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Is this the smallest VTOL ever created?

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Hello everyone! I'm just dropping by to say that I *may* have made the smallest completely stock VTOL ever created.

Presenting... the Pico PicoTOL!

[The PicoTOL was an older and slightly larger VTOL.]

Here are some pictures... prepare for cuteness.


Here's the Pico PicoTOL, lifting off. Note that the landing legs make the craft seem larger than it actually is...


Ahhhh, that's more like it. This is the true size of the Pico PicoTOL, when its landing legs are in. Adorable, right?


...and Jeb takes a break on the Helipad, and prepares to disembark and grab some hard-earned snacks.

Here's a video, showing a nice little flight with the Pico PicoTOL. (Note: I start answering my viewers' questions at about the halfway mark, so you don't have to watch that far if you don't want to.)

***My definition of a VTOL is a vertical-takeoff-and-landing craft that can carry a Kerbal to the Helipad. In-flight debug cheats like Infinite Fuel or hacking gravity can't be used for it to be a "true" VTOL, at least in my book.***

Size-wise, the PicoTOL can comfortably fit inside a Mk1 Lander-Can. It has a fully-loaded mass of 0.53 tons, with ~0.1 ton of Kerbal and ~0.12 tons of fuel, so it has a dry mass of .31 tons. Its part count is rather high, at 22 parts, but most of these are massless and were just added on to enhance the thing's function. Besides, Jeb can't just be perched atop this thing... it's not safe!*

*The real reason is that it doesn't look as cool. Safety shmafety! Although, Jeb will almost always survive even the worst crashes, so that's nice.

It comes with a complimentary Lander-Can for you to load your Kerbal with! It's got plenty of control, thanks to three probe cores that provide torque! It's got plenty of ElectricCharge, thanks to some aesthetically pleasing battery packs and solar panels! It's got landing legs that look awesome, when they deploy! And yes, it can land on the Helipad with fuel to spare, if you're careful.

And now, the moment you've been waiting for...

The .craft file!

Can you please either verify that this craft is, indeed, the smallest VTOL to ever fly, or provide an even smaller one? (If this thread gets enough pictures of tiny VTOLs, I may change its subject to 'Post your Tiniest VTOLs Here!')

Thanks for looking in... and I look forwards to seeing some other little VTOLs!

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  UpsilonAerospace said:
Hello everyone! I'm just dropping by to say that I *may* have made the smallest completely stock VTOL ever created.

Presenting... the Pico PicoTOL!

[The PicoTOL was an older and slightly larger VTOL.]

Here are some pictures... prepare for cuteness.


Here's the Pico PicoTOL, lifting off. Note that the landing legs make the craft seem larger than it actually is...


Ahhhh, that's more like it. This is the true size of the Pico PicoTOL, when its landing legs are in. Adorable, right?


...and Jeb takes a break on the Helipad, and prepares to disembark and grab some hard-earned snacks.

Here's a video, showing a nice little flight with the Pico PicoTOL. (Note: I start answering my viewers' questions at about the halfway mark, so you don't have to watch that far if you don't want to.)


***My definition of a VTOL is a vertical-takeoff-and-landing craft that can carry a Kerbal to the Helipad. In-flight debug cheats like Infinite Fuel or hacking gravity can't be used for it to be a "true" VTOL, at least in my book.***


Well, I have something like that...




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UpsilonAerospace is Bagel Rabbit?

Oh, now it makes sense.

I've seen this in your new video. It's a great little VTOL, even if I find this is more a Jetpack ;)

How much ∆V has it got? I'd be interested.

By the way, do a landing on Gilly with this. I think that's a good idea for a video :D

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  astropapi1 said:
Well, I can make a VTOL with an oscar-B, a seat, and a Rockomax 48-7S, I wouldn't say it's really the smallest VTOL ever, but it's really cute. :)

Do you happen to know how much Delta-v it has? I might use it to hop around the Mun.

Thanks! I built this little guy largely to look cute, but with an emphasis on keeping things small. As such, the VTOL has far more than three parts... but it looks nice, no?

As for Delta-V, I have no idea whatsoever. Someone should try to boot this up using MechJeb and see what the value is. I think that this little guy would do a fine job exploring the Mun though.

  Nik_601 said:
  Avera9eJoe said:
But it's not as cute ;).

My thoughts precisely. :)

Also, if you could show a series of pictures/a video showing that little guy making it to the Helipad, I would be mightily impressed. I try to make all of my VTOLs capable of at least making it that far, because there's not of much practical use if they can't deliver a Kerbal there, IMO (see my definition of a VTOL on the OP).

