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So I captured an asteroid, now what?


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So I captured my first asteroid last night. I have been playing in the contract career mode since 0.24 came out. Managed to get hooked onto a Class-C asteroid and put in in a fairly circular orbit at an altitude just outside of Mun but inclined a bit over 45 degrees. I did an EVA and transmitted that science back. I did a second EVA and kept that sample on my space craft. That's where I left it. I still have a lot of fuel left but probably not enough parachutes to try to land it. Is there anything else I can do with it that would be useful or get me some more science points from it? How bad would it be if I sent it crashing into Kerbin or Mun? Any and all suggestions on what I could do with it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Try to get it into Munar orbit and build a space station on it!

I was thinking about that. Are there any tricks for getting more science out of it. I was surprised how little samples where worth.

Edited by TerminalV
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Asteroid surface samples act like other experiments, so you get different results in different situations, with varying multipliers. So if you can get it to fly past the Mun or Minmus you can get more science from that. Unless the game's been changed landing at Kerbin won't be worth much science, land it somewhere else for bigger points.

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Asteroid surface samples act like other experiments, so you get different results in different situations, with varying multipliers. So if you can get it to fly past the Mun or Minmus you can get more science from that. Unless the game's been changed landing at Kerbin won't be worth much science, land it somewhere else for bigger points.

So if I get it into low Mun orbit I can get science for each Biomem I pass over like doing EVA's?

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I don't *think* it's biome-sensitive, but I may be wrong. But even if it isn't you can still get a result for "in space high" and another for "in space low", and both will be worth I think 3 or 4 times what you got for the samples in Kerbin orbit.

For future asteroids, if you intercept them in solar orbit you can often arrange a gravity assist from Kerbin and get them to Duna or Eve without needing much delta V. Makes a cool mission and will give a really nice science return.

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I landed one right at the space center in the previous build. Only part I hated about that is you couldnt see it when in the view of the space center. I also wanted to move it over to one of the buildings but I couldnt figure out how to do that on stock parts.

I liked the suggestion above about putting it in Munar orbit and building a space station on it. I may have to do that one myself. :)

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So far all I've done is put a class-E in a high-eccentricity polar orbit (about as useless an orbit as you can get) and a class-A in a retrograde low-equatorial orbit (also pretty useless). I was going to hook them together with KAS or something and make a Prospit-and-moon kind of setup (maybe even complete with buildings) but then that save broke.
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