still, Thanks for the help!

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Requesting permission to use Lack Laster Lab hull parts for capital ships? I enjoy the "Homeworld" look that is possible with them. Also requesting BDarmory turrets that Lack made to match with LLL They are the large 105 smooth-bore turret, and the small dual 6dpr turrets.

For hopeful balance issues I will limit the weapons as such per each class of ship;

Frigate: only 2 small turrets per facing max of 4 turrets.

Missile frigate: two forward hydra rocket pods with maximum 400 rockets

Cruiser: One large turret fore, and One large turret aft with 2 small turrets where ever.

Heavy frigate: 4 small forward turrets, 2 small aft turrets, two forward hydra rocket pods with only 100 rockets

Heavy Cruiser: Two large turrets forward, One large turret aft, 4 smaller turrets

Battleship: Four large guns, Six small guns, 4 50 cal turrets on guard mode

Carrier: None of the large or smaller guns and only small cal guns. Vulcans, 50 cal turrets.

If not then I am not good with making stock weapons at all. And would most likely just have no weapons on my ships except the smaller guns from BDArmory and maybe one or two of his 105 radial guns.


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Have a use for the Spirit bomber?


There is also Titan hunter, a SSTO with 3 large cargo bays, i have a version up with carpet bombs, can upload my version with 9 stock controllable missiles if you want it.


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Krek Tech Industries (KTI)

Log (will be updated over time in accordance to new events as well as new spacecraft development, so keep a lookout)


Krek Tech Industries (KTI) is a exploration and science based company that strives to develop cutting edge technologies as well as high quality civilian craft. However with the recent turn of events we have realized the "Scope" of our current situation and have thus decided to ally ourselves with HKA in this fight. We are are currently in the process of designing as well as touching up a number of combat spacecraft. However for now we only have a few overhauled research craft among a few other things to through into the fight. Though we do believe you will be quite impressed when you see what we have managed to build thus far. For now we can't quite let you know where we are based due to security concerns though we will tell you that we do have orbital shipyards and processing systems, allowing us to manufacture in space. This means we can get ships and supplies in faster then most. We also plan on sending out munition and fuel dumps for any of our allies to utilize.

(Here is some potential lore for the company if you think it fits)

After a small research outpost of ours on Vall "vanished" under mysterious circumstances we became somewhat upset with GMI. The team there was researching an artifact on the moon and from our last transmissions it appeared that they had made some sort of great discovery regarding point to point FTL travel. According to what few recordings we have left they seemed to have believed that they could build such a device quite easily. However they did seem to believe that their main problem was going lie within navigating to the right point in space, meaning that for the time being such a device would be limited to interplanetary distances. After hearing of this discovery we immediately ordered them to encrypt and upload all of their research data to the nearest com satellite orbiting the planet and to pack up and wait to be extracted. When the drop-ship arrived to pick up the base we found a few GMI ships leaving the moons SOI and a rather large crater where our outpost had been... When we questioned them they claimed that a asteroid had just nailed the planet and gave us very fuzzy footage of the event. The impacted area was not only clearly not caused by any rough space rock but it was also unusually radioactive... Most of the communication satalites were also missing, though we did manage to salvage some data from one that was in a very unstable degrading orbit. After GMI showed off their FTL capabilities we are certain that they were more involved then they had initially claimed to be. We are joining HKA in this fight not only to try to recover our lost research and hopefully personnel, but to also settle this "Dispute" for good...

Fleet 1:

Here is what we can send you now, though we may get more ships up soon.

We currently have 2 converted Greyhound Cruisers named Valient and Altros ready to join the fight. We have also set up a fuel and ammo dump in a high Dres orbit. (Lol, first time I've ever had anything in a dres orbit)

Here is an image of the Supply station


Station Statistics:

Mass: 1109.48 tons

Parts: 610 (pretty much all ammo)

Munitions: 6 Accelerator Guided Missiles, 6 Eight Shot Radial Rocket Packs, 9 Single Shot Re-loadable munitions, 3 PUNCH Anti Capital Ship Weapons.

And here is a download that includes the presistance file that the ships are in as well as the stuff for the logo (for those of you who don't know, put the presistance file in a new save and put the rest of the stuff in a folder in the main parts section)


Greyhound Support Cruiser


The Greyhounds are converted research/logistics vessels that were once used to transport light supplies as well as move and study small asteroids. These ships may not the most heavily armored but they do have a decent range as well as the ability to haul 2 of our fighters along with a pile of munitions. The vessel is estimated to be best used like a light carrier and a cruiser if things get sketchy. This means that for the most part the fighters should do the fighting though if it comes to it the vessel can be equipped with heavy anti-capital ship weapons as well as operate some of the guided missiles (Stock probe core ones) into enemy ships. These ships have almost 2 of everything so they can take a good deal of damage and still fight. Despite the standard armor these ships can take a good deal of punishment before being totally crippled. In fact large sections of the ship to be blown away while still leaving the craft functional!


