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Aerodynamic failures on Minmus?

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While hooning around on Minmus in a racing spaceplane, I've been having repeated instances of rudders and control surfaces tearing off for no apparent reason:




Smart A.S.S. was engaged on the second two images, but the first was under manual control. The rudders always go first.

Is there a tiny whiff of atmosphere up there? Is it just a g-force thing? Or is there something weird going on with my game?



Edited by Wanderfound
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Please follow the guideline. It's required for a reason; with what you showed us, we can't just magicallly intuit the answer.

Whoops, sorry; didn't think a log was that relevant to this one, because the game isn't crashing and nothing is dramatically exploding. Plus I had a vague memory of seeing something similar posted earlier, so I thought it might be a known issue.

I just had it reoccur while I was in orbit around Minmus, engines off and barely manoeuvring at all. Definitely something screwy going on. I'll get it to happen again, quit the game and post the output log to Dropbox.

Is there anything else that I should be doing? Is the modlist image clear enough for the purpose?

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Output log at https://www.dropbox.com/s/i9bmniih3z3ntoa/output_log.txt?dl=0

Save file at https://www.dropbox.com/s/w5oi7tv02xg3ujz/Dementia%20around%20Minmus.sfs?dl=0

To recreate the problem, I went to the (engines off, orbiting Minmus) spaceplane and used the RCS (which includes some Vernors, although it has happened previously with the Vernors toggled off and just conventional RCS used) to put it into a flat spin. The rudders flew off within a few revolutions.

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Ok, you have an utter crapton of exceptions from all sorts of things. I'm going to ask you to follow the guide and narrow the problem down. Can you replicate the problem with *just* FAR?

Also, for FAR and any other mods installed necessary to replicate the problem, please follow the guideline and list their versions.

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Stripping it down to minimum (FAR, SP+ 'cos it was an SP+ plane, Firespitter dll for the SP+ cargo bay) saw the bug disappear. Given the current messyness of my Gamedata folder, I decided it wasn't worth chasing: scrubbed Gamedata clean, reinstalled only those mods that I'm currently using a lot, bug go away.

All good. Thanks for the help; sorry for any irritation caused.

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