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[0.24.2]MapResourceOverlay for Science,Karbonite/MKS and biomes VERSION 0.2.7


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ok, so a long lat map in binary format with 0.1 accuracy would be 50 meg. do you guys think thats acceptable? generating a detailed slope map from that would be sped up by a lot though, i think. gonna put it in for a test run:)

  Alvin853 said:
I'm not very good at image processing, but can't you get the slope from a height map by using a high-pass filter?

maybe, i dont know. this is the first time i do anything with graphics. i´m just a lowly programmer

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  Cyrik said:
ok, so a long lat map in binary format with 0.1 accuracy would be 50 meg. do you guys think thats acceptable? generating a detailed slope map from that would be sped up by a lot though, i think. gonna put it in for a test run:)

So that would be a 3600*1800 map? You can store the values as single precision floats to cut that number in half; there's no real need for doubles since the range of values isn't really that big. But even still, this is for one map, 25MB or 50MB? And there are 15 planets with terrain, so that's 375MB or 750MB of disk space, just to speed up the slope map a little (I'm still not convinced that a slope map at this detail is all that much more useful than a height map). It wouldn't, presumably, take up that much space in RAM, you would only have to load in one at a time and you could just reuse the same array, but still, that's kind-of crazy.

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  DMagic said:
So that would be a 3600*1800 map? You can store the values as single precision floats to cut that number in half; there's no real need for doubles since the range of values isn't really that big. But even still, this is for one map, 25MB or 50MB? And there are 15 planets with terrain, so that's 375MB or 750MB of disk space, just to speed up the slope map a little (I'm still not convinced that a slope map at this detail is all that much more useful than a height map). It wouldn't, presumably, take up that much space in RAM, you would only have to load in one at a time and you could just reuse the same array, but still, that's kind-of crazy.

mhh yeah, didnt think about more then one planet. well the good thing is you can generate it on the players pc, so you dont have to bundle it with the addon. harddrive space is cheap:P filling 350mb of it wouldnt be the end of the world. just need to test how slow it actually is to generate

3mins to generate the file for kerbin. not as bad as i had feared

Edited by Cyrik
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ok so if i ever manage to get my lon/lat math sorted i´ll make it optional to generate a high map cache and will do it the slow way by default

having to restart ksp and debug with log messages is really starting to kill my enthusiasm

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  Cyrik said:
ok so if i ever manage to get my lon/lat math sorted i´ll make it optional to generate a high map cache and will do it the slow way by default

having to restart ksp and debug with log messages is really starting to kill my enthusiasm

ikr...that loading screen becomes a hypnotic taunt after a while.

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  Cyrik said:
ok so if i ever manage to get my lon/lat math sorted i´ll make it optional to generate a high map cache and will do it the slow way by default

having to restart ksp and debug with log messages is really starting to kill my enthusiasm

I so wish we could attach to process :P

And I have a dev install that's pretty much empty for this reason.

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  RoverDude said:
I so wish we could attach to process :P

And I have a dev install that's pretty much empty for this reason.

check out https://github.com/angavrilov/ksp-devtools i just havent tried it yet since you need to use monodev with it and i love love love visual studio, but once i have 30 mins i´ll give it a go

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Anyone know if there are any custom resource maps (or whatever they're called) for real solar system? In the stock Kerbol system the resources tend to be concentrated around visible terrain features but these same patterns carry over to the Sol system and they don't match up with the terrain.

Edited by The Pink Ranger
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  The Pink Ranger said:
Anyone know if there are any custom resource maps (or whatever they're called) for real solar system? In the stock Kerbol system the resources tend to be concentrated around visible terrain features but these same patterns carry over to the Sol system which doesn't match up with the terrain.

err, i´m not even sure if my overlays works with rss:)

other then that, the maps resource maps aren't actually part of this mod. they would be in karbonite/mks, but i´m guessing it would be better to try asking in the ORS thread since they(wave right now) would have to scale the maps incoming from other mods.

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  Cyrik said:
err, i´m not even sure if my overlays works with rss:)

other then that, the maps resource maps aren't actually part of this mod. they would be in karbonite/mks, but i´m guessing it would be better to try asking in the ORS thread since they(wave right now) would have to scale the maps incoming from other mods.

Oh yea sorry. I just figured if there were some floating around someone on this thread might know. But I guess Wave already settled that hehe. Anyway great job on the overlay. Have some rep!

Edit: And yea your overlay works fine with RSS.

