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[WIP] .25 - PaladinLabs Dev Thread - DeepFreeze cryonic crew storage - v.14


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DeepFreeze seems to be abandoned. Someone could carry on the torch, but it would require author's permission. His last post was in December 2014 so it's obvious he's not visiting the forum anymore.

Too bad, because this was the only way to use life support mods without the crew dying during long trips to stock-alike planets of Outer Planets Mod. It's pretty much essential.

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  lajoswinkler said:
DeepFreeze seems to be abandoned. Someone could carry on the torch, but it would require author's permission. His last post was in December 2014 so it's obvious he's not visiting the forum anymore.

Too bad, because this was the only way to use life support mods without the crew dying during long trips to stock-alike planets of Outer Planets Mod. It's pretty much essential.

The good news is that the license is permissive. It is CC-BY NC SA 4.0, which means you can fork it and continue it so long as you attribute the original author. I need a cryopod for DSEV so I plan to fork the project unless someone else takes over. Don't expect anything soon though, I need to update ny current mods first and DSEV is consuming all of my free time.

Edited by Angel-125
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  Angel-125 said:
The good news is that the license is permissive. It is CC-BY NC SA 4.0, which means you can fork it and continue it so long as you attribute the original author. I need a cryopod for DSEV so I plan to fork the project unless someone else takes over. Don't expect anything soon though, I need to update ny current mods first and DSEV is consuming all of my free time.

Nice. I still wait this mod. Thx!

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Is anyone willing to update this mod? Angel-125? If not, I will take a look at it. Give me until the end of this weekend to see what I can do.

EDIT: actually. The author, although hasn't been active on the forums. He has been active on GitHub with the source. 20 days ago he reverted his code that someone had done for 1.0. So perhaps he is still maintaining it? Just busy? Although he did make a commit/revert comment saying "more than I've been doing lately". I'll get a forked version working. What would speed things up is a list of what's broken or error msgs or logs. cheers.

Edited by JPLRepo
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Work In Progress KSP 1.0.x compatible update is located here. DELETE OLD Versions completely. And re-install from this ZIP file into your gamedata directory.

What WORKS: The part attach nodes now work correctly in the VAB. No errors encountered in VAB.

Freezing and Thawing Kerbals works.

KNOWN BUG: The part right click menu to thaw and freeze kerbals is glitchy. But it DOES work from what I can tell. If it glitches, close the part menu and re-open it. - I need more time to fix this, but have run out of time for today.

UNKNOWN BUGS: Dunno - use with caution. May kill kerbals, or make them vanish. I did minimum testing. But seemed ok.

Edited by JPLRepo
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  JPLRepo said:
Work In Progress KSP 1.0.x compatible update is located here. DELETE OLD Versions completely. And re-install from this ZIP file into your gamedata directory.

What WORKS: The part attach nodes now work correctly in the VAB. No errors encountered in VAB.

Freezing and Thawing Kerbals works.

KNOWN BUG: The part right click menu to thaw and freeze kerbals is glitchy. But it DOES work from what I can tell. If it glitches, close the part menu and re-open it. - I need more time to fix this, but have run out of time for today.

UNKNOWN BUGS: Dunno - use with caution. May kill kerbals, or make them vanish. I did minimum testing. But seemed ok.

Cool! Thank you! Fix the bug & would great!

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Thank you JPLRepo!

I cant play without it,i have only one goal in KSP:keep the kerbals alive/rescue them while exlporing the solar system.

Bugreport(?): im using Remotetech,cannot freeze-the part menu dont work while out of antenna range (with 1 kerbal)

Edited by anarkhon
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  RomanCat said:
Cool! Thank you! Fix the bug & would great!

Working on it... Something has changed in 1.0.x - I've got it half fixed. Give me a day or two.

  anarkhon said:
Thank you JPLRepo!

I cant play without it,i have only one goal in KSP:keep the kerbals alive/rescue them while exlporing the solar system.

