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(Outdated) [0.25] The Mac OS X Thread

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Mac-specific issues with workarounds and fixes for KSP 0.25

Important links:

Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide

Current gameplay issues:

Key: No fix available, Workaround, User fix, SQUAD fix

[0.25] Caps lock does not enable precision controls [FIX]

[0.25] Switch to Staging UI assigned to non-existent key [FIX]

[0.24.2] Clicking on AP/PE orbit flags doesn't sticky information [WORKAROUND] (Fixed in KSP 0.25)

[0.24.2] Crew list not shown by clicking on pod hatches [WORKAROUND] (Fixed in KSP 0.25)

[0.24.1] Right-clicks stop registering and thrust limiter set to zero [PARTIAL WORKAROUND] (Fixed in 0.24.2)

[0.24.2] Caps lock does not enable precision controls [FIX] (Bug #634)

Issue: The default key for precision controls is Caps Lock, but pressing it has no effect.

Fix: Reassign precision controls to another key after starting the game: Click Settings > Input > Precision Controls Toggle, then press a key such as P or `.

[0.24.2] Switch to Staging UI assigned to non-existent key [FIX] (Bug #2824)

Issue: This function is assigned to the Insert key, which does not exist on Mac keyboards.

Fix: After creating a backup, open the KSP_osx/settings.cfg with TextEdit and find this section:

primary = [COLOR=#008000][B]Insert[/B][/COLOR]
secondary = None
group = 0
switchState = Any

Change Insert to any key that's not used for something else, such as O or Equals. Save and restart KSP.

A full list of key codes for Unity can be found here. (Thanks to SMILIE for the link)

[0.24.2] Clicking on AP/PE orbit flags doesn't sticky information [WORKAROUND] (Fixed in KSP 0.25) (Bug #2804) (Forum thread)

Issue: Clicking on the AP or PE flags on orbits has no effect. It should make the altitude and time-to information to remain visible until clicked again.

Workaround: Click outside the KSP window, then double-click on the AP/PE flag. You must have KSP windowed or click on a second screen. To clear the sticky, repeat, or switch out of map mode.

Frank_G, chrisb2e9, and Captain_Party reported three other workarounds on this page, but I have been unable to replicate them.

[0.24.2] Crew list not shown by clicking on pod hatches [WORKAROUND] (Bug #2810) (Forum threads here and here)

Issue: Clicking on a pod hatch does not show the list of crew. This is the only way to EVA from pods without IVAs, such as the Mobile Processing Lab.

Click-through workarounds: (Pictures here)

  • Stock: Align the hatch directly underneath the Resume Flight button in the pause menu. Press the Escape key, then click Resume Flight on top of the hatch.
  • Stock: Align the hatch under a popup window, such as a science report. Click the hatch through the window. (Credit to aureus)
  • Mod: Place a window over the hatch, then click the hatch through the window.

Other workarounds:

name = landerCabinInternals

[0.24.1] Right-clicks stop registering and thrust limiter set to zero [PARTIAL WORKAROUND] (Fixed in 0.24.2)

Issue: Only the first right-click registers for vessels loaded after restarting KSP. Additionally, the thrust limiters for all engines are set to zero. (Full reproduction steps thanks to MiniMatt here).

Partial Workaround: Exit to the Space Center, then return to the vessel. Perform all needed right-clicks (e.g., fuel transfers) without right-clicking on engines. Then, right click a single engine to reset it's thrust limiter. That click triggers the bug again, so subsequent right-clicks inconsistently disable engines and require returning to the Space Center.

Launcher and Patcher Issues:

Key: No fix available, Workaround, User fix, SQUAD fix

Patcher fails to update [WORKAROUND] (Bug #2844)

Issue: Patcher consistently fails to update. It's unclear whether this is an issue with Patcher itself or with the update server.

Workaround: Update KSP by downloading directly from the KSP or Steam store and installing it in a new location. Then copy your saves from the old KSP_osx/saves folder to the new installation. Update and install mods as needed, but note that several mods have broken saves or vessels with updates for KSP 0.24.

