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[0.90][WIP] Kerbal Konstructs v0.6.6 (Dec 16) - Static Objects and Launch Sites!


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  Spacepetscompany said:
I wonder if it's possible to do procedurally exploding Kerbal Konstructs objects..... Medsouz, what's you opinion on the feasablity of the matter? (Couldn't wait till the update to ask)

I was just thinking about this and I definitely plan to add destruction, however the way I would do it (and I'm 99% sure Squad does it) is let asset devs provide a 2nd "destroyed" model that it switches to.

EDIT: Just added the icons AlphaAsh made, thanks buddy!


Edited by medsouz
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  medsouz said:
Launch sites will now show up in the tracking station. :D

My feature! I always forget to plant a flag when I start for a test flight.

Edit: or is it just tracking station? Probably not map-view. NM.

  Spacepetscompany said:
With the new part explosions and particle smoke smoke SMOKE?

That could be another dream come true for my launchpad: Smoke on the water and fire in the skies...:cool:

Any chance for a ParticleAnimateOnStage?

Edited by Divico
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  medsouz said:
I was just thinking about this and I definitely plan to add destruction, however the way I would do it (and I'm 99% sure Squad does it) is let asset devs provide a 2nd "destroyed" model that it switches to.

EDIT: Just added the icons AlphaAsh made, thanks buddy!

Nice :)

Why not adding icons in the buildings folder, with a fallback default.




pic = mylaunchmenuthumbnail

icon = mylaunchsitemapicon (.png/whatever)


// default: a basic icon K or L in a square.

And maybe a set of icons for runway, launchpad, fuel station (kind of building made with InfiniteDice stuff), anomaly.

+ different colors/background (used site, unknown/undiscovered) if they're not hidden first.

default would be something like:

icon = runway

icon = launchpad

icon = anomaly


in asset config file.

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So I saw that it was mentioned a page or two back about trying to figure out how Squad's recovery code worked. In short, it just finds the distance between the KSC and the ship by doing the Great Circle Distance between them using their latitude and longitude, dividing by the Max Distance (pi * kerbin radius), then does a linear regression between 0.98 and 0.1 (so 98% and 10%) to give the recovery percentage. The ONLY way to get 100% is to be landed at the LaunchPad or Runway (it specifically checks the "LandedtAt" string of the vessel). Even at KSC you only get 98% recovered (which I personally think is lame).

Easiest way to support multiple recovery "zones" would be to check the Great Circle Distance from each and take the smallest one and put it into that calculation instead.

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Last night I got the CustomSpaceCenter module working. Currently it only moves the recovery point to closest space center and uses the stock recovery rates but I'll improve that at some point in the future. I also finally fixed the clicking through issue on the site selector. :D

Expect a 0.4 release later today. :cool:

Oh and another thing I was wondering about, does anyone know if Kerbal Konstructs works with DarkMultiPlayer?

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Bug report:

KK crashes when "Quit to Main Menu" from a loaded save (Space Center/VAB).

-> Start KSP. Load a save game. Enter VAB, KK button is there. Exit VAB. Quit to main menu. Load a save (same or another). Enter VAB: No KK Button.

Mods used: Kerbal Konstructs 0.3 and Kosmodrome 0.8. Nothing else.

Verified with Kerbal Konstructs 0.3 and KerbinSide "Launch Points" V 1.1.

I can provide a log if needed.

  medsouz said:
Last night I got the CustomSpaceCenter module working. Currently it only moves the recovery point to closest space center and uses the stock recovery rates but I'll improve that at some point in the future. I also finally fixed the clicking through issue on the site selector. :D

Expect a 0.4 release later today. :cool:

Oh and another thing I was wondering about, does anyone know if Kerbal Konstructs works with DarkMultiPlayer?

Good job on the click through :)

Does the recovery point move automatically, or is it set in the .cfg?

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  DigitalProeliator said:
Wow! That's awesome! Now we just need a refueling station at each launch site lol.

I wrote it just for making my video series really, I have no further plans for it.

Medsouz is a capable guy, but if he wants the rough code for adding to all launch sites, then he can have it. All that he could make required is the wayPFuel transform be added to the site requirements... That transform just keeps track of where the actual refueling point is. He'd have to simply integrate it into his current code, then clean it all up and make it all spiffy...

He can toss me a pm if he want's it as-is :)

Edited by InfiniteDice
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  Divico said:
Bug report:

KK crashes when "Quit to Main Menu" from a loaded save (Space Center/VAB).

-> Start KSP. Load a save game. Enter VAB, KK button is there. Exit VAB. Quit to main menu. Load a save (same or another). Enter VAB: No KK Button.

Mods used: Kerbal Konstructs 0.3 and Kosmodrome 0.8. Nothing else.

Verified with Kerbal Konstructs 0.3 and KerbinSide "Launch Points" V 1.1.

Fixed :)

  Divico said:
Does the recovery point move automatically, or is it set in the .cfg?

You define recovery points as a MODULE and the game will select the closest one when you recover.

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Due to my lack of free time to polish the update the people wanting some of the new features I'm doing a prerelease of 0.4. It should be relatively stable but if you find and issues let me know.

Download it from Kerbal Stuff.

Whats new:

  • Fixed the plugin breaking when switching saves
  • Fixed clicking through launch site selector
  • Added launch site icons in map view and tracking center. Make sure you have the planet selected to make the icons show up, they are hidden when you have a craft selected. I'll probably fix that before I do a full release.
  • CustomSpaceCenter module to move define multiple recovery points (This might turn into fully featured space centers in the future if I ever have the time to figure that out)
  • Configuration file, currently only one setting: "launchFromAnySite" which will let you, as the name suggests) launch from any site regardless if you are in the VAB or SPH.

Edited by medsouz
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I wonder if you could do a procedural destruction thing, like some old RTS games used to have, where the "destroyed" state model was just the regular one, with the vertices shifted randomly and a "burnt" texture instead.

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