Bugreport(?): im using Remotetech,cannot freeze-the part menu dont work while out of antenna range (with 1 kerbal)

I don't think this is a bug with this mod. I think what you are describing is a Feature of RemoteTech. IE: You can't command a vessel if there is no manned Pod or Probe. If your vessel has no probe and only a command pod, the way remotetech works is as soon as there is no Kerbal in the pod you cannot control the vessel. Try attaching a probe to your vessel if you want to freeze ALL kerbals on the vessel and have an antenna connection. That's how RemoteTech is supposed to work. What you are asking for is a work-around to RemoteTech.

Edited by JPLRepo
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Here are the notes I took from before, maybe these will help. Thanks for taking on the mod, it is a good one. :)

- management window that is standard toolbar and blizzy toolbar compatible

- thaw all kerbals

- freeze all kerbals

- KAS container with Glykerol, fits standard mounting rack

- small KAS grabbable Glykerol processing unit

- check resource requirements before freezing

- ongoing freeze requirements

- 6-person hitchhiker-sized kryopod

- IVAs

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  Angel-125 said:
Here are the notes I took from before, maybe these will help. Thanks for taking on the mod, it is a good one. :)

- management window that is standard toolbar and blizzy toolbar compatible

- thaw all kerbals

- freeze all kerbals

- KAS container with Glykerol, fits standard mounting rack

- small KAS grabbable Glykerol processing unit

- check resource requirements before freezing

- ongoing freeze requirements

- 6-person hitchhiker-sized kryopod

- IVAs

Ok thanks Angel-125. Before I embark on adding and fixing these things... Do we want to establish what has happened to the original author of this mod???? Should we try to track him down? Give him some time? Or just add and fix these things in my Forked version? - Thoughts from people?

Now what everyone has been waiting for.

A fully working version that works in KSP 1.0.x

This version (0.14.2) Works fully in KSP 1.0.x ----> GO TO THIS LINK

To install delete your old version (even my temp fix version from the other day) by deleting <gameinstalldirectory>\GameData\PaladinLabs\

Download the ZIP from the link above. Unzip it into your <Gameinstalldirectory>\GameData\

Fixes from my other temp patch the other day:

Fixed the Part right-click Action buttons glitch. Works great now.

Tested Freezing/Thawing multiple Kerbals. EVAing Kerbals, re-boarding Kerbals, switching vessels and Recovering Vessels. All seems to work just as it did before.


Edited by JPLRepo
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  jplrepo said:
ok thanks angel-125. Before i embark on adding and fixing these things... Do we want to establish what has happened to the original author of this mod???? Should we try to track him down? Give him some time? Or just add and fix these things in my forked version? - thoughts from people?

Now what everyone has been waiting for.

A fully working version that works in ksp 1.0.x

this version (0.14.2) works fully in ksp 1.0.x ----> go to this link

to install delete your old version (even my temp fix version from the other day) by deleting <gameinstalldirectory>\gamedata\paladinlabs\

download the zip from the link above. Unzip it into your <gameinstalldirectory>\gamedata\

fixes from my other temp patch the other day:

Fixed the part right-click action buttons glitch. Works great now.

Tested freezing/thawing multiple kerbals. Evaing kerbals, re-boarding kerbals, switching vessels and recovering vessels. All seems to work just as it did before.


thanks a lot man!!! Respect you!

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Nice work, thanks for reviving this so far.

Now that we have proper part heat, it would be awesome to require a maximum operating temperature, similar to the way the Nuclear Fuel Re-processor from Near Future Electrical does (and maybe stock ISRU drills? I haven't used them yet), ideally throughout the storage time.

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  curiousepic said:
FYI Ship Manifest has an incompatibility with the Cryofreezer that may eat Kerbals. SM's author is looking into a fix, should be relatively simple.

Yes thanks, I have some fixes regarding the crew going missing and all working except when you do crew transfers using SM in realism mode, if this scenario you can freeze kerbals while they are being xfered in SM and end up with two of them. Waiting for some more info from Papa_Joe (author of SM).

