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[1.2 - 1.4] Modular Rocket Systems v1.13.2 (2018-03-12) - Stock-alike Parts Pack


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On 6/17/2016 at 5:03 PM, Deimos Rast said:

Me again chief. Nothing too exciting this time. Just looking at the "MRS Guidance Nose-Cone" (which I noticed you recently bumped up in the tech tree). I hate to lead the "Balance Brigade" but I compared it to the Remote Guidance Unit (1.25m), which I think is a good match, and it just blows it out of the water.


Just my 0.02c:)


No worries. :) I'm always happy to re-address the balance. In the case of the guidance cone, I always felt that it was so specific in purpose, that it was only useful for a little while, early in the career. Poor SAS support, a high mass, and only one attachment node, all make it very limited in use. Some of the other stats being a little higher, like electrical charge and torque, are to justify the mass and save a little bit of part count. But maybe the funds cost needs to go up to compensate for that too? Dunno.

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8 hours ago, NecroBones said:


No worries. :) I'm always happy to re-address the balance. In the case of the guidance cone, I always felt that it was so specific in purpose, that it was only useful for a little while, early in the career. Poor SAS support, a high mass, and only one attachment node, all make it very limited in use. Some of the other stats being a little higher, like electrical charge and torque, are to justify the mass and save a little bit of part count. But maybe the funds cost needs to go up to compensate for that too? Dunno.

I guess I didn't pay as much attention to niche status. I was just thinking of career progression as "developmentally" as in, "we don't yet have the tech to build strong probe RX wheels or AI SAS capabilities yet" till much later (OKTO being the earliest with both, and that's a 0.3 and a level 0 respectively, iirc). Then your probe muscles in with both at the start of the tech tree, and at better levels. It is niche, which is a fair point, but I see it more of a "Eureka! We discovered how to do something earlier than we should have!" So the point, in my mind, isn't the cost or the weight, (unless you want to sell it as an early prototype warhead re-purposed for science ...and add an explosive potential:D), but the tech tree placement. It downright brutalizes poor little Stayputnik, even my cheatier version that bumps up the batteries and adds 0.1 RX.

Admittedly, like you said, it's not used long, but I have a tendency to stay low tech for a long time (well, I restart a lot).

I was going to suggest in my other post renaming to MRS Gorilla Probe, to better reflect it's true nature, but I wasn't sure if you'd find that funny or not.:P

If you haven't guessed from my excessive use of italics and hyperbole, I say this all somewhat half seriously, half jokingly, as it is a pretty tiny issue.

I do like the Warhead idea though (might not be 'stock' though).

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15 hours ago, Deimos Rast said:

I guess I didn't pay as much attention to niche status. I was just thinking of career progression as "developmentally" as in, "we don't yet have the tech to build strong probe RX wheels or AI SAS capabilities yet" till much later


but the tech tree placement. It downright brutalizes poor little Stayputnik, even my cheatier version that bumps up the batteries and adds 0.1 RX.



Yeah, I've gone back and forth a few times, and it's a bit of a case of "you can't please everyone", since some people want those capabilities early, and other people don't.


Here's what I'm thinking of doing:


Price increase, 900 -> 1500

Unlock price increase: 0 -> 5000 (the "0" is a mistake, left over from when it used to be in the "start" node)

Torque decrease:  1 -> 0.75

Move to the Flight Control tech node.



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this is probably the part of modding that's no fun. Flight control, iirc, is roughly on par with sputnik, no? Cost changes look good; torque still high but meh. I didn't really have a firm idea of what an end result would look like, I like this a bit better. Not 100%, but better. Maybe 73.5%...I can live with that.:)

Thanks for hearing me out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I was making a custom copy of the guidance cone and found this:


tags = mrs modul nose cone cmg command control (core fly gyro moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque

Why is it "(core" instead of "core"?

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@NecroBones small but huge quality of life request. Any chance of adding the meshes for the the 2.5m decoupler with solid fuel? I don't know if it's SpaceY regular or expanded that adds the 5m decoupler with solid fuel that has the different mesh options, but I find myself constantly scaling that part down purely for aesthetics.  

