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Kethane Station Discussion


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Yeah, I think a prison break is a good idea. They could take out the guards when all of the vehicles and aircraft scramble to defend the KSC.

What if, after they break out, Val hops into a jet which hasn't launched yet and joins the fight?

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Thanks man, thought I might also mention that now that the series has seen it's first major battle using submitted craft: I'm gonna update the submissions video. Primarily to bring the video up to scratch with some of the rules that have changed since I made it (ie: No BD Armoury in space, at all), though I also want to take the opportunity to show off some of the submissions I've received and how I've used them so far. It should add a little more incentive I feel.

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This heavy cruiser is 30 tons heavier than the nouvelle, and features disconnected fuel tanks. That stops a hit to the front from disabling the craft(new for me, I am sure most people do that here). She has 4 anti capital ship "Horus" missiles, 6 smaller "High Velocity High Mass" Missiles for lighter capital ships that are under about 50 tons, and 8 anti fighter RCS missiles.

The ship is 674 parts, but the armor has been updated to a newer design that is harder to one shot. it is 141 tons as well, and has double and triple layered armor in some places. It has 4 heavy but fast missiles that are very hard hitting as well. Have fun!

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Company: SAP-C(It would be a blue logo with a white stripe through the middle)


Another here, this is a collection.

The SAP-C Raven Light Tank

At 9 tons, this beast has twin vulcan turrets, quad 50 cal machine guns, and 7 Hellfire laser guided missiles. She can go up to 49 mph(22 m/s), and take turns at below 20 m/s in a stable way. She is coated with both heat resistant and kinetic resistant plate in two layers. She seats 5 in her external command seats.

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And here:

The Posterus was created as an alternative to the Nouveau for use in space combat. It has 8000 or so m/s of delta v, weighs between 63 and 65 tons depending on version. It carries 6 high velocity missiles that are capable of crippling most ships that are less than 100 tons in one or two shots. It also has 2 NERVA engines and 4 Ion Engines. It is double armored in the sides, and on top it has one layer of structural plate. The ship is very well armored and armed for its weight, and is soon to be tested in the Naval Battle Club.It is also completely stock.

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[TABLE=class: cms_table_cms_table_grid]



[TD]Nouveau-class Destroyer[/TD]




[TD]11,000 M/S[/TD]








[TD]2x LV-N NERV Atomic Rocket Motor,6x IX-6315 "Dawn"

Electric Propulsion System[/TD]




[TD]2x RT-5 Flea Guided SRB Missiles, 2x High Velocity I Beam Separatron Missiles[/TD]




[TD]Class 3 (80 m/s core and plating, with some being less)[/TD]



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FA-33 GoldenHawk

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A hypermaneouverable air superiority fighter that can turn on a dime, and is very fast, but has very short range.


All ships are under SAP-C and allied with HKA.

- - - Updated - - -

Sorry about the spam:(

Edited by Alphasus
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  ScriptKitt3h said:
I've got something cookin'...


GMI better invest in some fast ships to retreat with. :P

Looks like youve started using top/bottom weapons bays like all of my ships do.

They have the advantage of redundancy since forward weapons bays seem overly easy to destroy with a good hit.

Also, thats one cool looking ship. Does it have dcent armor?

Ive always tried to make a wedge shaped craft before, but all of them had both bad armor and got into excessive part count/lag territory. That thing has inspired me to try and redo my star destroyeresque ship i shelved back in 0.25.

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  panzer1b said:
Looks like youve started using top/bottom weapons bays like all of my ships do.

They have the advantage of redundancy since forward weapons bays seem overly easy to destroy with a good hit.

Also, thats one cool looking ship. Does it have dcent armor?

Ive always tried to make a wedge shaped craft before, but all of them had both bad armor and got into excessive part count/lag territory. That thing has inspired me to try and redo my star destroyeresque ship i shelved back in 0.25.

It does, and I used as many technical tricks as I could to ensure it will bounce anything low-to-mid power unless it gets hit by a lucky shot.

The heavy slanting on many parts of the hull also increases the chance of bouncing shots. (Ep. 23 served as a great way to illustrate this, as the Helios bounced several rounds and missiles via its slanted hull.

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  ScriptKitt3h said:
It does, and I used as many technical tricks as I could to ensure it will bounce anything low-to-mid power unless it gets hit by a lucky shot.

The heavy slanting on many parts of the hull also increases the chance of bouncing shots. (Ep. 23 served as a great way to illustrate this, as the Helios bounced several rounds and missiles via its slanted hull.

Ive found that out too, main reason i go with the hex hull (its toughest from teh sides, alot will bounce, and even more will get eaten by fuel tanks or something, and block the shots from killing the ship's skeleton/core structure (which itself is pretty well reinforced, my latest ship has YET to actually be split apart).

