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Looking for civilian aviation parts


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Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows of or could make some small, probably 0.625 size airplane parts for recreational aircraft. Yesterday I was making several small recreational aircraft in KSP but I felt that there really aren't any parts geared towards that purpose. I do know there is the 'Bonny' cockpit from SXT but I was looking for something a bit more open and maybe not quite as long.

Here are some examples:



Come to think of it smaller landing gear would be good as well and so would some very small wings(like smaller than the Spaceplane Plus ones).

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I don't have any fuselage parts available; but this would cover the engine/blades. well. the Fly cockpit can be civilian too


Edited by nli2work
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Thanks for the suggestions guys but I was looking for some small fuselages and wings. The 'continental' from SXT works on pretty much everything so I don't need much by the way of propellers. I should have mentioned that I already have the command seat from the Kn-2 mod.

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