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[old thread] Trajectories : atmospheric predictions


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If this works you are amazing

Of course it works ;-)

Well, I must admit I've only tested it on my computer. It might incorrectly detect your FAR dll, I haven't made tests with other versions than the exact DLL I'm using. You can get that exact DLL from the GitHub repository (in the 3rdParty folder, this is the one I used to build the Trajectories mod), or you can rebuild the mod with your particular version. I intend to make more tests and/or find a better way to interact with FAR to avoid compatibility issues.

I also intend to post screenshots, but haven't got the time yet...

Ideas and bug reports are welcome of course.

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Uhm, I did a test with mun and the red cross was wrong, way ahead of real impact , on kerbin the trajectory mesh end when atmosphere start, also I had to uncheck autoupdate or nothing would have been drawn.

But is promising looking forward next update

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Would I be right in assuming that working with FAR also means working with NEAR?

Not yet, but it should be simple to do. I'm waiting for some feedback about FAR compatibility though (does it work well with everyone's specific version of FAR ? do I need to find another way to communicate with FAR's DLL ? etc.)

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Uhm, I did a test with mun and the red cross was wrong, way ahead of real impact , on kerbin the trajectory mesh end when atmosphere start, also I had to uncheck autoupdate or nothing would have been drawn.

But is promising looking forward next update

If you have some time, could you post a screenshot of the cross (and your actual landing position), and also update your KSP_Data/output_log.txt to see why you don't get the atmospheric trajectory ? This is usually due to a bug during the plugin execution, so an exception stack trace should be visible in the log mentionning something like XXXException: <some message> [...] at Trajectories.<some function>. I'm interested in the exception message and the function name (the whole log would do as well but it can get big if you never clear it)

Also, do you use FAR or another mod that could impact your trajectory ? (that would not explain the Mun thing though)

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You instantly have my attention, when a stable release of this comes available I will definitely look into it for my stream of KSP, do you have pictures of the mod in action yet? does this apply to maneuver node as well as current trajectory?

I shall be keeping an eye on this progress!

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You instantly have my attention, when a stable release of this comes available I will definitely look into it for my stream of KSP, do you have pictures of the mod in action yet? does this apply to maneuver node as well as current trajectory?

I shall be keeping an eye on this progress!

At this time maneuver nodes are not used. But that's something I'm planning. It's easy for nodes that are before an aerobraking maneuver (I just have to follow the KSP flight plan), but for nodes after the maneuver it'll become tricky for players. The node will be displayed where KSP thinks you'll be, but I'll use it to update the predicted trajectory, so you'll have to edit something that's not at the right place. Still better than nothing. Ideally, I should implement a new maneuver node interface, but that's a bit of work.

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I like the idea but I tend to point the nose up during reenty so the heat shield takes the heat

You can set up the descent profile for that. The trajectory will update accordingly. At this time, you have 4 sliders, respectively giving the angle for entry, high altitude flight, low altitude flight, and final approach. Each slider can be configured as an angle of attack (relative to your velocity vector), or an horizon angle (relative to the horizon). The default setup is AoA = 0°, which means you just follow your velocity vector ; but that's just the default, you can change it.

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