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Spaceplane Plus Integration: what do you want, what don't you want?


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I really, really want cargo bays. And not just for spaceplanes, but for rockets too. I just want somewhere to put all my science equipment, batteries, and radial fuel tanks without the rocket having a bunch of crap stuck to the outside. That looks no good.

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Hope you're not too dissapointed about the lack of black heatshields. Having them at a fixed location on the part models just wasn't the way to go. This and the fact that the parts are now symmetric increases freedom of building quite considerably.

So they're symetric! :D:D:D:D

I do apologize for all the smileys, I know it's a rather n00b thing to do, but I couldn't help it.

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When 0.25 does come out, I think I'll finally get into spaceplanes. To be frank, I really do hate the selection of parts we have when it comes to cockpits and fuel tanks. Some of the textures just do not fit the game very well. However, having SpacePlane+ is going to be incredible. The cockpits and tanks look stunning.

Based on previous experiences, I think i'd like some bigger wings. The wings in the mod currently are kind of small, in my opinion. But besides that, I love what Squad has coming! :D

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When 0.25 does come out, I think I'll finally get into spaceplanes. To be frank, I really do hate the selection of parts we have when it comes to cockpits and fuel tanks. Some of the textures just do not fit the game very well. However, having SpacePlane+ is going to be incredible. The cockpits and tanks look stunning.

Based on previous experiences, I think i'd like some bigger wings. The wings in the mod currently are kind of small, in my opinion. But besides that, I love what Squad has coming! :D

Procedural wings until an alternate is available? :-)

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Just going to reiterate it again, the cockpits and tanks look stunning. BUT, from the looks of the new textures, they don't all have a black bottom meaning they won't all match when connected in front of each other. I hope there is a work around for that.

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best implementation of black bottom would be to just give all the parts a texture with or without, and a tweakables button in the VAB/SPH.

I hope thats the chosen solution. :)

Don't restrict it to SP+, tweakable colours on everything. Finally get rid of those hideous LFB / Orange Rockomax combinations.

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I would like more landing gear. Like someone else said ones that are flush with the craft, not tacted on. I would also like larger and longer landing gear options.

I think Porkjet just declared over in the SP+ thread that he'll be coming out with a non-stock range of landing gear in the near future, BTW.

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Cargo bays are the thing I am most interested in. the larger the better. Landing gears would be a good addition, too. A single part can hardly work with every plane and shuttle.

Tweakable heat shields sound like a good idea although more textures might not help to shorten the loading time.

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When you look at the screenshot posted by Squad, you can see that the parts have a symmetrical cross section and even texturing now, allowing for parts to be mounted upside down without breaking form or looks. I guess the update will be much more than just a few spaceplane parts... They will integrate much better into the current KSP experience, than most of us expect at the moment. Pretty cool :)

[edit] and a symmetrical cross section would also mean centered connections... Compatible with rocket parts... (place headbanging smiley here)

Edited by Frank_G
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and a symmetrical cross section would also mean centered connections... Compatible with rocket parts... (place headbanging smiley here)

Would also allow inverting the cargo bays, so you can drop a rover or other payload straight to the surface after landing easily. Or make a bomb bay for weapons for the people that are into that.

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Would also allow inverting the cargo bays, so you can drop a rover or other payload straight to the surface after landing easily. Or make a bomb bay for weapons for the people that are into that.

Putting down rovers would be easier that way, but why bother landing? Drop that rover mid-flight like it's hot! ;)

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