Edited by JPLRepo
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To install, Delete <KSP install directory>\gamedata\PaladinLabs\*.*

Download new ZIP from link above and unzip it into your <KSP install directory>

This will BREAK you SAVE games unless you: Un-Freeze all Crew and return/destory/recover all vessels with CryoFreezers attached.

I've created a new update V0.14.3 on my forked branch of this mod. Changes are:

So Many fixes... and tweaks.

-Crew are now not assigned DEAD status when frozen, but are changed from type=crew to type=unowned.

Changed the Freezer Part to have Placeholder Internals and Crewspace for 10 crew by default.

Removed how the mod changed the Crewspace dynamically as this was causing problems with other mods.

Added Blizzy Toolbar Support (if you want to use Blizzy Toolbar you will have to download and install that separately) and Applauncher Icons - with built in GUI that will:

-Display frozen crew and buttons to thaw them.

-Display crew in the freezer part and buttons to freeze them.

Now has a Config.cfg file in the Plugins directory.

Settings for:-

- DFWindowPosX and Y (default X & Y position for the GUI window).

- useAppLauncher = True - will use the stock app launcher buttons for the GUI window.

- useAppLauncher = False - will use Blizzy Toolbar (have to install this separately for the GUI window.

- debugging = False/True - turn on/off debug messages in the KSP log.

- ECreqdForFreezer = False/True - Turns on the consumption of ElectricCharge when you have frozen kerbals in the freezer part. Default this is set to False. If Set to True, you can change the amount of ElectricCharge used in the part.cfg file for the CryoFreezer. Set FrznChargeRequired = X, where X is the amount of EC to use per frozen kerbal per minute. WARNING: If you turn this feature on and you run out of electric charge Frozen Kerbals WILL DIE! randomly.

Added KSP-AVC support for my forked copy of this mod.

Please be AWARE that there are some issues still with transferring Crew using Ship Manifest mod (SM) as per previous comments. But as long as you do not freeze/thaw kerbals whilst you are transferring kerbals (IE: Wait for each function to finish before doing another) then you should be fine. I am working with the author of Ship Manifest for a permanent fix.

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  spoonyboobah said:
Thanks for reviving this....is this going to be put on CKAN???

Not by me sorry. I am not the author of this mod, nor do I have his permission to maintain or change it. But the license does allow me to branch off my own version, which I have done. I have no intention of continuing to update this mod until we establish the intentions of the original author.

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  curiousepic said:
Nice work, thanks for reviving this so far.

Now that we have proper part heat, it would be awesome to require a maximum operating temperature, similar to the way the Nuclear Fuel Re-processor from Near Future Electrical does (and maybe stock ISRU drills? I haven't used them yet), ideally throughout the storage time.

Im not sure I am following you. you want the cryofreezer to have a maximum temperature? And what happens when this max temperature is reached? All parts have a max temp so not sure that is what you really mean. Do you mean a minimum operating temperature? Or, Do you mean it should have a temperature range that it must be kept at? How do you regulate this temperature?

- - - Updated - - -

  MeCripp said:
Thanks for the update :)

NP :wink:

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  JPLRepo said:
Im not sure I am following you. you want the cryofreezer to have a maximum temperature? And what happens when this max temperature is reached? All parts have a max temp so not sure that is what you really mean. Do you mean a minimum operating temperature? Or, Do you mean it should have a temperature range that it must be kept at? How do you regulate this temperature?

So, the Fuel Reprocessor from NFE will not operate (actively reprocess nuclear fuel) unless it is under a temp of 400. Obviously, a Cryofreezer needs to be below at least the melting point of Glykerol, or you cannot keep a Kerbal frozen. I just think it would be neat to have to actively cool the Cryofreezer, or Kerbals would be force-thawed. Or at the least, require the temp to be met in order to initially freeze them.

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