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On board and Ready to GO!

Kiel Eire

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Hi all!

I am Kyle, or as I like to spell it, Kiel. I am almost 19, and currently going through the local Fire Program at my college. I hope one day to be a Fire Fighter. I am currently an E.M.T. I love to talk about history, read, learn about machines, technology, and the such. I have thought about designing a few mods, but with no experience, besides minimal C++ knowledge, that probably won't happen (unless there is a Modding KSP for Dummies guide out there :)).

I was wondering if it is at all possible to change my forum name; I apparently was confused when i signed up and put my shorthand E-mail account name :confused:.

I played the beta awhile ago, and I sucked. Now I have actually bought the game and dedicated myself to learning; I still suck. Well after having 12 unsucessful launches in-a-row, things can only go up. Pardon the pun.:sealed:

Any way, I hope to meet and become friends with many of you readers and forum lurkers:D. Thanks for reading!

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Welcome. I think the only way to change your name is to start a new account - but a moderator will be along soon and may be able to work their magic behind the scenes.

For modding there are a number of options which require different skills; programming, 3d-modelling and/or texturing. The best place to get information in these forums in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/37-Add-on-Development.

What was unsuccessful about your launches? If the ships blew-up/fell-apart during launch then 'more struts' may be the answer although, generally, 'start small' is better. If they fly OK but can't get to orbit the big thing to remember is that it's easy to get to space, harder to stay there. Getting into orbit so you stay in space depends on going sideways fast enough to keep missing the ground as you fall. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28352-The-Drawing-Board-A-library-of-tutorials-and-other-useful-information is a list of all of the tutorials that people have written for KSP, including mine.

For general ship and mission design my tutorial (link in signature) presents 30-odd ships starting with a simple rover for driving around KSC to interplanetary transfer vehicles, landers and space-stations. Feel free to ask questions :-)

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Congratulations; getting to orbit is the biggest hurdle - the classic line is Robert A. Heinlein's "Get to low-Earth orbit and you're halfway to anywhere in the solar system."

In KSP the same effort it takes to get to orbit (actually deltaV, but don't let the jargon get you down) will get you from there to most of the planets and moons in the system.

Have fun.

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