Edited by The Pink Ranger
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  The Pink Ranger said:
Oh yea sorry. I just figured if there were some floating around someone on this thread might know. But I guess Wave already settled that hehe. Anyway great job on the overlay. Have some rep!

Edit: And yea your overlay works fine with RSS.

thank you for the info:)

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First off ... GORGEOUS mod! Absolutely love it. I lurk about MKS/OKS thread causing trouble (and being an ignorant beginner as well >_< as Rover can attest to) and ran across your link to this mod. Saw the pictures, had to have it!

BUT ... (you knew all the kissing up was going somewhere, right?)

Not sure where to post this, but figured I'd start here since Rover lurks around here as well. And his pounces are so cute! (just teasing ya Rover, relax, I'm not a stalker, promise! You herd the cats well ... and don't even get paid for it. Amazing tolerance :D )

I ran across a discrepancy between what the Karbonite Detection Array shows and what the tooltip is displaying.


(I don't like putting pics inline, think it makes the thread slower to load ... personal thing)

Basically the PPM displayed on the KA-100 shows an abundance of 2644ppm and the tooltip at the same location is 1155.6ppm. I included coordinates from MJ and how I had MRO setup in the screenshot. As a stupid end user (I'm a hardware / network guy ... I'm allowed to say it!) I'm not certain which is correct. My first thought is that KDA is showing the average for a wider area while the tooltip is more precise ... but that is only an ignorant "hey, maybe it is this" assumption.

I do have one suggestion. Disable having the tooltip enabled on first startup once you are comfortable with stability / features. It causes the screen to be a bit ... hectic ... with the overlapping windows as you are trying to get the toolbar window moved and configured to show the MRO icon so you can then turn it off. I'm guessing that you have it turned on by default to aid in development (talking out of my arse here) but from an Ignorant End User standpoint ... it seems to make more sense to have it off by default while I'm getting my UI setup and windows moved around.

Again, love the mod and eagerly await to see how far you can go with it. And if you need someone to break stuff ... I'll help anyway I can! :cool:


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  Mynar Moonshadow said:
First off ... GORGEOUS mod! Absolutely love it. I lurk about MKS/OKS thread causing trouble (and being an ignorant beginner as well >_< as Rover can attest to) and ran across your link to this mod. Saw the pictures, had to have it!

BUT ... (you knew all the kissing up was going somewhere, right?)

Not sure where to post this, but figured I'd start here since Rover lurks around here as well. And his pounces are so cute! (just teasing ya Rover, relax, I'm not a stalker, promise! You herd the cats well ... and don't even get paid for it. Amazing tolerance :D )

I ran across a discrepancy between what the Karbonite Detection Array shows and what the tooltip is displaying.


(I don't like putting pics inline, think it makes the thread slower to load ... personal thing)

Basically the PPM displayed on the KA-100 shows an abundance of 2644ppm and the tooltip at the same location is 1155.6ppm. I included coordinates from MJ and how I had MRO setup in the screenshot. As a stupid end user (I'm a hardware / network guy ... I'm allowed to say it!) I'm not certain which is correct. My first thought is that KDA is showing the average for a wider area while the tooltip is more precise ... but that is only an ignorant "hey, maybe it is this" assumption.

I do have one suggestion. Disable having the tooltip enabled on first startup once you are comfortable with stability / features. It causes the screen to be a bit ... hectic ... with the overlapping windows as you are trying to get the toolbar window moved and configured to show the MRO icon so you can then turn it off. I'm guessing that you have it turned on by default to aid in development (talking out of my arse here) but from an Ignorant End User standpoint ... it seems to make more sense to have it off by default while I'm getting my UI setup and windows moved around.

Again, love the mod and eagerly await to see how far you can go with it. And if you need someone to break stuff ... I'll help anyway I can! :cool:



thanks a lot for the feedback. At first glance I´m not sure how the discrepancy happens. I will have to in the Karbonite code to see how they get their values. My plugin just asks ORS for the value at the given coordinates, so I would guess that I should be more precise, but maybe a bug crept in there somewhere. I will look into it. However, I´ll be gone for 2 weeks on an internship, starting tomorrow and I'm not sure how much free time I will have, so we'll see how fast I can check it out.

About the tooltip: enabled from the start was more of a new user thing for me. I thought if i had it disabled new users might not even realize that there are tooltips and you can disable it. After you disable them they should stay disabled even after a restart. Is that not the case for you?

