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Honestly, I'm just sick of JEb


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I have many resorts arround kerbin, research bases at each pole... archeological sites at the UFO and the Pyramids... and some outposts/antenna towers I use as waypoints to this places... after a long mission I send kerbals to one of the resorts... :P

After 20yrs of space program, some manned missions to mun, minmus... and the great odyssey to Eve... Jeb, Bill and Bob are retired from the long term missions... now they are test pilots and instructors... They still go to space... But only to the LKO stations, to instruct the new Kosmonauts... :P

Edited by luizopiloto
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So easy. Put Jeb in a bare lander can with solar panel and a parachute and drop him on the mountain range overlooking KSC. Instant mountain retirement home with a great view of his KSC legacy.

Edited by inigma
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I think I'm going to stick Jeb on a station somewhere. Or in a ship with a nuclear engine and plenty of fuel, able to go anywhere his expertise is needed.

He's the master of Kerbin orbital science, so I think one of the science bases/stations I'm setting up to satisfy the 'get science from X' missions will do.

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I always have Jeb on the Mun spacestation, overlooking the planet he is obviously most in love with.

Bill being the doddering idiot he is, got put in charge of the tiny Minmus station, because the guys back at home wanted to keep him as far away from buggering up their operations as possible.

Bob, being the intelligent one, goes on missions and does stuff.

It's not hard to get rid of the ones you dont like in fun an interesting ways...or even just easy ways to keep them from clogging up your kerbalnaut list.

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but the reason that there are these "Jeb" memes is that every launch defaults to having him on board

That's not really it

Originally, every rocket launch had Bill, Jeb, and Bob. There was no 1-man capsule or probes, and no other kerbals, so every launch had those 3 on it. Jeb in particular is famous because when the other two showed fear or panic he just kept on smiling, sometimes maniacally, as is now depicted in the loading screen art

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The biggest problem is not that he is in capsule by default, but that he ends up back there even if you remove him and replace him with another pilot. As soon as you do some build changes to your ship or even do something as simple as setting action keys the game decides to put Jeb back there without even asking you.

I wonder why this issue is still there after such a long time as it is really annoying.

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Real Roster is a simple answer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87473-24-2-RealRoster-Get-off-mah-rocket-Jeb!-RC1-7-21-11 You can blacklist Kerbals by name so they are never added to the crew automatically (in the VAB, not if you go directly to the launch pad). This works nicely if you find yourself switching back and forth from launchpad to VAB quite often (as most of us do...).

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Real Roster is a simple answer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87473-24-2-RealRoster-Get-off-mah-rocket-Jeb!-RC1-7-21-11 You can blacklist Kerbals by name so they are never added to the crew automatically (in the VAB, not if you go directly to the launch pad). This works nicely if you find yourself switching back and forth from launchpad to VAB quite often (as most of us do...).

Even though it is good there are workaround like this mod this should really be dealt with in the stock game. Another issue is when you want to send for example a empty capsule. Even if you remove it in VAB simply just setting the action keys will then populate it once more which often leads to you having to switch back to VAB yet again because jeb or some other kerbal decided to jump in.

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I personally don't mind him being there, but it annoys me, that if I select a specific crew (other than Bill, Bob and Jeb) for a mission, test it out, crash, revert and try again, the crew has been switched back to original.

It would also be cool if it was random Kerbal each time. I can imagine kerbals playing rock, paper, scissors in the Astronaut Training Complex about who got the next assingment

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I also think it would be cool if the Kerbals had different skills. Some were better at repairing things whereas others were better at piloting... On the other hand maybe not, since then it would depend on the kerbal, whether you crash or not, and not the craft itself.

Any mods for that?

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