The design actually allows for mini ships to break off of the craft and act as support vessels if it blows up right! (If the ship still has a cockpit, fuel, and engines connected its still a functioning vessel!):D


The vessel has a claw with lights, allowing it so salvage fuel among other things from derelict wrecks.

In addition to this you can see the two forward docking ports that can act as mounting points for heavier weaponry.


The 2 fighters are docked at the rear of the ship and come pre-equiped with a mixed set of weapon


The craft also includes 2 cargo bays full of munitions for these fighters. Each bay comes pre-filled with 3 Accelerator guided missiles, 1 Eight shot radial rocket pack, and 1 light tug for moving munitions (and maybe even guiding them to their targets)


Note: Mechjeb is the only mod included

Statistics and other data

Parts - 646 (Almost half of this is from the munitions and fighters aboard so I would advise just using it like a carrier until you burn through some munitions)

Fire-able projectiles included - 40

Fully loaded Mass - ~92 tons

Fully loaded Range - ~4400m/s

Unloaded Range - ~6300m/s

Action Groups for the main ship:

10 (0): Toggle engines

9: Toggle the cargo doors

8: Toggle the docking ports near the cockpits

7: Toggle the CLAW and its lights

Action Groups for the Fighters

1: Toggle the solar panels

2: Toggle the ion engines

Standard Fighter Stuffs

Coming soon!

Guide to the various munitions/how to use them

More coming soon!!

(Critical thing to know about the Accelerator Missiles is that they can go so stupidly fast that they just clip through ships... Though if they do land a hit at high speed it can devastate even the most heavily armored ships. Choose you level of throttle wisely. Also note that they round can fly independently or be launched.)

This post is still a work in progress so keep an eye out for major changes and updates!!!

Edited by DerpenWolf
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  Damaske said:
Requesting permission to use Lack Laster Lab hull parts for capital ships? I enjoy the "Homeworld" look that is possible with them. Also requesting BDarmory turrets that Lack made to match with LLL They are the large 105 smooth-bore turret, and the small dual 6dpr turrets.

For hopeful balance issues I will limit the weapons as such per each class of ship;

Frigate: only 2 small turrets per facing max of 4 turrets.

Missile frigate: two forward hydra rocket pods with maximum 400 rockets

Cruiser: One large turret fore, and One large turret aft with 2 small turrets where ever.

Heavy frigate: 4 small forward turrets, 2 small aft turrets, two forward hydra rocket pods with only 100 rockets

Heavy Cruiser: Two large turrets forward, One large turret aft, 4 smaller turrets

Battleship: Four large guns, Six small guns, 4 50 cal turrets on guard mode

Carrier: None of the large or smaller guns and only small cal guns. Vulcans, 50 cal turrets.

If not then I am not good with making stock weapons at all. And would most likely just have no weapons on my ships except the smaller guns from BDArmory and maybe one or two of his 105 radial guns.


I'm afraid I can't allow certain people to use other mods, because when it all comes down to it the mods I allow are just the ones I have installed. And at the moment I'm trying to keep as few part mods as I possibly can in order to reduce lag in an all ready unbelievably laggy and buggy series. Sorry, but you're just going to have to make do with the rules I've already set out :/

  Roflcopterkklol said:
Have a use for the Spirit bomber?


There is also Titan hunter, a SSTO with 3 large cargo bays, i have a version up with carpet bombs, can upload my version with 9 stock controllable missiles if you want it.


Looks pretty good, downloading now :)

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  DerpenWolf said:
Krek Tech Industries (KTI)

Those looks amazing, can't wait to use them in the series :D. But first you're going to have to add the ship files, there's not much I can do with the persistence other than look at the ships. You might also want to put everything in a zip file and upload that instead as you do have quite a few files.

  megatiger78 said:
100th post (probably) ok so U just remembered that I wiped my save file so I don't have the prototypes ships I made

- - - Updated - - -

Although I might not have wiped it. I can't remember

It's the 1000th we're after, not the 100th :P. Anyway, be right back - I'm going to bag myself the 1000th post now :)

EDIT: Oh noes, it's not letting me take it ; _ ;

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Ha! Just wanted to say that. You made me. :P

Edit: For the sake of adding something to the discussion, totally in favor of stockifying it further, even. Cool things can be done on stock, you have enough submissions to choose from, and the less crashes and lag you get, the more KS we get. In fact, if you could run it in 32bit with just visual mods and BD, that would be awesome.

Rune. But yeah, that's a filler. This is for the number.

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