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  Cyrik said:

thanks a lot for the feedback. At first glance I´m not sure how the discrepancy happens. I will have to in the Karbonite code to see how they get their values. My plugin just asks ORS for the value at the given coordinates, so I would guess that I should be more precise, but maybe a bug crept in there somewhere. I will look into it. However, I´ll be gone for 2 weeks on an internship, starting tomorrow and I'm not sure how much free time I will have, so we'll see how fast I can check it out.

Oh these are definitely minor issues ... personally I wouldn't even worry about it for the next 2 weeks. Focus on your internship and have fun!

About the tooltip: enabled from the start was more of a new user thing for me. I thought if i had it disabled new users might not even realize that there are tooltips and you can disable it. After you disable them they should stay disabled even after a restart. Is that not the case for you?

Oh it stays disabled, that's not an issue at all. One of the main reasons I decided to download and use the mod was *because* it had the tooltip at the cursor. I'm not sure that users overlooking the setting for one of the main features is an issue. I could certainly be wrong ... mine never fail to surprise me even after 20+ years in IT...

Let me see if I can explain it better.

Setup 1 - KSP with MJ and MRO only.

Nice white button docks to the KSP toolbar just fine. No overlapping windows or anything and it Just Works As Designed. Can easily get into the settings and disable the tooltip and mess around with settings. 2 mouse clicks and done.

Setup 2 - Same as 1 above, only added Blizzy's Toolbar 1.7.6

The button no longer docks to the default KSP toolbar. So on first startup you have to configure Blizzy's Toolbar to get the icon for MRO to disable the tooltip. While doing this, the tooltip-on-by-default setting causes the tooltip window to show up behind the toolbar configuration window as seen in the following screenshots:



It's just a UX thing. In Setup 1 you display a prominent icon for MRO at startup with 2 clicks to disable the tooltip. In my opinion it is very easy to understand visually. Flows well.

Moving into Setup 2, there is not a prominent icon for MRO anywhere on the screen. Just this box of text following your cursor around. The user has to configure another mod (blizzy's toolbar) before they get to see an icon for MRO to disable the tooltip. So basically 6 clicks with a mysterious box of text following the cursor and hiding behind the configuration windows for the toolbar. It draws my eye to it, makes me want to constantly check to see if it is an error message or something important I need to see. Just feels ... out of place and somewhat jarring to the eye.

This is a MINOR issue and I'm not trying to exaggerate it into something more. I'm just trying to explain what I experienced the first go around. More experienced players/modders will read this and say "hey, this is a non issue. Easy to work around ... move along noob." I agree ... just wanted to share my thoughts on it.


Edited by Mynar Moonshadow
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I think I have partial answer for the differences. When you view from top-down( 90deg vertical), the ppm matches and the location coordinates are close enough for government work. If you try and keep the cursor in what appears to be the same place and tilt the view to like 45deg, that's when the numbers no longer match. 2 screenshots below should explain it better. Notice the PPM value and the coordinate numbers in the tooltip.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/55g4vyhabybq08x/ppmangle1.png?dl=0 45deg view

https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkcdjb1752i56ts/ppmangle2.png?dl=0 90deg view

Hope it helps!


Edited by Mynar Moonshadow
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So I'm back again first I want to thank you Cyrik. The new UI is a realy nice improvement thanks for working on it. :)

While testing the new version I found probably a smal bug.

- If you select Logarithmic and Colored Scale the overlay is white. But because I don't realy know how exactly the different options work mabye thats how it work.

- If Log. Scale is selected and the cuttoff value of Water is at 0 it don't change to 1 like at the other resources.

Also mabye I'm just to stupid and don't get it but an explanation what each Scale option do and how it work would be nice.

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I am having a problem with this. When I click the Resource Options button, nothing happens and I get this in the log:

UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/PluginData" is denied.

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectoriesInternal (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Create () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo:Create ()

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectoriesInternal (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KSP.IO.File.Exists[ResourceOverlay] (System.String filename, .Vessel flight) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: 4294967295)

edit: Version 0.2.4 does not have this problem, using that one for now.

Edited by cttw
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  Mynar Moonshadow said:
Oh these are definitely minor issues ... personally I wouldn't even worry about it for the next 2 weeks. Focus on your internship and have fun!

Oh it stays disabled, that's not an issue at all. One of the main reasons I decided to download and use the mod was *because* it had the tooltip at the cursor. I'm not sure that users overlooking the setting for one of the main features is an issue. I could certainly be wrong ... mine never fail to surprise me even after 20+ years in IT...

Let me see if I can explain it better.

Setup 1 - KSP with MJ and MRO only.

Nice white button docks to the KSP toolbar just fine. No overlapping windows or anything and it Just Works As Designed. Can easily get into the settings and disable the tooltip and mess around with settings. 2 mouse clicks and done.

