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Esinohio's Blender farm


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  Made a little headway on the Kerbal today. The lines are are far nowhere near final but I think overall the model is coming along fairly well.  Adjusted the shape of the head a bit and managed to get the mouth, tongue, and teeth modeled.  They might get bumped down a bit when the eyes get added. 

  Not sure I'm happy with the top of his head.  I think maybe it needs to flatten down somewhat.  I'll have to see how it looks after I give him some hair.  Since this character is only for still pictures and not animation I'm going to give him a nice head of real hair instead of a painted texture.  Fairly sure his midsection needs to scale downward a touch as well.  Not sure on that but he seems a bit tall.  

Finally I'll finish it up by adding those eyeballs.  Dreading those eyeballs. 


 Threw on some quickly modeled clothes for fun (modesty lol).


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1 hour ago, CliftonM said:

@esinohio - Are you going to rig it?

Heck yeah!  Once I get the form done I'll throw a quick IK rig in there so I can pose him.  Rigging the simple motions of the head, jaw, and tongue seem simple enough to get setup but what might throw me a bit is getting the mouth area setup right.  Never done that myself so I'm not sure how it will come out.  All part of the fun of learning how this stuff works I guess :D


Added a bit more, still just mucking about with the shapes and proportions at this point.  Tiny moves make drastic differences!  Even playing around with this stuff as little as I have I can see the mad skill that went into the one we use in game.  The detail they pulled out of so few polys never ceases to amaze me.


( lol he looks ... ummm out of it..... )


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2 minutes ago, esinohio said:

Heck yeah!  Once I get the form done I'll throw a quick IK rig in there so I can pose him.  Rigging the simple motions of the head, jaw, and tongue seem simple enough to get setup but what might throw me a bit is getting the mouth area setup right.  Never done that myself so I'm not sure how it will come out.  All part of the fun of learning how this stuff works I guess :D


Added a bit more, still just mucking about with the shapes and proportions at this point.  Tiny moves make drastic differences!  Even playing around with this stuff as little as I have I can see the mad skill that went into the one we use in game.  The detail they pulled out of so few polys never ceases to amaze me.

For the eyes, I recommend doing this:


Having a smaller sphere for the pupil.  It's what Squad actually did for the Kerbal mesh.  You'll notice it if you look closely.

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3 minutes ago, CliftonM said:

For the eyes, I recommend doing this:


Having a smaller sphere for the pupil.  It's what Squad actually did for the Kerbal mesh.  You'll notice it if you look closely.

And that would make it a ton easier to make his pupils dilate I'd think wouldn't it? Attach its scale to a shapekey or something?

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Just now, esinohio said:

And that would make it a ton easier to make his pupils dilate I'd think wouldn't it? Attach its scale to a shapekey or something?

Yep.  I don't think that their pupils dilate, but if you want them to, that's your solution.

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23 minutes ago, CliftonM said:

Yep.  I don't think that their pupils dilate, but if you want them to, that's your solution.

Ok this is awesome lol.  Played around with it some and you can make some interesting looks.  Even though they don't dilate in game thanks for showing me another way to make that happen!

Much better, gives it a nice surface for added reflection off the iris.  


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Still just having a blast tinkering with shapes when I thought it would be fun to give one of the meshes a more muscled look as an experiment. Even with a flat texture without any of the other texture maps the effect is pretty neat.   I might save him for later when I can UV unwrap him and bake the other texture maps.

After getting the basic rig in the other model I still need to work on finishing the facial part of the rig.  With luck I'll have the eyes, mouth, and tongue done sometime today.  Then it's on to more tutorials to figure out the proper way to give him clothing and removing unneeded base mesh underneath the clothing.  At least I think that is what you're supposed to do.  No idea on best practices here!  Probably should invest in a decent digital animation textbook.

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Taking a quick step away from the Kerbal as I continue experimenting with box modeling. Just having more fun with organic shapes.


Not Kerbal related but still something neat to look at while I endlessly procrastinate on actually learning how to properly sculpt clothing....  

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Ok more Kerbal fun.  Managed to get the Kerbal completely rigged.  Finally figured out how to add bones in for the mouth area and with some more work I should be able to get his mouth into most any shape.  He can't do Blue Steel but it's getting close.  He still needs feet and toes so I'll have to add those in here before I get too much further.



Think I have a handle on how to tackle the clothes now as well.  It actually wasn't as hard as I thought to attach the clothes to a rigged mesh.  Still need to experiment with making different garments like lab coats and space suits but I think it is moving along well.

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More fun with making clothes.  This is a very early work in progress of a space suit and making it is proving to be challenging! Need to figure out a decent way of adding seams in the fabric and something resembling a zipper.


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6 hours ago, esinohio said:

And yet more work on the very early work in progress Kerbal.  Have to say I've learned a ton in the past week.  Mostly how not to do things :sticktongue: 



That's getting really Kerbal Like! Good Job, it would be great to pose some Kerbals in renders or to use in animations.

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1 hour ago, Gaiiden said:

one thing about the kerbal - they appear to have symmetrical eyes. You know that's wrong right? I'm wondering if it just helps makes the rigging easier for you though

Yeah, they are bit more oblong I think right?  And I think they added some subtle shading around the eyes to simulate a bit of an indentation. I've been having so much fun making stuff for the Kerbal I almost forgot about the actual Kerbal!  Making the clothes has turned out to be a ton of fun.  I may or may not have made a Batman outfit for a Kerbal.....   :cool:



 If I thought modeling stuff was hard, drawing anything is a million times worse! Not my usual comfort zone for sure.  Anyway, had some fun with a new drawing tablet and tried to recreate a picture I saw using selfish_meme's F-4. 

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1 hour ago, esinohio said:

Yeah, they are bit more oblong I think right?  

Not really, it's just that the right eye is larger than the left 0_o. Look closely, a lot of people don't even notice. That's not a matter of perspective either because the kerbal seems to be staring forward more with his right side than left in the image below. Dan Rosas has made note that the right eye is indeed larger


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2 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Random note, the eyes on your wolverine Kerbal are fantastic! I think this is the first time I've actually seen a hateful expression on a Kerbal face. Fantastic job :).


Thanks for the feedback everyone!  It has helped a ton!   

I got to thinking how I made the original model and decided I wanted to model my own base mesh instead of using the skin modifier.  While the skin modifier let me make a form I liked quickly, it just didn't seem to make the geometry I was happy with.  So I scraped that model and started a new base mesh. 

E96RvXH.png     3uKqRgp.png   4EJwgZ5.png

Once I get the proportions correct I'll get the face installed again.  Only then will I get the rig installed/clothes started.  Got so far ahead of myself having fun making things that simple mesh mistakes became nearly impossible to fix.  With much cleaner geometry this time it will be far easier to do the face and get a rig installed.  

What do you think?

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