Clicking Update locks the Update and Settings buttons [FIX]

Issue: Clicking update in the Launcher locks the Update and Settings buttons until restarted.

Fix: This is a problem with the permissions for Patcher, so OS X does not allow it to run. Open Terminal, use cd to switch to the KSP folder, and chmod to make Patcher executable:

My KSP is installed in the Applications folder in my home folder:

cd ~/Applications/KSP_osx
chmod +x Patcher

You may have put it in the main Applications folder:

cd /Applications/KSP_osx
chmod +x Patcher

Steam puts KSP inside the Library:

cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/
chmod +x Patcher

After clicking Update, Patcher will run. If it works, allow it to finish; otherwise, quit Patcher to restore the buttons.

(Thanks to IsaacHeron)

Cannot start game using launcher [FIX]

Issue: The Play button in the Launcher is locked.

Workaround: Start the game directly by double-clicking KSP instead of Launcher. You can still use Launcher to change settings before opening the game, but you must click Accept and then start KSP directly.

Fix: Replace the Launcher with the version Ted posted here.

Edited by Master Tao
update for new Support tags
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  • 3 weeks later...

Problem with the patcher...

Squad Patcher

Using rsync-2.0.9


Detecting if OS-resident rsync is present...

rsync present in PATH, residing at: /usr/bin/rsync


Getting login token...

Unable to authenticate with the server: Received malformed data from the server: bad channelkey

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Welcome to the forums!

There's really not enough information in your report for anyone to help you. For problems with Patcher, please include all of the following information:

  • Your KSP version
  • Your Patcher version
  • Your Operating System and version
  • Steps to cause the problem
  • Any error messages while Patcher is running
  • Your Patcher.log (KSP/Patcher.log)

That said, I suspect the issue you're reporting is the same as Patcher fails to update [WORKAROUND] (Bug #2844) above.

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I can't help you unless you provide more information. Please post pictures of your rocket or the craft file and include all of this information:

There is important information to include in any support request:

  • Your KSP version
  • Your mods and versions (if any)
  • Your Operating System and version
  • Steps to cause the problem
  • Cause the problem, then quit KSP and find your output log:
    • Windows (32 bit): KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
    • Windows (64 bit): KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt
    • Mac OS X: Open Console, find Unity on the left side, and click on Player.log. It's also located at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log.
    • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

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  • 2 weeks later...
The decoupling thing seems to be a very uncommon bug, but here is a video of it happening if it helps.

That is probably the same as KerbCo's issue (and why I asked for pictures). It's not so much a bug as a mistake when building the rocket. The decoupler attached to the engine the wrong way. Even though the decoupler is facing up, the bottom node is attached to the engine, and the top node is attached to the fairing base.

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Burn time will only show up (and be reliable) if you have previously made a burn with that particular stage/engine configuration. For example, if you make it to orbit before separating the lifter stage, the game won't be able to calculate the time it will take to apply a certain dV with the engines in the next stage. Essentially, the thrust numbers it plugs into its calculations are the thrust amount for the last used engines. If you have jettisoned any of the engines you've used since the last burn, KSP won't be able to calculate the time it would take to achieve a required dV.

It also attempts to compensate for changes in the throttle -- if you throttle up slowly, you can watch the timer drop quickly as your thrust output increases before stabilising when you have stable thrust. This can mean that if your last burn only used a fraction of the throttle, your estimates for when to start the next burn will be wildly off, as the game is using that small percentage of your total thrust to calculate the time required.

This is normal behaviour. It's irritating, and it doesn't work perfectly, but it's somewhat difficult to really make it much better. I suppose it could be that the game displays two timers -- one as it does already, the other which calculates time based on the maximum thrust output of all currently activated engines. That might help you estimate, even if the estimate display is wildly off.

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Gotcha. I tend to establish a rough orbit, then make a node to move on to the target, usually with 1 burn if possible (for close stuff like Mun/Minmus). As a result, my burn times are invariably not listed, whereas tutorials I have seen always show them. So I have to make a dummy node, and work the engines once to have the nodes be useful.