  Volcanix said:
UpsilonAerospace is Bagel Rabbit?

Oh, now it makes sense.

I've seen this in your new video. It's a great little VTOL, even if I find this is more a Jetpack ;)

How much ∆V has it got? I'd be interested.

By the way, do a landing on Gilly with this. I think that's a good idea for a video :D

Yep, I'm known on YouTube as Bagel Rabbit. I kinda wish "UpsilonAerospace" bore even a vague resemblance to "Bagel Rabbit," it would make things much easier.

Again, no idea about this thing's Delta-V, sorry. The first person to find out the delta-V for this guy will receive some good karma, absolutely free!

I may just land this guy on Gilly in a future video... but if I do, I'll probably pack the rocket with all sorts of other little craft to explore the Eve system. I have a couple of ideas that just might work...

  JDCollie said:
Smallest ever? Nah. Most adorable? Probably. :D

I'd have to agree with you there. It's not as small as it could be... but it's maybe the cutest li'l guy that I've ever built, anyway. :)

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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Yours is not the smallest; stare in wonder (or horror) at...Whatever this thing is!


Or, for a better sense of scale,


Of course, it helps that the seat is arranged such that your unfortunate kerbal is clipped into the rocketpack; however, I think it makes them appear augmented with non-organic technology.

Despite what it may look like, that thing is a VTOL--as proof:


Sadly, it can only fly for thirty seconds or so; nonetheless, it has something like 2.5 km/s of delta-v (mainly due to its single Ion Engine and abuse of massless parts), complete with a parachute, lights, and RCS.

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  The14th said:
That is kinda adorable! :)

I know, right? :)

  Pauly said:

It has 598 Atmo Delta V and 789 in Vac according to mechjeb.

A little more with no pilot but not much.

That's actually quite a bit better than I initially thought! (Also, the MechJeb module looks very nice on there.)

  LABHOUSE said:
This makes my micro plane that is not a vtol look huge but mine can fit into the half sized kerbodyne tank.

*****Begins working on making micro plane smaller*****

This VTOL is quite a bit smaller than any plane could be. Actually, that's not true, as the surface area of the VTOL is just enough for two small control surfaces to fit on top. But it probably wouldn't be stable, and I don't want to part-clip too much.

Speaking of which --

  Three1415 said:
Yours is not the smallest; stare in wonder (or horror) at...Whatever this thing is!


Or, for a better sense of scale,


Of course, it helps that the seat is arranged such that your unfortunate kerbal is clipped into the rocketpack; however, I think it makes them appear augmented with non-organic technology.

Despite what it may look like, that thing is a VTOL--as proof:


Sadly, it can only fly for thirty seconds or so; nonetheless, it has something like 2.5 km/s of delta-v (mainly due to its single Ion Engine and abuse of massless parts), complete with a parachute, lights, and RCS.

My God. The Kerbal's body... is an Illuminator mk1?! Sorcery, I say! Sorcery!

Joking aside, this guy is incredibly small, though definitely more massive than mine. Still, part clipping can take you a long way in KSP, if you know what you're doing. Nice job.

Thus starts the Great Battle of the Tiny VTOL Thread: Is my craft more adorable, or is Three1415's craft more adorable? Or is someone else's craft even more adorable than these?! If you think you have a smaller or a more adorable craft, I would love to see it. :D

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  Spacepigu said:
I personally think this counts as a jetpack, but more of a jetpack that you sit in.

Sorry to necro this old thread, but I made a smaller VTOL... and this one really is a jetpack!



(so beautiful!)


I wonder if I should start a new thread for this new craft, once I've worked the bugs out. At any rate...

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  Kerdinand said:
Now, this is really a jetpack! Does it really reach the VAB? And what about Delta-v?

It's got an absurd amount of Delta-V (900 m/s in the atmosphere?) because of the fact that monopropellant seems to be 'denser' than regular LiquidFuel - you can fit more of it in a small space. I've landed it on the VAB helipad twice, though it broke one of those times on account of the fact that this thing's SAS is way overpowered and thus it's a bit difficult to control.

I'll probably have a video out later today... :)

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  \ said:
Sorry to necro this old thread, but I made a smaller VTOL... and this one really is a jetpack!

Hmm...I hope you realize that whenever somebody claims something is "smallest" they are invoking my presence. I accept the challenge, Upsilon. And I know things, dark secrets that can aid me in compressing spacecraft to unimaginable densities; your claims shall quail in the face of my craft's abilities! :sticktongue:

Seriously, though, I shall go whip something up...

