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[1.2 - 1.4] Modular Rocket Systems v1.13.2 (2018-03-12) - Stock-alike Parts Pack


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I really like your mods, NecroBones, but this could use a little texture improvements. All your other mods are so crisp and smooth, but this one doesn't have the same feeling. It also needs more CCC support.

Yeah, it was my first mod pack, and I wass going for a more stock-alike feel. I do plan to pretty up some of it at some point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Found a conflict in the MM patches between this mod and http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131806-Starlion-Industries-KSPI-IFS-Compatibility-Patches-for-Fueltanks-Spaceplanes-more-CKAN

If both mods are installed with Firespitter and/or Interstellar Fuel Switch also installed, the fuel switching patch from this mod conflicts with the fuel switch patch from that mod.

Both patches end up running, which is what causes the conflict.

The conflict is that the fuel tanks in MRS end up with two fuel switch modules (one from each patch).

That might work (but be OP) if they didn't cover the same resources, but they both cover LFO/LF/O options, which results in undesired behavior in both the VAB/SPH and in flight.

The fuel switch patch from the KSPI IFS Compatibility mod does everything the fuel switch patch from this mod does, but it also adds a bunch more resources to switch between.

Because MRS doesn't include a "structural" option for the fuel switching, I can't use the KSPI specific resource options that the other mod adds, which is why I installed it in the first place.

Because the other mods' fuel tank switching patch is more general and has more options than the one in MRS, I think the fuel tank switching patch in MRS should disable itself if it detects that mod.

Adding "&!StarLionIndustries" to the conditions that let the MRS fuel tank switch patch run should do that, and eliminate this bug.

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Because the other mods' fuel tank switching patch is more general and has more options than the one in MRS, I think the fuel tank switching patch in MRS should disable itself if it detects that mod.

Adding "&!StarLionIndustries" to the conditions that let the MRS fuel tank switch patch run should do that, and eliminate this bug.

Yep, I'm certainly happy to add exceptions like this. I'll push it out in an update soon.

However, just to be clear, I wouldn't call it a "bug" in this case. I have no way of knowing in advance which other mods are going to add conflicting fuel switching rules to my tanks. I can only add exceptions as they arise, like this. So I definitely thank you for the conflict report.

(To me, a "bug" is something screwed up on my end.. but if something else is modifying the behavior of my tanks, it's not a bug on my side as such)

Edited by NecroBones
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Necrobones, GREAT MOD, keep up the good work.

There 's a small typo in the part.cfg of 2,5 slimline decoupler making it invisible in the techtree.

It should be ''TechRequired = generalConstruction'' instead of ''TechRequired = generalConstructions''


Doh! It's probably been like that for a long time too. It'll be fixed in the next release.

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So I updated MRS via CKAN this morning and now KSP crashes on load. It's a hard "Program has stopped working" crash so no log is produced...

Any tips on a fix?

No idea. It shouldn't be happening at all. I'm wondering if CKAN hosed something up. Are there any errors at the end of the log?

I just noticed, the cargo bays (or at least the 1.25m one) dont display transparent flags correct. There is always a black or white square in the background wich makes my black esa flag quite useless.

That's only in the VAB. They should look OK when you launch. I've since found ways to fix this, so I'll go back and see about fixing those.

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The KSP.log just ends with lines of loading parts, no errors or anything... It just hard-crashes after loading around 3/4s...

From the post I linked:

Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit)

Mac OS X: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )

Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log

There's a more verbose log that's a bit more hidden, that's the useful one.

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I'd also try removing and then reinstalling the mods (maybe one at a time, or all of them). If there's a corrupted file somewhere, that might catch it. The output_log might show something, but if not, the worst case scenario is probably starting with a clean install of the game, re-apply the mods, and copy your savegames into it.

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BTW, new RTG. Right now I have it set to be a 5x equivalent to the stock RTG, and with the fins it is about 1.2m in diameter.



I beefed it up a little, since volume-wise, 5x seemed a little weak. So now it's 6.25x the stock RTG, to give it an even 0.5 tons of mass. It's meant to be mildly reminiscent of the RTG on the Curiosity rover.

I know this is a little fast since the last update, but several things came up in the last few days, plus I got the RTG done.

Update posted:

1.8 (2015-10-08) - Tweaks and RTG.
- Corrected a typo in the menu category for the slimline 2.5m decoupler.
- 2.5m "three quarter" tank moved up to the Advanced Fuel Systems tech node.
- 2.5m->3.75m adapter tank moved up to Large Voluma Containment tech node.
- Corrected an issue with Flag Decals on the cargo bays not displaying correctly in the VAB/SPH editors.
- Added a 6.25x RTG unit.

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So I got some problems with the cargobays any part with a smaller diameter then the bay itself refuses to attach propperly. :(

It's a problem with how KSP now enforces node-orientation. The snap-to tries to snap to nodes that face the wrong way, which is pretty awful when the nodes exist in the same place. Make sure you attach things in the "right" order. That is, stack the cargo bay behind something else, and then something behind the bay. And then start putting things on the inside.

This is a "bug" that got introduced recently. The other alternative is to go into the debug menu and turn off the enforcement of node directions.

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So I got some problems with the cargobays any part with a smaller diameter then the bay itself refuses to attach propperly. :(

Now, I'm just guessing, but I imagine you're having problems placing things because of the way the surface attachment works by default. You can turn off the angle snap in the editor to make it a little simpler, but theres a method I use to make my cargo bay life easier.

  • Remove the cargo bay
  • Place a part that does not allow itself to be surface attached as your base, such as one of the round and flat batteries.
  • Attach your cargo bay payload to the battery as you would normally
  • Grab the whole assembly by the battery, remove it and leave it aside
  • Replace the cargo bay
  • Grab your assembled payload by the battery and place inside cargo bay

You do have to mind that you don't build a payload wider or longer than your cargo bay, but doesn't require pulling your hair out to place things.

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