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[Abandoned] CxAerospace: Aeroshells and Lander Chassis (Source Files Released)


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December was a busy month so i didn't get much progress. My wife is also expecting our first baby soon, so I have been getting my house ready with my wife.

I'm not sure how much progress I'll be making in the next 2 months, so I might just end up releasing the blender and Unity files to let someone pick up from where I left off.

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  cxg2827 said:
December was a busy month so i didn't get much progress. My wife is also expecting our first baby soon, so I have been getting my house ready with my wife.

I'm not sure how much progress I'll be making in the next 2 months, so I might just end up releasing the blender and Unity files to let someone pick up from where I left off.

Congrats! don't worry, just wanted a heads up. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree, releasing the source has nothing to do with whether we're allowed to Share, Copy and Redistribute (in any medium or format) or Adapt (remix, transform and build upon the material)

Nothing's really changed.

  • Share  copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt  remix, transform, and build upon the material


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  StEligius said:
sumghai, when I saw that you had posted to this thread I was hoping you were going to pick up the development.

I'm adopting a wait-and-see approach regarding SQUAD's implementation of procedural fairings.

I also prefer not to make promises about "taking over" mods unless I am absolutely certain I can commit to doing so in the long term.

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Ive been lusting after a modular variant of the lander for quite a while (BahamutoD and someone else was working on it a while back). Have thought of attempting to knock off the 15 years of rust that has accumulated on my 3d modeling skills, unfortunately my day job burns me out on tech work to the point editing config files is about all a can be bothered to do end of the night. There a big difference how I was doing Auto-Cad modeling and the copy of 3DSM I have trough work. Probably need to go through the Lynda.com tutorials during lunch.

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  sumghai said:
It is also entirely possible for the source file to be available, while being licensed as All Rights Reserved - i.e. a "Look but don't touch" licence.

I'm not sure if that's what his intentions were, from what I heard, he was releasing them to be available for further development. I might be wrong though.

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  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
I'm not sure if that's what his intentions were, from what I heard, he was releasing them to be available for further development. I might be wrong though.

The point is that in this particular case, cxg2827 has already explicitly declared his work to be CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, therefore anyone is permitted to remix and redistribute his work, but only under that specific licence and for non-commercial purposes.

If a person releases source models and code, but does not explicitly provide any licence, you must always assume it is All Rights Reserved.

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If all else fails, CC licenses are irrevocable, so the original download (i.e. the one in the OP) is still redistributable and remixable (under what I think is a suboptimal license, but what can you do?) if anyone grabbed it. With taniwha's .mu importer, the "release" or "binary" files can be at least partly editable.

(This is why proper software licenses [e.g. BSD, MIT, Apache, GPL/LGPL] are great, because they specify that their terms apply to the source as well.)

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  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
I'm not sure if that's what his intentions were, from what I heard, he was releasing them to be available for further development.

That's correct.

I've updated the first post to include the downloads and updated the license (hopefully what I have is sufficient).

After hearing Squad implementing stock re-entry heat and better aerodynamics, I really wanted to get back into this. But, when it gets to UV unwrapping and the texturing portions, I lose all motivation. I enjoy the 3D modeling portion, but the texturing kills it for me. If anyone does decide to pick this up, I'd be willing to finish the models for the HAB modules that I had planned for this, as well as other ideas I had to utilize the lander frame.

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There wasn't anything wrong with the license you had, It was just someone tryed to more less pass your work off with out giving you credit and changing your license what you had still let people do what ever and that it couldn't be sold and the license they tryed to change so they could sell your work all they had to do was post your part as what license you had and the other mod parts that they was picking up has what license they where which could be sold.

Edited by Mecripp2
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  cxg2827 said:
That's correct.

I've updated the first post to include the downloads and updated the license (hopefully what I have is sufficient).

After hearing Squad implementing stock re-entry heat and better aerodynamics, I really wanted to get back into this. But, when it gets to UV unwrapping and the texturing portions, I lose all motivation. I enjoy the 3D modeling portion, but the texturing kills it for me. If anyone does decide to pick this up, I'd be willing to finish the models for the HAB modules that I had planned for this, as well as other ideas I had to utilize the lander frame.

I hate texturing too, or at least the UV part of it, but at some point I was probably going to give it a shot.

If you do pick this back up, I really think the lander legs need to be elevated. It 'crouches' too low and the bells on the engine smack the ground when they're at full extension.

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The unwrap part I don't find too hard or time consuming, it's actually creating the textures that's tricky for me.

We all get to the stage where we need a break, but thanks for open sourcing your work so far!

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