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What determines the center of mass of a part

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the pivot of the object with PartTools is the CoM. works the same whether it's just one mesh object, or multiple. assuming it's not being shifted with CenterofMassOffset in config file as well.

In unity the pivot point is the 0,0,0. But in my experience the center of mass is set in blender. You select the mesh you want and go to object>transfrom>origin to center of mass.

For multiple meshes, this will set the COM at the average COM for all the meshes. You will notice this if you try to rotate an individual mesh. It wont rotate around its own axis but the axis of the whole parts COM.

For individual mesh the COM is set to it's own . Which is helpful for rotating individual meshes around their own axis, not the whole parts.

This is my understanding

Edited by clown_baby
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