Anyways, here are some ships im submitting to series, i have 4 that may or may not be interesting:


The HK-201 (seen on the rightmost side, that small fighter thing):

AKS's first next generation SSTL(single stage to laythe and back) heavy strike fighter, which is capable of getting to laythe, landing, and returning to kerbin all while carrying a full load of ammunition the whole trip (that is 1-1.5t of ordinance). It is capable of achieving 4.6K dV in orbit, with the proper ascent profile. Designed as a stealth fighter, it is designed with a sleek small hard to spot profile, and it carries all weapons in an internal bomb bay that is only opened when firing, usually too late for anyone to react even if they detect it deploying weapons. As for weapons, it is normally geared to engage targets in space, and has 2 KDrone-M kinetic kill drones, accurate and potentially reuseable ordinance. It can always be fitted with atmospheric missiles, bombs, cannons, or whatever else fits inside the bomb bay alongside its fuel supplies. It also has just enough armor to protect against weaker ordinance, and it can often take some hits from non 80m/s impact missiles and survive with minor if any damage. These craft are available in some numbers to AKS, since they were very popular during the battle for Minmus, and their stealth technology allowed most of them to survive the battle, since B-Corp, AKS's rival had neither the technology to detect them from anything but point blank range, nor teh resources to try and hunt them down the old fashioned way.

The SK-CRV-Ig3 (middle):

One of AKS's smaller mainstream combat vessels, it was developed as an alternate option to the SK-CRV-III geared more towards the anti-fighter role. Like its predecessor, the class-III, the class-I shares a very similar hull, but is shorter, simpler, and has weapons designed to deal with multiple smaller vessels, compared to the class-III and its Tripedoes that were specifically designed for the anti-capital ship role. Its weapons consist of 12 forward firing rail-cannons, very effective weapons against anything that does not posses heavy armor. Secondary weapons are 4 bays filled with either 1 1.2m weapon, or 4 0.6m weapons, that normally are equipped with KDrone-M and KDrone-S missiles, but can be rearmed with more powerful weapons if the need to fight capital ships arises. Armor is enough to stop most weak weapons, but it will fail against capital ship weapons, with continuous bombardment or a lucky shot capable of sawing the entire ship in half. The hull, while effective in the past, has seen its days, and this craft is only still in service due to the very low resources AKS has available after the 1st battle for Minmus, where B-Corp, although unsuccessful in wiping out the AKS fleet from orbit, B-Corp managed to take out all ground installations and mining facilities, limiting AKS's deployment of any new craft considerably.

The SK-CRV-Ig4 (left bottom):

A similar design to the older 3rd gen class-I corvette, this model features a slightly better hull layout that is simpler, cheaper, and has stronger armor, at the cost of loosing some of its firepower. It only has 6 forward firing rail-guns, alongside the usual secondary weapon options. It is considered to be superior to the older model, and even superior to the SK-CRV-III 3rd generation in protection (despite being smaller and having less redundancy). That said, while a great ship, very few of these are availeable, since AKS's enemies more or less destroyed the vast majority of production facilities, and the only ones that are available were those created during the last stages of the war for Minmus.

The VK-CV-I with 4 FK-100 micro-fighters (topmost craft):

A small micro-carrier, that was developed by AKS as a sort of disposable carrier or fighter deployment ship, and that could always double up as a supply ship when the fighters were replaced by ammo and fuel. It is small, very simple, very cheap, and has 4 fighters (FK-100s), with 2 micro rail-guns each, and 4 KDrone-M kinetic kill drones as either its own weapons, reloads for a friendly ship that is low on anti-fighter munition, or whatever. As for the FK-100, it is an extremely primitive and simple craft that was created by copying a pirate designed vessel, and then modified to suit AKS's carriers and weapons. Its standard weapons consist of 2 micro rail-guns, are only effective against low-medium armor, and are completely useless against capital ships. More of a spammable fighter that was designed to be cheap, and overwhelm the enemy through numerical superiority rather then being superior one on one. The carriers are currently available in some numbers, and the fighters are also common enough and very quick to produce even with limited resources. This is about teh only ship AKS has access to reliably produce in its current state.

Anyways, if you'd like any of these in your movie, AKS is essentially sentient AI that would side with HKA, although pirates have obtained the plans for all vessels but the HK-201 and the SK-CRV-Ig4 (the 4th generation as there are very few of them). SK-CRV-Ig3 and the carrier/fighter thing can be availeabel on both sides as well, those were so common during the war on Minmus between AKS and B-Corp that pirates managed to steal some damaged ones, and repair them to near factory specs. SInce AKS is allied with SAP-C, and they are HKA side, AKS would also be allied there, but would have severely limited resources aside from their ability to hack near anything (including long range missiles given enough time), and the majority of their smaller craft have full or partial stealth capabilities. HK-201 and similar craft have full stealth making them only detectable at very close ranges (within 10km or so at a absolute max), and the VK-CV-I is partially stealthed, making is impossible to detect at say a low orbit if your scanning vessel is at a higher orbit or on the other side of planet or ect. All else would be normally detectable by conventional scanners.

Anyways,m if you even implement AKS or any of their ships, only the carrier (and its fighters) or the SK-CRV-Ig3 is available in large amounts, the SK-CRV-Ig4 would be exclusive to AKS since they are very rare now, and the HK-201 would be availeable in some quantities, although it would only be sold to HKA in smallish amounts (like no more then 5-6 or so, although those few would be HKA craft and use HKA flags/pilots).

