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[1.2.2] Stock Part Revamp, Update 1.9.6. Released Source Files!


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Because collision physics is incredibly compute-intensive. If you really need a hollow part the way it's typically done in KSP is to create multiple colliders which form a ring (that's how cargo bays are done), but for something like a decoupler which is rarely going to be used that way it's more resource-intensive than it's worth.

No, I mean WHY can you not make a ring shaped collider. What is preventing such a thing? Like, as far as how the model format has to work.

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No, I mean WHY can you not make a ring shaped collider. What is preventing such a thing? Like, as far as how the model format has to work.

There's nothing stopping you making a hollow mesh, or a mesh of any shape, for a mesh collider. Unity will just convert it to a convex object as soon as you tag it as a collider.

It does that due to [explained above].

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No, I mean WHY can you not make a ring shaped collider. What is preventing such a thing? Like, as far as how the model format has to work.

If it's one collider model, then it has to be convex (I believe) and then it will just be a cylinder. Like bac9 said you can put a bunch of rectangle colliders but that would cause a lot of lag. :P

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That is not an answer. I actually DO need that revamp-o-tron, but I need it to replace stock docking port ONLY...

The revamp port replaces the stock model. The SHDI parts refer to the stock model, and takes what is replaced. If you want to keep the SHDI port to use stock, you gotta make a copy of the stock model, place it somewhere else, and poke around the cfg for that part to refer to the copy instead.

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A made an MM patch that adds a toroidal tank's worth of fuel to the LV909a, but not the B. Here it is if anyone are interested.

Put this anywhere

name = LiquidFuel
amount = 10
maxAmount = 10
name = Oxidizer
amount = 12.2
maxAmount = 12.2

Put this anywhere, but make sure that the first letter of what you name it is after V in the alphabet

!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}

Question: does this increase the price and the mass appropriately? Or do we need to specify that ourselves too?

Also, don't we have an AFTER function for MM that can do those things instead of having to name things after V in the alphabet?

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I have a couple of things I want to say:

Firstly, I love the look of these models! Keep up the good work!

However, I have been experiencing a few problems with this mod -- notably with the turbojets now colliding with parts of my spacecraft, glitching out, and exploding. Here's the engine setup of the plane: KoBJu2s.png I can also provide a .craft file, if that would help.

It might be that this is a known bug, or intentional, but I though I'd let you know!

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Well, it'd help if you posted a picture of the problem (i.e. with SPR installed) as I can't imagine what a new model would be doing to cause engines glitching out.

Also, HotRockets is fine to have installed (I have it), just delete the MP_Nazari\FX\emissives folder.

It seemed strange to me too! I'm afraid I deleted the mod, as it was making my spaceplanes unflyable. I did have HotRockets installed, though... Don't know how that would cause it either.

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Alright, so go into your gamedata, click on MP_Nazari, then FX, then emmissives, then click on the CFG folder, and replace it's contents with this.
model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineTurbo/model
//position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
//scale = 0.8, 0.8, 0.8
//rotation = 0, 0, 0
//parent = anotherModelTransform

If that doesn't work, then delete the emmissives fold in FX. That will definitely fix you problem, but it get rid of the awesome jet engine effects =/

You don't have to delete emmissives, just do the thing being quoted. Also, Ven, could you add this to the OP so that people know how to fix this?

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All criticisms, no matter how they are worded, are valid. However, it is up to the one being criticized to determine a way in which to use that criticism constructively, and it may or may not be in the way that the criticizer originally intended.

Anyways Preview Time:


oh my lord how did i miss this, those parts look utterly amazing, also tiny request but can we please have one aeroshell with a door for the MK 1-2 capsule for certain reasons

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Can I second what Helix935 is asking for? The SDHI Service Module system has an aeroshell for the MK1-2 capsule which of course is a bit odd now as the door is not in line with the hatch.

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You don't have to delete emmissives, just do the thing being quoted. Also, Ven, could you add this to the OP so that people know how to fix this?

Thank you! I feel slightly embarrassed now I see the issue was brought up elsewhere in the thread -- but yeah, it might be worth adding a note to the OP.

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I simplified my MM patch so that it only needs to be in one file now.

name = LiquidFuel
amount = 10
maxAmount = 10

name = Oxidizer
amount = 12.2
maxAmount = 12.2

!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}

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You could also use @PART[liquidEngine3]:AFTER[VenStockRevamp] to prevent it from being applied to the 909B.



name = LiquidFuel
amount = 10
maxAmount = 10

name = Oxidizer
amount = 12.2
maxAmount = 12.2

Sorry if this cluttered up this page...

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Adding fuel necessarily increases the wet mass. Rockets wouldn't make sense otherwise, since they have to expel mass to create thrust.

Yeah, was wondering if it works that way in the code though. XD I remember reading somewhere that the price specified in the cfg is for the total wet mass of a part, and it can cause parts with negative price if you give it more fuel, then remove it in editor.

Edit: Yeah, need to add 10 more fund to the price to account for the fuel too, or it would be a 10 fund cheaper Lv909! Not that much, but I like to be accurate, darn it!

Edited by RainDreamer
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Yeah, was wondering if it works that way in the code though. XD I remember reading somewhere that the price specified in the cfg is for the total wet mass of a part, and it can cause parts with negative price if you give it more fuel, then remove it in editor.

Edit: Yeah, need to add 10 more fund to the price to account for the fuel too, or it would be a 10 fund cheaper Lv909! Not that much, but I like to be accurate, darn it!

I believe the cost of fuel is separate from the cost listed in the config of a fuel tank after all the resource.cfg defines the resource's cost per unit it wouldn't need to do that if that cost was part of the cost listed in a fuel tanks config

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