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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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  JeffreyCor said:
It does indeed appear you have squashed the TechManager issue! Whoo hoo! :)

And by squashed you mean that I made the tech not get disabled until the R&D window is closed or the scene changes. Which hopefully won't have any weird repercussions.

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So far not having a problem Run a few nodes with CTT and nods are unlocking as they should, future unlocks seem to be working, reentering the science center and reselecting already researching nodes is working as it should. so far so good on the tech tree front :)

EDIT: There is a but with the new rollout / rollback function. After rollout and launch, when sending a new ship for rollout on a subsequent launch a rollback sequence starts even though there isn't anything on the launchpad. It's like it forgets the launch took place and thinks the previous ship is still sitting on the launchpad.



Edited by JeffreyCor
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@ JeffreyCor,

About the rollout issue, you sure the launchpad wasn't still in "reconditioning" state ?

I will give it a try right now.

EDIT : subsequent launch working fine here, also my bad, it seems you can rollout a ship while the launchpad is still reconditioning.

Wait, when I think about it, I did launch, recover and then launch.

Maybe the rollback issue is only happening when the first mission is still in progress and there is ie. launchclamps on the pad making think KTC there is still a ship on the pad ?

(I use stage recovery mod which auto-recover the clamps, so I can't tell for sure)

EDIT2: Only issues I saw so far :

- KTC UI isn't draggable anymore on the KSC screen (I used to keep it centered above the VAB, now it is sticked upper-right corner)

- KTC UI doesn't remember its open state in the KSC screen

- suggestion : It might be nice, when a research or launchpad reconditioning is first in the cue list, to have also the next ship/plane being constructed appearing just beneath it.

Edited by Athlonic
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  Athlonic said:
Only issues I saw so far :

- KTC UI isn't draggable anymore on the KSC screen (I used to keep it centered above the VAB, now it is sticked upper-right corner)

- KTC UI doesn't remember its open state in the KSC screen

- suggestion : It might be nice, when a research or launchpad reconditioning is first in the cue list, to have also the next ship/plane being constructed appearing just beneath it.

I think I've fixed the issues with rollback (and a couple other issues), but I'm not making a new Release Candidate until everyone in the dev thread has had a chance to test it out a bit. As for the issues you mention Athlonic, the Build List GUI isn't supposed to be draggable anymore since KCT is going along a stockalike route, meaning all GUIs appear fixed in the top right corner under the button. I can make it appear open if when you left the KSC screen it was open, but I generally found that to be more annoying than clicking the button again only when needed.

As for your suggestion, it is possible to do but requires a bit of code to handle reconditioning/rollout differently from ship building along with my least favorite task of GUI design :P It's not too hard to differentiate between a ship and reconditioning, but that section is designed for quickly viewing/warping to the next "thing" to finish. You can warp to the completion of a specific ship or technode, btw, by clicking on the asterisk button and then clicking "Warp To".

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Feature request, add vehicle recovery to KCT so that it is no longer instantaneous, similar to rollouts and launch pad reconditioning. Calculation for time could be based on mass of recovered parts and distance from KSC.

I've had it happen where I realize I made a mistake in design on the launch pad after rolling out and loading the flight scene, and then had to recover the vehicle as KCT couldn't see it to roll it back any more. I got the parts added to the inventory, but now I need to assemble it again. It takes time to build, but the recovery and supposed dis-assembly was instant.

Edited by Errol
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I was working on a similar feature (recovering straight into storage) but was running into issues, which 0.90 made worse. It was going to require at minimum the rollout time, and at maximum twice the rollout time, based on distance. Normal recovery isn't trivial to "overwrite" but I likely will try to add time requirements to normal recovery as well.

BTW, if you revert to the editor after launching a vessel, it will still be in storage, meaning you can then edit it and make small changes without having to totally rebuild it. It'll save you a lot of time. If you're on a no revert save, then you'd need the feature I was working on, which I'm going to try to get working again, possibly for the 1.2 release.


Release Candidate 3

I've still got a few things to test (supposedly there's an issue with real fuels that I need to look into), but I've built another Release Candidate that should fix some other issues I've been informed about.


v1.1.2.0 (12/26/14)

- Fixed issue when toolbar mod is used instead of Stock AppLauncher

- Fixed issue when recovering parts that have no modules on them

- Fixed rollback that's happening after launch when rolling out new vessel

Edited by magico13
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Suggestion: Can't you store the original craft file inside the spawned craft and use that as the template? This will nullify any kas added parts later but that would be a minor limitation (and .. well .. you are reconditioning the craft to its pristine state).

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  invultri said:
Suggestion: Can't you store the original craft file inside the spawned craft and use that as the template? This will nullify any kas added parts later but that would be a minor limitation (and .. well .. you are reconditioning the craft to its pristine state).

