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What functions can kerbonauts do while on EVA?


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So last night a hard landing in one of the canyons on Mun resulted in a damaged landing strut on my lander. I was bummed as it was the landers maiden mission and I was hoping to use it several times launching it from a small space station in Munar orbit. After returning to the space station it occurred to me that I might be able to fix the damage strut on an EVA. Sure enough I went out and was able to fix the lander leg and retract it. I knew I could do that for damaged rover wheels but it had never occurred to me I could also do it with lander legs too. That got me thinking what else can a kerbonaut do while on EVA, what other component can be repair or manipulated by a Kerbonaut on EVA?

The things we already know:


  1. eva report
  2. plant or remove a flag
  3. read plaque on existing flag
  4. take a surface sample
  5. take a sample from a captured asteroid
  6. transfer science from one vehicle to another
  7. fix a rover wheel
  8. fix a landing strut
  9. manually extend a solar panel
  10. repack chute
  11. push a spacecraft
  12. transfer between cabin's (presently the only way)

Not really a function but handy: Kerbals have headlamps! Hit L while on EVA


Please add to my list. What else am I missing?

Here's a picture of my modest space station in Munar Orbit:

Lower Left: Science Lab and Command Module.

Lower Middle: Living Quarters with docking ports and mono-propellant storage

Lower Right: Nuclear Lander docked to Living Quarters

Top Middle, Old mono-propellant only lander, likely to be abandoned soon.

Background: Space-Tug/Lifeboat that was used to push the asteroid into lunar orbit. It's presently being used to store spare fuel.


Edited by TerminalV
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Don't forget EVA reports! Kerbals can also land on and take off from low-gravity moons using EVA fuel. If you have KAS, you can assemble rovers, retrofit landers with new science gear, etc.

edit: also, like the last poster wrote, Kerbals can carry science with them. Very useful if you plan to ditch your lander and return to Kerbin with only the Command Pod, or need to rescue a Kerbal whose ride home has no fuel.

Edited by SunChaser
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Don't think they can repair solar panels but they can repair rover wheels.

They can extend ladders and solar panels within their reach, even if the craft in question has no command module or is out of power. (once a probe has run out of power, does it need to be rebooted, or will it come online automatically when electricity becomes available?)

In addition to broken wheels, they can also fix stuck landing struts, and repack parachutes. Parachute can't be staged again, though: you need to deploy it by right-click or action group.

Most of these things can be done at a surprising distance. You don't need a ladder that leads right up to your parachute in order to repack it.

OP; would you consider updating your post? Having a comprehensive list somewhere could come in handy.

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A delta-V of around 600 m/s. That's quite a bit, enough to get back to low Kerbin orbit from some situations as well as to make return landings on small bodies.

Store duplicate science reports - same experiment, same situation, same biome. The only other thing that can do that is the science lab, which is a lot heavier than a Kerbal in an external seat. Duplicate reports are needed for most experiments to get all the science available.

Transfer science to another Kerbal. This combined with the above means that two Kerbals can collect as many EVA reports and surface samples as you like.

In external seats, transfer EVA fuel between each other.

Take down a flag and gain it for replanting. Kind of trivial, but worth knowing if you care about flag orientation.

Read the inscription on a flag. This is the only in-game way to do so.

Survive a head-first landing on Kerbin with no assistance. Sometimes.

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Store duplicate science reports - same experiment, same situation, same biome. The only other thing that can do that is the science lab, which is a lot heavier than a Kerbal in an external seat. Duplicate reports are needed for most experiments to get all the science available.

Transfer science to another Kerbal. This combined with the above means that two Kerbals can collect as many EVA reports and surface samples as you like.

I like this. I put an external seat on the new lander but did not have a second kerbonaut on the maiden mission. I will pick up a second Kerbonaut from the space station and give this a try. Thanks!

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