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[1.2.2] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.2.1 (Old Thread)


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  W1ntermute said:
firespitter should be part of the default core code in this game

while i agree with you, there is nothing the B9 team can do about that, and i don't think Squad is willing to take ownership of that code, even if Snjo would release it to them. it's very unhelpful to tell B9 that the parts they depend that are produced by a 3rd party should be included in a 4th party's release.

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Well, Firespitter mostly works. I'm going to check it out, 0.25 wasn't a very plugin-breaking update, most things work, more or less.

  endl said:
waiting on firespitter to update, apparently squad made some changes that are a large departure from the current functionality of firespitter so this sounds like a major overhaul of the mod to me. would be nice if there was some confirmation of this because this is probably going to take quit a bit of time. which is sad because firespitter is probably the biggest core mode for the community other then module manager and toolbar

Actually, the big changes will come in 0.26. They did code some cargobay shielding, but otherwise didn't overhaul the aerodynamics that much.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you play a highly modded KSP install it's inadvisable to upgrade KSP until your mods have been updated, or if you value your save.

And if you want to upgrade and existing career to a new KSP version with mods you're wise to backup first so that if .25 breaks your save/mods you can keep playing on .24.2

There is a reason Scott Manly is still on .23.5 in his Interstellar Quest series. Unfortunately Snjo is busy so a FS update might delay some.

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First of all, I rly want to thank you for the awesome work you are doing on this mod. B9 is my favourite mod and the new features are rly cool.

However, I have a question about the textures of some parts. Why do the S2W parts (adapters, engine mounts) and the S2W cargo bays + S2 parts (reusable pod, cargo bays, etc) have different heat shield textures? I love those parts and as far as I can see they are ment to be used together. It looks a bit odd though if you do so. My bigger shuttles all have stripes of different heatshields on theire bellys. Am I missing something obvious or is it grafical bug I am experiencing?

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prophet_01: because it's a very fiddly and time consuming process putting a tiling pattern like that on complex geometry, bac9 did the existing ones by hand. (Literally, he drew them with a wacom).

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/634813616_6957ab3307_o.jpg - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/Thermal_protection_system_inspections_from_ISS_-_Shuttle_nose.jpg those give you an idea of how complex the patterns are, can't just wrap a tiling texture across it.

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This might be a weird request, but I'd like to use just a single cockpit from the pack in my next career mode run. The mod itself is very impressive, but it's a bit overwhelming, and... loading the whole thing is pretty long. So for the moment at least the only one I really want to take from it is the M27 cockpit. I think that's it's name... this one: http://i.imgur.com/RVsm6W4.jpg It's one of my favorite non-stock cockpits.

So far I've gathered that I'll need the actual parts file and the space file. So... in GameData, I've put:







Am I missing anything else that I'll need to use it? Maybe something that dictates how it will be placed in the tech tree? Or the way it's lights will work? The "Props" sub-folder seems to have stuff that will be used in IVA, but none of them seem to specifically belong to the M27 cockpit.

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Mkay, in it goes! I'm guessing anything that I put in that's too much will just not get used. Thanks for the quick answer.


Well... it didn't crash my game, but I do appear to be missing something. The internal view is bright neon blue. Also the windows don't show the actual outside, they only show a gray surface. http://i.imgur.com/TJBJToH.png


And... it did actually crash my game after a bit. I might just wait until it's patched for 0.25 and then try again.

Edited by PTNLemay
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  PTNLemay said:
Mkay, in it goes! I'm guessing anything that I put in that's too much will just not get used. Thanks for the quick answer.


Well... it didn't crash my game, but I do appear to be missing something. The internal view is bright neon blue. Also the windows don't show the actual outside, they only show a gray surface. http://i.imgur.com/TJBJToH.png

You're missing internal textures specifically B9_Aerospace\Spaces\model000 B9_Aerospace\Spaces\model001 B9_Aerospace\Spaces\model002

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  K3|Chris said:
You're missing internal textures specifically B9_Aerospace\Spaces\model000 B9_Aerospace\Spaces\model001 B9_Aerospace\Spaces\model002

Holy buckets! That did it. Thanks again. I'd rep you twice if I could.

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Still... it's hard to place them if they don't actually use the name M27 in the file-name.

One more thing I've found that's missing. The MFD/RPM based displays in the cockpits. http://i.imgur.com/7zKiOwd.png I did a search to find all of the folders that mention the name MFD, and I did find some in the JSI folder so I threw that one in. I also threw in the RPM sub-folder within the B9_Aerospace folder. But the IVA screens still show as black.


Super, it's fixed.

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  Tommy59375 said:
Guessing from most people's reaction, this works in 0.25, or no?

Kinda does it seems but you'll need to update RPM separately, FireSpitter doesn't work in .25 but I don't specifically know which aspects of it doesn't work.

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B9's fuel tanks are all stored as structural components, you place the piece you want, and right click on the "next tank setup" button and you can choose what fuel you want to fill the tank with, if anything.

If you mean those are gone, I'd recommend reinstalling the mod.

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