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  Three1415 said:
Hmm...I hope you realize that whenever somebody claims something is "smallest" they are invoking my presence. I accept the challenge, Upsilon. And I know things, dark secrets that can aid me in compressing spacecraft to unimaginable densities; your claims shall quail in the face of my craft's abilities! :sticktongue:

Seriously, though, I shall go whip something up...

Dear Three1415,

If you do continue along the dark and mysterious road of part-clipping, be sure to try to clip a little Roundified Monopropellant Tank into a Kerbal's head, so that his face looks round and white. I would love to see that, and would gladly shower you with Reputation. :wink:

Here's a video of my Jetpack. It has a lot of RCS fuel, enough for almost two minutes of continued power. I like it a lot...

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  \ said:
If you do continue along the dark and mysterious road of part-clipping, be sure to try to clip a little Roundified Monopropellant Tank into a Kerbal's head, so that his face looks round and white. I would love to see that, and would gladly shower you with Reputation.

I have done as you wished:



"But sir, you've replaced his brain with monopropellant!"

"Trust me, it's an improvement."

I expect my reputation shower now. :sticktongue:

More seriously, the alignment between roundified tank and helmet improves markedly after liftoff; I just did not get another good screenshot of it.

Also, not only is that the smallest VTOL ever created (well, yours is about the same size), it is one of the smallest crafts possible, as the small monopropellant tank is the smallest fuel-storing volume in the game (other than the xenon containers), and the entire ship fits within it.

I can, however, claim another superlative with more certainty: This is most definitely the smallest SSTO ever built.

Yes, that is correct: This is a fully armed and operational battlecruiser VTOL SSTO. You have 900 m/s of delta-v; I have almost 4800. Part-clipping at its finest. :cool:

It does come at the cost of a high part count and mass--this thing is 124 parts (after capsule ejection) and 22 tons on the launchpad, but whatever. As they say, "Pics or it didn't happen," so I provide proof in the album below.

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To get this into orbit, one must begin a gravity turn to about 60 degrees at 10 km, then hold it until one's apoapsis reaches about 71 km, then immediately cut thrust; continue burning only to hold the former above the atmosphere, and adjust circularization burn angle to always keep yourself within a few seconds of it for maximal efficiency. This craft cannot spare additional delta-v to be able to return in one piece; your cushion is only about 40 m/s. Still, it is easy to fly, and if done correctly the above will allow you to make orbit with comparative ease.

As for landings, as you can probably tell from the above album, water landings do not end well; try to avoid them. Personally, I am terrible at gauging where re-entering ships will come down, especially for low orbits, so of course I missed all of the land-masses completely and crashed the furthest distance from any land that was possible with that orbital inclination; hopefully you are more proficient than I in this regard. It is fairly easy to land when actually on land, only requiring a final flaring burn to reduce touchdown speed.

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  Three1415 said:
I have done as you wished:



"But sir, you've replaced his brain with monopropellant!"

"Trust me, it's an improvement."

I expect my reputation shower now. :sticktongue:

More seriously, the alignment between roundified tank and helmet improves markedly after liftoff; I just did not get another good screenshot of it.

Also, not only is that the smallest VTOL ever created (well, yours is about the same size), it is one of the smallest crafts possible, as the small monopropellant tank is the smallest fuel-storing volume in the game (other than the xenon containers), and the entire ship fits within it.

I can, however, claim another superlative with more certainty: This is most definitely the smallest SSTO ever built.

Yes, that is correct: This is a fully armed and operational battlecruiser VTOL SSTO. You have 900 m/s of delta-v; I have almost 4800. Part-clipping at its finest. :cool:

It does come at the cost of a high part count and mass--this thing is 124 parts (after capsule ejection) and 22 tons on the launchpad, but whatever. As they say, "Pics or it didn't happen," so I provide proof in the album below.


To get this into orbit, one must begin a gravity turn to about 60 degrees at 10 km, then hold it until one's apoapsis reaches about 71 km, then immediately cut thrust; continue burning only to hold the former above the atmosphere, and adjust circularization burn angle to always keep yourself within a few seconds of it for maximal efficiency. This craft cannot spare additional delta-v to be able to return in one piece; your cushion is only about 40 m/s. Still, it is easy to fly, and if done correctly the above will allow you to make orbit with comparative ease.

As for landings, as you can probably tell from the above album, water landings do not end well; try to avoid them. Personally, I am terrible at gauging where re-entering ships will come down, especially for low orbits, so of course I missed all of the land-masses completely and crashed the furthest distance from any land that was possible with that orbital inclination; hopefully you are more proficient than I in this regard. It is fairly easy to land when actually on land, only requiring a final flaring burn to reduce touchdown speed.

Dear God... how many parts did you say that was again?

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