Setup 2 - Same as 1 above, only added Blizzy's Toolbar 1.7.6

The button no longer docks to the default KSP toolbar. So on first startup you have to configure Blizzy's Toolbar to get the icon for MRO to disable the tooltip. While doing this, the tooltip-on-by-default setting causes the tooltip window to show up behind the toolbar configuration window as seen in the following screenshots:



It's just a UX thing. In Setup 1 you display a prominent icon for MRO at startup with 2 clicks to disable the tooltip. In my opinion it is very easy to understand visually. Flows well.

Moving into Setup 2, there is not a prominent icon for MRO anywhere on the screen. Just this box of text following your cursor around. The user has to configure another mod (blizzy's toolbar) before they get to see an icon for MRO to disable the tooltip. So basically 6 clicks with a mysterious box of text following the cursor and hiding behind the configuration windows for the toolbar. It draws my eye to it, makes me want to constantly check to see if it is an error message or something important I need to see. Just feels ... out of place and somewhat jarring to the eye.

This is a MINOR issue and I'm not trying to exaggerate it into something more. I'm just trying to explain what I experienced the first go around. More experienced players/modders will read this and say "hey, this is a non issue. Easy to work around ... move along noob." I agree ... just wanted to share my thoughts on it.


ah now I get what you mean by your first point and it gives me an idea:

how about opening the UI on your first time in the game? That way you dont have to fiddle with the toolbar to get it open and you can immediately see all the options you have.

for your second point: I'll look into it. Thank you for checking again and giving me a detailed bug report!

  gh7531 said:
So I'm back again first I want to thank you Cyrik. The new UI is a realy nice improvement thanks for working on it. :)

While testing the new version I found probably a smal bug.

- If you select Logarithmic and Colored Scale the overlay is white. But because I don't realy know how exactly the different options work mabye thats how it work.

- If Log. Scale is selected and the cuttoff value of Water is at 0 it don't change to 1 like at the other resources.

Also mabye I'm just to stupid and don't get it but an explanation what each Scale option do and how it work would be nice.

It is a bug. I'll look into fixing that and adding a description of the options. Thanks for the feedback.

  cttw said:
I am having a problem with this. When I click the Resource Options button, nothing happens and I get this in the log:

UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/PluginData" is denied.

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectoriesInternal (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Create () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.DirectoryInfo:Create ()

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectoriesInternal (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KSP.IO.File.Exists[ResourceOverlay] (System.String filename, .Vessel flight) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: 4294967295)

edit: Version 0.2.4 does not have this problem, using that one for now.

It looks to me like the folder is read only, but I might be wrong. I will test it and come back to you once I have a few minutes:) Thank you for informing me.

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  Cyrik said:

It looks to me like the folder is read only, but I might be wrong. I will test it and come back to you once I have a few minutes:) Thank you for informing me.

Yeah the error looks like that but the permissions are right. It just got unzipped and put in place, like all the other mods, and like the 0.2.4 version, which works fine.

I am unfamiliar with the error messages here but a path starting with / means starting at root, and indeed there is no /PluginData in my root folder structure.

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  chlue said:
Hello, I face the "UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "/PluginData" is denied."-issue when trying to change the resource in 0.25 too. If this only happens for some people it may be penguin related,...

I'll try to get around to installing linux on the weekend.

The only other thing I can think of other then permissions: I didn't put a version of the config into the /PluginData folder, because I didn't want to overwrite peoples config. Did you guys switch from 0.24 to 0.25 or start at 0.25? If you started at 0.25 Linux might not want to write the file if it doesn't exist.

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Linux Ubuntu 64 bit over here. I am having exactly the same problem. I am brand new to Map Overlay today so I have no config file.

According to Player.log it is initially trying to write to the path /PluginData/KSP for which it will not get permission because this path starts in root and will not exist. For diagnosis I created that path and gave permissions.

Now from my experiment it appears that if new users copy the file Base.cfg from ~MapResourceOverlay to ~MapResourceOverlay/PluginData/MapResourceOverlay and rename the file as MapResourceOverlay.cfg it will correct itself from then on, but I am still testing.

If that is all that is bugged then I expect it will be easy enough for Cyrik to find the wrong path assignment and do a fix (but then again I don't speak C# or Unity so who knows!) :)

Edit: For some odd reason it needs write permission to a folder "/PluginData/KSP". I cannot remove that folder without breaking it, but it appears that it does not actually write anything there.

Edited by Kaa253
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