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When I start a new game, I don't see any flags to select and when in the VAB, Mission Control, etc., I can't see any parts or UI. It's the same for all game modes. Also, how do you rotate the camera by using the Mac right-click method? Am I right in thinking that control-click is the equivalent to right-clicking?

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Please see the Bug Reporting Guide stickied at the top of the forum and post a full report in the forum. Without that information, I can only guess that you have a corrupted install.

You can rotate the camera using two-finger click & drag on a trackpad if you've enabled that in System Preferences. Otherwise, you can use the arrow keys or an external mouse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I experimented with the estimate burn time thing. It never shows up on my mac. Never. Doesn't matter how many burns I have done, or if I have satisfied maneuver nodes. The number only shows up while the engines are running. My install was a clean 0.24.2 (vanilla). The same behavior shows in my modded copy. No estimated burn time. Is it really there in the Mac version? It worked in the demo, never in the paid version for me.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "quite buggy." The four gameplay issues listed in the OP all have workarounds or fixes allowing full gameplay. Honestly, I should probably remove the Staging UI issue – it just doesn't affect gameplay very often since you can just click on the UI mode buttons in the bottom left. There are enough new features in 0.23.5 and 0.24 (asteroids, the Klaw, Funds, contracts, procedural cost) that I'd recommend upgrading, though you may want to hold off for 0.25.

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  • 3 weeks later...

KSP has become nearly unplayable on OS X since 0.25. There were problems before, but they've become much worse.

I'm running this on 10.9.5, 3.4ghz i7, Radeon 6970M, 8GB RAM. This is a Steam installation with no mods at all and is at the latest version, Unity Player version 4.5.3p2 (2cb78f2c67dc) according to the Finder. I've verified the game cache and reinstalled to no effect. The only logfile I can find is the KSP.log in the main directory and there seems to be nothing to correlate with the issues in it.

I've seen the following issues thus far:

-First and foremost, a rocket with around 1,000 parts or more (and sometimes less) is now virtually impossible. If it doesn't hang when trying to place something as simple as a nosecone with the endless beachball of doom, it's almost guaranteed to hang either putting it on the launchpad or returning to the hangar. There was always a chance that this would happen in the game, but it's increased massively since 0.25. The game has to be force quit at that point.

-I've seen an issue several times where a craft in space will start blinking back and forth between normal textures and a sort of rainbow texture every half second or so. This makes the game chug pretty hard and you have to quit to get rid of it. This happens sometimes when simply going to the map and back to the ship view. Trying to window out and go back to fullscreen has no effect and may even make the entire screen one giant rainbow.

-Issues that have been present for some time persist. When building a large craft, things tend to bog down as the game eats RAM like it's going out of style. Sometimes clicking a part in the selector, then on a piece of the ship will instead select the part of the ship instead of placing the part, even though you can hear the click confirmation. Trying to undo is a roll of the dice as you can wind up with the beachball of doom. The game STILL isn't a proper fullscreen application and trying to access elements at the top of the screen is a constant exercise in frustration as it pops down the menubar.

Please get these fixed. I'm sick of having to force quit the game several times just to get a large craft into orbit and losing progress in the hangar if I'm not saving it constantly.

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Does KSP run on Yosemite? (OS X 10.10)

Not sure. A few people tried to play it early in the Yosemite beta and had issues, especially with the audio drivers. I imagine those have been fixed, but I haven't updated yet.

Who wants to be the guinea pig? :D


Please read the Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide. It's stickied for a reason. :wink:

Based on your description, it sounds like the issues your having are the result of running out of memory and overheating your graphics card, but I can't be sure unless you post the relevant information as detailed in that guide.

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Not sure. A few people tried to play it early in the Yosemite beta and had issues, especially with the audio drivers. I imagine those have been fixed, but I haven't updated yet.

Who wants to be the guinea pig? :D


Please read the Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide. It's stickied for a reason. :wink:

Based on your description, it sounds like the issues your having are the result of running out of memory and overheating your graphics card, but I can't be sure unless you post the relevant information as detailed in that guide.

I guinea pigged and it works. :D

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