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How to fit Lunar oh yah Munar module :-) inside rocket to make it look like Saturn V

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I have 1194 something science, i plan to use this super huge rocket, that was created by NASA:D


I made one Munar rocket using standard Rockomax parts but the lander was meant for one kerbal therefore it was more like the soviet LK lander than Apollo, but i lost loot of my rocket plans after i format my HDD, so i must built rocket for lunar landing from scratch, of course i can make separate rocket for lander, and make whole thing in two separate launchers, but i want make it one single launch.

I even chosen the name for the mission Kerbollo 11 :D

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Unlock the solar panels, then do a probe mission before committing a Kerbal. The explore Mun, Minmus, etc contracts are easily done with one way missions with this early career design. (Add parachutes for Eve and Duna.) The small designs can easily return from Mun or Minmus.



Eve, Duna design


Edited by SRV Ron
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If you're trying to create an aesthetic replica, you'll probably need to unlocked the late-game structural parts first.

If you're trying to create a "workalike", that's simpler. If you're running delta-V calculations the slightly tricky bit can be the fuel in the orbiter, since it will make one burn with the lander to enter Munar orbit, but then leave Munar orbit without the lander. If you're just guesstimating just remember you won't need anything like as much fuel to come back as to go out.

Because the Mun doesn't need as much delta-V as the real Moon you can use a single-stage lander quite easily, but there's nothing wrong in a two-stage lander if you prefer.

And make sure you know how to rendezvous!

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If you're trying to create an aesthetic replica, you'll probably need to unlocked the late-game structural parts first.

If you're trying to create a "workalike", that's simpler. If you're running delta-V calculations the slightly tricky bit can be the fuel in the orbiter, since it will make one burn with the lander to enter Munar orbit, but then leave Munar orbit without the lander. If you're just guesstimating just remember you won't need anything like as much fuel to come back as to go out.

Because the Mun doesn't need as much delta-V as the real Moon you can use a single-stage lander quite easily, but there's nothing wrong in a two-stage lander if you prefer.

And make sure you know how to rendezvous!

What is after the "super have rocket" after i unlocked it, it appear shadowed icon.

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The greyed-out node that came from your last rocketry unlock is nuclear propulsion and has the LV-N nuclear engine in it. It is greyed out because you need to complete more than one prerequisite in order to access it.

(The same is true for ion propulsion further down, it also has multiple prerequisites.)

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The greyed-out node that came from your last rocketry unlock is nuclear propulsion and has the LV-N nuclear engine in it. It is greyed out because you need to complete more than one prerequisite in order to access it.

(The same is true for ion propulsion further down, it also has multiple prerequisites.)

No no i'm mean that


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Same thing, you need to have multiple nodes unlocked for that node further down. I think it's a mod-added node, since I've got a pic of the full tech tree here and I can't trace that node down.

See here:


Several nodes have 2+ arrows pointing to them from seperate nodes, meaning they need those nodes to be unlocked. This example should be ok:

Node A unlocks Node B and Node C, which you need to unlock both in order to unlock Node D. Get it?

Edited by FCISuperGuy
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It's Experimental Rocketry. Putting "Mental" in "Experimental". Usually most powerful engines and tanks added by various mods are placed here, like 5m engines from KW or experimental nukes from LLL. I think it also requires the regular Nuclear Propulsion node, the one you have grayed out, or Composites, I don't remember exactly.

There is a whole column of "better than best" nodes for some uber mod stuff, most of which are named like Experimental Electrics or Experimental Science.

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Yeah, there are two or three "Experimental" nodes that aren't used in the stock game but are there for mods to add their parts to.

If you have the Mainsail and the KR-2L, and I think you do, you have the rockets you need for a Saturn-V-alike. Getting a good look is more a case of using the structural parts and/or fairing mods.

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Yeah, there are two or three "Experimental" nodes that aren't used in the stock game but are there for mods to add their parts to.

If you have the Mainsail and the KR-2L, and I think you do, you have the rockets you need for a Saturn-V-alike. Getting a good look is more a case of using the structural parts and/or fairing mods.

I plan to use S3 KS-25x4 Engine Cluster in first stage and two big tanks from NASA:D

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