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I've been playing Kerbal Space Program pretty solidly for about a month now and I am absolutely loving the game. A simulator that appeals to a fascination with space and rocketry as well as making the subject accessible without dumbing it down struck just the right chord with me. I guess a solid way to introduce myself within the context of this game is to talk about what I've done and what I hope to do with later missions.

Though I didn't know much about orbital mechanics and rockets going into the game, I like to think I've learned a lot (Thanks, Scott Manley!) and plan to learn a lot more in order to reach ever more distant planets.

I've got a list accomplishments under my belt including several successful Minmus and Mun landings, multiple successful lines of rockets, gathered data from a probe passing through Eve's SoI, learned how to perform a basic orbital rendezvous, and I am working on construction of a refueling station orbiting Kerbin.

There is so much I plan to do in the future. For now, I'd love to land a rover on the Mun, successfully orbit and land on Duna, and complete my refueling station. That station would do so much to boost the lifespan of my trusty Triton line of rockets! :D

Anyhow, I hope to become a member of the community and talk with you about everything related to traveling among the stars.

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Anyhow, I hope to become a member of the community and talk with you about everything related to traveling among the stars.

Having an account and posting makes you a member and friends will come along the way ;)

Happy flying

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Ah, the good old days, when one still hasn't hit the [AIRQUOTES]not seeing the light of day for a month and a half[/AIRQUOTES] stage.

"One does not simply play KSP and walk away"... Enjoy your carefree KSP days, for they are limited. Soon you will be sucked into the vortex of endless Kerbal years like the rest of us veterans.


I feel as if I may have scared you away. If that's true, you are probably not reading this. Oh, well.

'Allo, anyways. :wink:

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