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Kethane Station Discussion


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Well, I was planning on making a company(Kerbolar System Exploration{KSE}, which would be positioned around Dres) and submitting a few ships(3, the Defense, the Liberator, and the Protector), but now the only ship I know would fit (with my method of putting it on here because I can't use downloading websites) is my obsolete wreck of space fighter which wouldn't make sense without the right carrier:( , and the only other reason I got an account on forums was to answer the dreadnought question, and the answer is that the dreadnought was a giant ..../German destroyer/carrier(I forget) from world war 1/2(I forget).

Edited by Probe 1
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Well, I was planning on making a company(Kerbolar System Exploration{KSE}, which would be positioned around Dres) and submitting a few ships(3, the Defense, the Liberator, and the Protector), but now the only ship I know would fit (with my method of putting it on here because I can't use downloading websites) is my obsolete wreck of space fighter which wouldn't make sense without the right carrier:( , and the only other reason I got an account on forums was to answer the dreadnought question, and the answer is that the dreadnought was a giant ..../German destroyer/carrier(I forget) from world war 1/2(I forget).

Calm down man, everything's fine, you can send me the downloads, I'll post them and give all credit to you.

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Well, I was planning on making a company(Kerbolar System Exploration{KSE}, which would be positioned around Dres) and submitting a few ships(3, the Defense, the Liberator, and the Protector), but now the only ship I know would fit (with my method of putting it on here because I can't use downloading websites) is my obsolete wreck of space fighter which wouldn't make sense without the right carrier:( , and the only other reason I got an account on forums was to answer the dreadnought question, and the answer is that the dreadnought was a giant ..../German destroyer/carrier(I forget) from world war 1/2(I forget).

You can send ships to the submission email ([email protected]), your email service should allow you to just upload the craft files as email attachments without any need for another website :)

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This still alive? If yes I could provide craft

Please do :)

- - - Updated - - -

So, how about that shout-out on the official KSP Twitter? :)

In any case, I've got something in the works to submit for the new year.

Yeah, I was pretty chuffed with that. "The new year"....? :o

Are you justly mocking my ability to release things when I said I would xD.

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Please do :)

- - - Updated - - -

Yeah, I was pretty chuffed with that. "The new year"....? :o

Are you justly mocking my ability to release things when I said I would xD.

:P Nah, it's really just my way of saying that since I haven't re-visited my KSP military ship lineup in a long time, that I'm going to give 'em all a good-once over, culling/replacing designs that are redundant and upgrading the rest.

Also, I'm not too upset about the delays with KS S2, since most awesome things take time to pan out. :)

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Calm down man, everything's fine, you can send me the downloads, I'll post them and give all credit to you.

Ok, I guess I'll try that, or I could try to figure out how to use downloading websites, and anyway, I was being calm.:)

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Bit of an assignment for you guys, I'd like to see if anybody can build a ship resembling the 'Sabre' from Halo Reach, along with it's launch stage. Thanks to the music I used in the 'Undocking' video, I've been getting back into the Halo universe a little and I think it might be interesting to see this ship in the series :). I'm also trying to get this thread going a little bit ahead of season 2. Anyway, good luck!

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Bit of an assignment for you guys, I'd like to see if anybody can build a ship resembling the 'Sabre' from Halo Reach, along with it's launch stage. Thanks to the music I used in the 'Undocking' video, I've been getting back into the Halo universe a little and I think it might be interesting to see this ship in the series :). I'm also trying to get this thread going a little bit ahead of season 2. Anyway, good luck!

Cool! Does it need SSTO capability, or can it be pure shuttle/starfighter?

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MU SSY-0001 Tonfa. A shuttle-type Sabre replica. Unarmed as of now, but it can fly manned or unmanned, and the craft comes with a small lifter stage, which can be easily upgraded or replaced.


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1-RAPIER engines (used for aesthetics more than function)

2-LV-909 engines

DL Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kfl0ddlu8xhjxb5/SSY-0001%20Tonfa-Class%20Starfighter.craft?dl=0

P.S.: It's not meant for atmospheric flight (like a plane), but feel free to modify it to be able to do so.

Edited by ScriptKitt3h
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It's so beautiful Script.... it's so beautiful! :D. I should do this more in the future, how did you make it so quickly?

1/2 luck that I happened to check the forums when I did, 1/2 the design of the Sabre lends itself to a replica somewhat well. That, and the fact that as you build more, you get MUCH faster.

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Upon request, I have dug up the Banefire Kethane Lander, and made a few edits.

First, "armor" panels are removed, except for one that mounts the launch boosters. I didn't feel like redesigning the entire lifter.

Second, I have adapted this ships launcher to a common technique of mine, where the ship can use an action key to stop firing main engines once orbited and allow the main LV-N's to draw from remaining booster fuel until emptied before using internal fuel.

Actions -

Brakes - Toggle Solar Panels

5 Key - Toggle LV-Ns

6 Key - Shutdown Boosters, Activate LV-Ns. "Longrange Boosters Mode"

8 Key - Undock

9 Key - Deploy Drills

0 Key - Retract Drills




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Hello everyone!! I have returned!

Some of you may recognize me as someone who entered the forum in November, posted like 20 times, then died and never returned. I was quite busy and my attention was taken elsewhere, but now I can focus here again!

Here is a link to my corporation thread, Cyten Orbital Industries. as you can see, I developed some unmanned fighters, an SSTO, an aircraft carrier, and a destroyer.

A few pages later, HatBat said that the two main corporations aiding HKA is Prope-Tech and Project Genesis. You can see that Cyten was not on this list, and I find this unsatisfactory. I want to be, the very best, like no one else before....

So, I've been working for the past week on some new stuff to submit. For anyone interested, here's the worst roadmap you've ever seen.

Next 3 days

1. VTOL SSTO / Dropship - Capable of carrying ~7 tons to orbit. Able to do combat drops into Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe.

2. Heavy cargo SSTO - Akin to the giant aircraft MrOverfloater has made. Capable of bringing 20 tons of supplies to Duna and returning to Kerbin without refueling.

3. An upgraded version of the Beowulf-Class Carrier - It turns out I forgot to add RCS tanks and normal sized docking ports to it xD

Next 10 days

4. F-14 air superiority fighter - I already have made it, but I plan to upgrade and modify it for a better turning radius.

5. F-5 lightweight multirole fighter - Small, maneuverable fighter for air-to-air and air-to-ground.

6. SR-71 spy plane - Gotta have some good ol' fashioned espionage.

7. Marine Assault Ship - Essentially a smaller space carrier, but to for the dropships to dock to.

8. Fire Support Vehicle - Something for the Dropship to drop. Probably will be armed with a BDArmory mini gun and have seating for four guys, in case someone's vehicle exploded and the driver needs a ride.

Next 20 days / Over Spring Break

9. Main Battle Tank - Why fire a minimun in battle when you can fire a 105mm explosive round? I'll try to make it light enough so my Dropship can drop it off on the surface of Duna, then pick it up later, but armored as well.

10. Unmanned Combat Vehicle - An ion-powered, lightweight drone for continuous CAS over Duna, by dropping Hellfires 4,000 m over the desert, 'Murican style.

11. Battleship/Heavy Cruiser - something really big, with missiles that can engage targets from afar, and perhaps do some orbital bombardment.

12. Kethane Dropship - A modified Dropship with Kethane equipment on board, so it can mine Kethane on Duna, ferry fuel to Duna orbit, and refuel some ships.

13. Forward Operating Base - A large base that will drop from orbit onto Duna's surface, Macy Dean style, to act as ground control. Also it could double as a Kethane mining plant.

Stay tuned!

Edited by Mobius
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