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[WIP] Simulate, Revert & Launch [Released]


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Now it is released : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93722

What is it ?

SRL is a small plugin which add the possibility to:

- simulate a rocket from Kerbin without save/return to spacecenter/recover,

- launch a rocket from Kerbin without revert/quicksave/quickload.

This mod will change your save game, I suggest you back up your save game before you install it.

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Kerbal Stuff

Kerbal CurseForge


Licence information:


GPL v3

Source code:


How to install it ?

Unzip all files. Put the SRL folder in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to uninstall it ?

On the space center, you need to open the SRL configuration panel and disable SRL, now you can shutdown your game and delete the SRL folder in your KSP/GameData folder.

How does it work ?

Concretely this mod will change several variables of your save game as:

- CanRestart

- CanLeaveToEditor

- CanQuickLoad

- CanQuickSave

- CanLeaveToTrackingStation

- CanSwitchVesselsFar

- CanAutoSave

- CanLeaveToSpaceCenter

Troubleshooting ?

This mod will not work well with all other mods that will lock/unlock the recovery button, such as multiplayer's mods.


v1.00 - 2014.09.14

First release

- New: Added a configuration panel.

- New: Added a persistent file config per saved game.

- New: Added the management of the credits, reputation and science.

- Fix: EVA on the launchpad have been corrected.

- Fix: allowed EVA and switch near vessel in simulation.

v0.20 - 2014.09.07

Second beta release


Corrected the quickload:

- now after a quickload, you can revert to the launch (meaning you can disable the simulation and go to the space center, revert to the editor doesn't work though),

- you can't quickload from another simulation (with the GUI this is yet possible),

- you can't disable a simulation after a quickload.

The simulation's button is disabled when you are in EVA on the launchpad.


Initial beta release

Planned updates/new features

- Simulation could be tried on all other planets that you have already reached,

- Automatic backup the simulation for when KSP crashes,

- Integrate to the contracts,

- Integrate to the tech tree,

- Integrate achievements,

- Integrate others mods such as Blizzy78 toolbar.

Thanks !

to regex for his HardMode,

to magico13 for his KCT,

to all others mods developers which render this game really huge,

to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ...

and to Squad for this awesome game.

Edited by Malah
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I like this too. Currently I'm achieving a similar effect by flicking between Sandbox and Career, but it'd be nice not to have to.

(and, before anyone pops in with this: yes, I know that you can get the same effect with self-imposed F5/F9 discipline. If self-imposed discipline was that easy, human society would look a lot different than it does)

Integrating it into the contracts and tech tree system would be a big bonus, though. A small financial cost to run simulations, limitations on how well you can simulate early in the test tree, "run simulation" contracts, etc.

For the super-shiny-but-probably-too-hard version, integrate with Hyperedit so you can easily simulate Mun landings without launch and transit etc.

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  Wanderfound said:
Integrating it into the contracts and tech tree system would be a big bonus, though. A small financial cost to run simulations, limitations on how well you can simulate early in the test tree, "run simulation" contracts, etc.

I like the idea to integrating with the contrats and the tech tree system, i will planned this, thanks.

  Wanderfound said:
For the super-shiny-but-probably-too-hard version, integrate with Hyperedit so you can easily simulate Mun landings without launch and transit etc.

This is already planned ;)

  rabidninjawombat said:
For cost of simulations you may wanna check the MissionControler mod code, He has a big red button that you click to revert, which costs you a 1000 credits. May give some insights on how to accomplish that. (no expert coder myself sorry :P)

This is already planned ;) and I reflect how would be the cost:

- lose only money ?

- lose only reputation ?

- the cost will be function of the reputation ?

- more a simulation is long, more it will cost ?

- more you go far in a simulation, more you will earn some science ?

I haven't really choose, perhaps i will make several solutions and we can changed the parameter on the configuration panel (which is planned too).

Edited by Malah
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Sounds like a stripped down version of the simulations from my mod, Kerbal Construction Time. I don't mean that in the "hey you took this from me" just the "hey, that's similar, cool!" Feel free to check out KCT since it has a lot of similar features to what you want to add.

KCT has simulations that cost funds (dependent on length and planet of origin), can be performed in orbit around any planets/moons you've visited (at any altitude or inclination), and reset whenever you leave the flight scene (even if you Alt-F4 out of KSP).

Edited by magico13
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In simulation, the quicksave / quickload is bugged, I forgot that after a quickload we couldn't revert ;)

I work to update this soon.

  magico13 said:
Sounds like a stripped down version of the simulations from my mod, Kerbal Construction Time. I don't mean that in the "hey you took this from me" just the "hey, that's similar, cool!" Feel free to check out KCT since it has a lot of similar features to what you want to add.

KCT has simulations that cost funds (dependent on length and planet of origin), can be performed in orbit around any planets/moons you've visited (at any altitude or inclination), and reset whenever you leave the flight scene (even if you Alt-F4 out of KSP).

Yes and i forgot to say thank you on my read me ;) your mod have too many features for me this is why i haven't used it ;) KCT and HardMode are my inspiration.

Edited by Malah
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  Malah said:

Yes and i've forgot to say thank you on my read me ;) your mod have too many features for me this is why i haven't used it ;) KCT and HardMode are my inspiration.

It is possible to use it in simulation only mode, btw ;) Just open up the settings and disable Build Times. Then it's just stock + optional simulations, no extra features. I added that in several versions ago for people who wanted to use the simulation features without all the other things KCT adds (like vessels taking time to build).

But I'm glad I could help inspire new modders :)

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Hello, that's time to an fix update ;)


v0.20 - 2014.09.07

Second beta release


Corrected the quickload:

- now after a quickload, you can revert to the launch (meaning you can disable the simulation and go to the space center, revert to the editor doesn't work though),

- you can't quickload from another simulation (with the GUI this is yet possible),

- you can't disable a simulation after a quickload.

The simulation's button is disabled when you are in EVA on the launchpad.


Kerbal Stuff

Kerbal CurseForge


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