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Most ridiculous thing to reach orbit contest!


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This challenge is pretty self-explanatory. You basically gotta build the most ridiculous thing ever and put it in orbit.


1)All mods allowed except hyperedit and other editing mods like that

2)The infinite fuel cheat is allowed to make this easier

3)The orbit must be of at least 100km

4)You must include images showing how you got in orbit

May the most ridiculous/crazy/danny2462 craft win!

My entry is a Danny2462 RCS sling copy, will add pictures and details later

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I think a Danny2462 craft would be the one to kill the most kerbals.

Then again, Danny wasn't all about killing kerbals.(back then atleast)

What I meant by Danny2462 was crazy and a bit useless. Anyways, this is my entry, the RCS Slinger Thingy. Pictures of it reaching orbit are included. When I built this I really didn't think it would work

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The VAB image is one of an earlier smaller prototype, could not find the other screenshot

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I considered entering this idea, but then decided against on the grounds that it was insufficiently creative. But it's a good enough image to share:

Shimmy's Throne (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66220-Bond-Aerotech-Shimmy-s-Throne-1-3-1-F100-jet-engine-Updated-15-AUG-14?p=910859&viewfull=1#post910859) with a few infinite-fuel Sepratrons strapped to the legs.



Edited by Wanderfound
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How about a 45-foot yacht?


OK, how about a 45-foot yacht with an attached nuclear-electric transfer stage delivering a delta-V of 44 km/s?


Mission album: https://flic.kr/s/aHsjZPThM9

No cheats used unless you call the enable part clipping option cheating.

The point of this is getting a really ridiculous thing to orbit. A yatch is not what i would call ridiculous. The spaceship has to look like it can't even achieve orbit

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dbmorpher challenged me in what he thought was a throw-away comment to:

1. Build a Cathedral

2. Put it on the Mun

So I did:

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Completely legit as well: all stock apart from the funky lighting. No infinite fuel, clipping, or other tomfoolery.

Edit: I did use mj due to the prodigious lag.

Edit Edit:

The point of this is getting a really ridiculous thing to orbit. A yatch is not what i would call ridiculous. The spaceship has to look like it can't even achieve orbit

Go back and have a look at the album.......

Edited by Speeding Mullet
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4 mono prop engines attached to the 750 unit tank will make LKO easily. No mods. Need tighter mission parameters.

Following Scott Manly's lead I hacked fuel and went to jool with just mono prop engines. Breaking the speed of light in KSP is just like any other day but faster.

Edited by parzr
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