Stay frosty

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On 7/10/2016 at 1:28 PM, Glaran K'erman said:

@NecroBones small but huge quality of life request. Any chance of adding the meshes for the the 2.5m decoupler with solid fuel? I don't know if it's SpaceY regular or expanded that adds the 5m decoupler with solid fuel that has the different mesh options, but I find myself constantly scaling that part down purely for aesthetics.  

Stay frosty


Possibly. :) In the meantime, FTP has those in several diameters now.


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1.12.8 (2016-07-12) - Tweaks.
 - Guidance Nose Cone balance tweaks:
    - Cost increased. Research cost increased (was erroneously left at "0").
    - Reaction Wheel torque and electrical usage reduced by 25%.
    - Moved to Flight Control tech node.
 - Adjusted some tags, including adding nickname tags for engines.
 - Added NearFutureElectrical support for RTG.
 - Moved ModuleManager patches to Patches folder.


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I had a brief chat with Nertea about what I should do with future RTG decay patches and he said they should probably be with NFE. (See comment here for reference.) I know you just released the decay patch, but maybe I erred giving it to you instead of him. Something to think about.

Also, if you want the start of a USI patch, consider adding the below to the Inline FuelCell. It's what the stock FC array gets and allows the part to hook into the power network.

Lastly, and this is more of a curiosity: why did you add the RT modules into the parts directly, as opposed to making a patch for them with relevant NEEDS (or putting :NEEDS on the modules themselves)? Like I said, just curious if there is a reason behind it.



		name = ModulePowerCoupler
		PowerCouplingRange = 500


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On 7/15/2016 at 9:30 PM, Deimos Rast said:


I had a brief chat with Nertea about what I should do with future RTG decay patches and he said they should probably be with NFE. (See comment here for reference.) I know you just released the decay patch, but maybe I erred giving it to you instead of him. Something to think about.

Also, if you want the start of a USI patch, consider adding the below to the Inline FuelCell. It's what the stock FC array gets and allows the part to hook into the power network.

Lastly, and this is more of a curiosity: why did you add the RT modules into the parts directly, as opposed to making a patch for them with relevant NEEDS (or putting :NEEDS on the modules themselves)? Like I said, just curious if there is a reason behind it.



Huh, OK. I can always pull the RG patch back out, if he wants to add it on his side. I'll be happy to do whatever. :)


The RT modules are an artifact of when I first got started making this. I didn't know much about MM at the time, and was trying to be as dependency-free as possible. At the time, I could imagine people using other mods withoutalso having MM installed, so I placed all of the mod support modules into the parts directly. I've moved a lot of them out since then, but obviously not all. It's something I've been meaning to clean up, but never got around to. :wink:



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/15/2016 at 5:41 AM, Overlocker96 said:

Now that Kerbalism has a new radiation model that allow parts to emmit radiation, you have plans to add a MM patch to make the RTG and the NERVAs in your mod to emmit radiation?


It's possible. I'd just need examples of what to add to the parts, unless Kerbalism wants to add it from their side.

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1 hour ago, NecroBones said:


It's possible. I'd just need examples of what to add to the parts, unless Kerbalism wants to add it from their side.

Here is the meaning of the config for Radiation Emitters

And here the example:


// ============================================================================

// Radiation emitters

// ============================================================================





name = Emitter

radiation = 0.0000027777 // 0.01 rad/h

tooltip = This engine emit ionizing radiation.




Edited by Overlocker96
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


OK, since people are having problems with CKAN due to Spacedock not having a 1.2 tag yet, I'm just going to release via my website for the moment:


 - Full MRS 1.13

 - LITE MRS 1.13


1.13 (2016-10-11) - KSP 1.2 Compatibility.
 - Added MM "NEEDS" conditionals to RemoteTech modules in probe cores.
 - Updated categories for many parts.
 - Added KerbNet/transmitter modules to probe cores.
 - Landing Leg updated with 1.2 variables and sounds.


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Update posted. Patch notes again:


1.13 (2016-10-11) - KSP 1.2 Compatibility.
 - Added MM "NEEDS" conditionals to RemoteTech modules in probe cores.
 - Updated categories for many parts.
 - Added KerbNet/transmitter modules to probe cores.
 - Landing Leg updated with 1.2 variables and sounds.

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