This eliminates the ability to remove or add parts through docking and staging, or damage from crashing. I don't care for the limitations that method creates, and it removes the feeling of reusing the same exact vessel. We'll see though, since it certainly would be easier. I had a method of turning an in-world craft into a craft file, but 0.90 broke that and I need to find a new way.

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  magico13 said:

Release Candidate 3


Ah, excellent, glad I checked before I suggested a possible bug - I've been running on RC1, and finding that recovered ships with crew were being left on the ground to be recovered again (and again...), but I think you fixed that somewhere in the last two RCs. Only had a quick check, but a re-run of a return from Mun has definitely not duplicated the ship this time :)

Great mod, btw - really really good to have legit reasons for allowing time to pass. No longer need I feel guilty about timewarp x100000! Simulations are well thought out too, actually got me considering a no-reset-to-launch philosophy. Always been dubious of this before, because KSP is just a wee bit unpredictable on how it's going to handle any given ship at this particular time, but being able to dry run things before construction reassures me that any error is pilot error. Even if those decorative toroidal fuel tanks did fall off in the proper launch having not done so during the sim... And naturally, ripped through my boosters on their way :D

As a thought, is it possible to have a simulation set a ship up for re-entry at a specified velocity? Lol, I could have done with advance warning of how my probe would fare when it hit Eve's upper atmosphere at 12,000 m/s :) (Surprisingly, the core, fuel tank, and one science instrument survived, so mission complete! Probably shouldn't have called it Mariner though... bit of a jinx.)

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Well, you could set up an Eve orbital simulation with the orbit near the SOI edge, then use an extra stage to deorbit and burn toward the surface. Not exactly what you're suggesting, but a decent substitute :)

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Something else you could do is install hyperedit and only use it during simulations. That way you can setup any scenario you please.

In fact, perhaps the simulation interface itself could gain similar features; letting you change the scenario at any time and not just at sim start.

One thing to keep in mind though is large changes like changing orbital bodies sometimes does not play nice with deadly reentry, resulting in exceeding g-limits or if you jump into/out of an atmosphere parts will burn up. If you were to implement your own method of altering orbital parameters in-flight I would suggest pausing the simulation, making the change, then resuming it. I think that would put the ship "on rails" during the change and bypass any possible shenanigans or kraken attacks.

Edited by Rybec
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I haven't seen any new reports recently, so I'm going to release the latest RC as the official 0.90 update. Here's a rundown of the changes since 1.0.3:

v1.1.2.0 (12/26/14)

- Fixed issue when toolbar mod is used instead of Stock AppLauncher

- Fixed issue when recovering parts that have no modules on them

- Fixed rollback that's happening after launch when rolling out new vessel

v1.1.1.0 (12/23/14)

- Fixed tech tree issues with TechManager trees

- Fixed several issues with rollout and rollback, but added new ones it seems

v1.1.0.0 (12/22/14)

- Update for KSP 0.90

- Build List got a redesign

- Added vessel rollout

- Added support for RSS

- Added basic support for Procedural Parts

- Small change to file structure (added plugins folder, renamed .dll to remove underscores)

- Fixed several bugs

- Check the GitHub commit log for more. This took a long time.

Get the download from the first post!

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Well, I technically said that it does not not work, meaning there's no bugs that I know of, but it's also not explicitly supported. Basically, they both have no idea the other one is there, so they both work just fine, but the balance between them is a bit skewed since a base with 5 kerbals can build ships faster than the entire planet Kerbin can.

They work just fine together other than the balance issues, sorry if there was confusion.

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  westamastaflash said:
It seems that recovering procedural real fuels tanks doesn't quite recover at a 1:1 ratio. So if I launch, recover, launch, recover, I end up with more procedural real fuels tank volume available than I had at the start... almost double. Using both stagerecovery and kct.

I'll admit, the procedural parts support didn't get a very thorough testing. I'll have to take a look at this. Are you using full Realism Overhaul, or just procedural real fuels?

  Eliijahh said:
I have this problem with the mod that when I luanch a rocket it deletes all my active contracts. Is it just me?

This was an issue with launching from the tracking station, but I believe I disabled that, and it shouldn't be happening when launching from flight or the space center. Can you send me an output_log.txt file (check this post if you don't know where it is located) after causing the issue to occur, perhaps something will be logged there that explains what's wrong.

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  lordyod said:
Having an issue with this, when I rollout and launch a rocket, after recovery the rocket still shows up as rolled out.

There was a similar issue in Release Candidate 2, but it was fixed for release. If the vessel isn't even being removed from storage then there's likely a bug that is preventing KSP from loading saves completely (could definitely be my fault), and I'd need to see the output_log.txt file to figure out what it is.

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