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The Double Mission Challenge (Now with reduced repetition!)


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  Rakaydos said:
When you deploy the whole rocket, all the fuel, and so on in one launch.... Does it all have to reach kerbin orbit? Or can you leave tanks on the runway, and dock with tham after the first landing to refuel?

Yes. While not expressly stated in the rules, everything has to go into orbit if you want to use it in a later part of your mission. (Same thing with leaving fuel tanks in orbit and simply docking with them to refuel every time you ascend from Kerbin.)

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  SkyRender said:
I have a suggestion for both a bonus and a new factor in scoring: account for how many Kerbals are sent on the mission. Why?


'Cause I'm totally sending 10 Kerbals out on this crazy mission. Have I mentioned that sanity is for the weak?

Hmmmm... How about 50-75 points for every Kerbal beyond the first one that are on the mission?

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  von Ziegendorf said:
Is MechJeb and Joint Reinforcement allowed? And am I understading rules correctly? If one performs Duna-Ike mission in one flight then gets multiplier 3,7+3,4 and has to repeat the same mission?

MechJeb is most certainly allowed (I used it in my own attempt, so I can hardly ban it for everyone else.) I think that yes, I will allow Joint Reinforcement.

Yes, if you go to Duna and Ike, you will get a multiplier of 3.7+3.4. You must go to Duna and Ike (or whatever other bodies you want), return to Kerbin, and then, with whatever you landed on Kerbin, go to Duna and Ike again and return to Kerbin again.

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Can there be more than one lander for the same body? For example, going to Eve with two identical landers, using one to get to the surface and back, then landing the mothership + other lander on Kerbin, then returning to Eve and using the other lander to get to the surface and back?

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  von Ziegendorf said:
Auch... This is going to be big. I hope KW Rocketry is also allowed. If yes I'm getting to work :D

I think I will say yes, KW Rocketry is allowed.

  metaphor said:
Can there be more than one lander for the same body? For example, going to Eve with two identical landers, using one to get to the surface and back, then landing the mothership + other lander on Kerbin, then returning to Eve and using the other lander to get to the surface and back?

Most certainly yes. Bring as many landers as your heart desires.

EDIT: Oh, and I fixed a mistake in rule 3.8.

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Even though multiple landers are allowed, I thought I would go another way... no dockings at all, just a single probe core and kerbal with things decoupling off it.

To Eve and back, and then to Eve again and back again... Just after I get this 1500-ton 800-part rocket to orbit.


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Rules Updated! I removed rules 3.5 and 3.6. (formerly 3.7 and 3.8 are now 3.5 and 3.6) and added a new 3.7: The mothership must reunite with its lander before landing on Kerbin, and must land on Kerbin with the lander on board. (You can still drop the used up lander on Kerbin's surface, if you want). The intention here is to make the rules a bit less restrictive in mission design and clarify the rules a little bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@metaphor: I give up... I was planning Ike-Bop-Pol-Gilly-Minmus triple mission with 21kT rocket but this would be extremely boring to fly and may not even beat your score :)

@Kulebron: I gues it's allowed, that was the whole point of my plan, to leave Kerbin launch stages in LKO and fly around with small nuclear powered lander.

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  stanz25 said:
Imagine doing the Jool 5 challenge like this. Thats would be like Jool 5 Ultra Jeb Mode.

There's actually a bonus for doing a Jool-5 mission.

  Kulebron said:
Can I leave Kerbin ascent/descent stage in LKO during the mission?

You most certainly can.

  metaphor said:
Here it is, Eve and back... and Eve and back again. No docking, just a single ship with 1250 parts, 7200 tons, 38 stages, and 37000 m/s of delta-v.



Impressive. I never actually thought that anyone would even try for Eve, let alone make it.

All right. I don't see any signs of cheating, so:

Eve has a multiplier of 11.

You made 2 trips.


(11 * (2 - 1)^2 * 100)=1100

You got the Manning the Guns bonus, so +100

And you didn't give a screenshot of the final mass of the vessel, so I can't give you any start-end mass bonuses. If you post them I'll add it in later.

Unfortunately, that only gives you a score of 1200. Seriously, you deserve a higher score for doing this.

In fact, have some rep.

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  Lou said:
2 Kerbals, 2 trips to Minmus, inital mass of 909.26 T, final mass of 2.62 T. I made no effort to minimize space junk. No mods.

Click here for all images






All right, no signs of cheating, so:

Minmus multiplier is 2.3

You made 2 trips.

End mass was 2.62

Start mass was 909.26



Got manned and army*1 bonus, so +150.

Grand total is 524.07

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Not quite understanding: if I take off, visit 2 or more bodies, then land on Kerbin, then visit them again, how much will this score? Do I have to repeat the tour, or I may take another double mission after that? Re-read them, that's clear.

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  Wooks said:
How do you feel about part clipping? I'm not talking about F12'ing the entire ship but clip whatever you can get away in the VAB or SPH under normal conditions.

(borrowed from the Eve Rocks challenge)


Generally, I will allow non-F12 part clipping so long as you don't go crazy with it. Though, the topmost kind of part clipping in the picture may still be worthy of an asterisk next to the entry. It is very much a subjective thing.

  Avera9eJoe said:
Hmm... Is refueling on the surface allowed? Or as a sub-challenge?

Refueling from something left on the surface of Kerbin during a launch, or any other celestial body for that matter, is not allowed. (rule 4) I may, however, make a refueling-allowed sub-challenge eventually.

  Kulebron said:
1. Can I use a takeoffer that I leave in LKO, and then mothership + lander that goes to land on planets?

2. Is MechJeb allowed?

1. Yes. The entry at the top of the scoreboard did this.

2. Yes. I used it in my own attempt, so I can hardly forbid it.

(I should really start to make a whitelist of legal mods.)

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