These craft can be obtained by going to my repository and into AKS Craft Here folder, and they all come with a launch stage that can get it to LKO at a bare minimum. Also, any craft that is either in the outdated folder, or in the Non-AKS Craft Here folder can be used in any amount by any side (as these are nolonger used by AKS, or werent ever used by AKS and can be bought on black market or even legally).

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  Red, the Engineer said:
So... all my submissions are now defunct with the no BD in space rule. And my PC out if order. And it's the school year. And none of my submissions were accepted. Balls.

Sorry about that. Your submissions are great, Red. Although in the long run I just can't see BD armoury working for space combat compared to stock. Especially when I'm trying to use both systems at once. In the end stock is a more accessible, entertaining, skillful and insightful way of doing it.

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  HatBat said:
Sorry about that. Your submissions are great, Red. Although in the long run I just can't see BD armoury working for space combat compared to stock. Especially when I'm trying to use both systems at once. In the end stock is a more accessible, entertaining, skillful and insightful way of doing it.

I agree, i used to be a avid fan of weapons mods, but aside from atmospheric combat (where stock weapons are a major pain to use effectively), ive found stock beats everything else, its fair, fun, and you can actually defend against it unlike against many weapon mods (goalkeeper and lazor is still OP).

All my ships are now stock, and ive actually started making launchers for every one of them (so i dont need to use Hedit for anything but bugfixes). Only issue i have with stock weapons is that there are some that you just cannot defend against (if you want a guaranteed kill, ill upload my Tripedo-S/H missile, which is GUARANTEED to split anything it hist if you aim well). That said, its always fun to run around with nothing but ibeams and try to surgically remove the engines/weapons/critical components of a ship without outright vaporizing it (it seems that there were alot of quick easy kills in your last episode, perhaps consider using a little bit less of the super competitive missiles).

Also, if you would like any particular ship, i would be glad to do requests (say class of ship, relative armor protection, ect). And ive recently created a very good hull im happy with, not immune to comptitive weapons, but tough as can be against most general weapons like ibeams, RT-5 torps, ect, at least considering the entire hull and internal systems are ~140 parts.

If you ever have a need for multiple ships loaded in one spot, most AKS vessels provide very low part counts and minimal lagfest unless you decide to bring like 5 of them to teh same spot and dont remove some of their weapons in the process (i avoid both sheer part counts as well as large numbers of engines as that seems to cause lag too).

And also, great last video, i like you combo of cinematics and also some seriousness with the combat. What is the mod you use for those cool engine sound effects? Is this some sort of post processing with teh video, or is it an actual mod for KSP?

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WOO! Finally got to actually watch the episode! Nice job, HatBat! I'm happy to see that you like some of my new stuff! I am definitely changing the description on the M9A1E1 to "Some say this is overkill, I say it's cruise missiles." I also feel very proud of the fact that, of the 5 user submitted craft that you are using as part of your ground forces, 4 of them are mine! :D Also, a word of about the M9A1E1 Wabash. You forgot to mention that an earlier version had participated in the Battle for the KSC, but that's ok. I'll live.

Also, you better put the Mississippi into the ocean at some point! I did not put hours of my life making an Amphibious Battle Tank just for it to not touch a drop of water!

Edited by datubaman
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  panzer1b said:
And also, great last video, i like you combo of cinematics and also some seriousness with the combat. What is the mod you use for those cool engine sound effects? Is this some sort of post processing with teh video, or is it an actual mod for KSP?

Thanks, the engine sounds are unfortunately just sound effects. If there WAS a mod for it though... damn.

  datubaman said:
WOO! Finally got to actually watch the episode! Nice job, HatBat! I'm happy to see that you like some of my new stuff! I am definitely changing the description on the M9A1E1 to "Some say this is overkill, I say it's cruise missiles." I also feel very proud of the fact that, of the 5 user submitted craft that you are using as part of your ground forces, 4 of them are mine! :D Also, a word of about the M9A1E1 Wabash. You forgot to mention that an earlier version had participated in the Battle for the KSC, but that's ok. I'll live.

Also, you better put the Mississippi into the ocean at some point! I did not put hours of my life making an Amphibious Battle Tank just for it to not touch a drop of water!

Haha, cheers man. Relieved that you enjoyed it, sorry about showing all the vehicles off then not having the time to actually use them in the same video. Though on the bright side that means the next episode will be much more focused.

*HKA Main Offices*

Ah, it's good to be back in the chair.

Hey Boss, we just got a letter from Union Dynamics.

Really? Let's have a look then.

*Passes letter*

Breach of contract... what is this?!

"You better put the Mississippi into the ocean at some point! I did not put hours of my life making an Amphibious Battle Tank just for it to not touch a drop of water!"

But we've already won the battle!

They do insist, Boss.

This is absurd. Fine then, find some numbskull to drive it into the sea then.

Will do Boss.

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