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Eve and Jason are physiotherapists at the same clinic. One of Eve's patients is a star athlete with a hip injury. While using an exercise machine, he complains that it chafes his skin and makes him itch. Not wanting to upset this high profile client, she decides to consult Jason about how to make him more comfortable.

"Eve," he says, "Just cover the parts that touch his skin with vinyl, that will reduce the irritation."

After the clinic closes, Eve scours the facility looking for some scraps of vinyl, but the only thing with that material she can find is the waiting room furniture. Desperate to be ready for the athlete's appointment the next morning, she cuts strips of vinyl from the chairs and puts them on the exercise machine.

The next morning as she is treating him, Jason arrives at the clinic and sees the damage done to the furniture in the waiting room. He finds Eve in the treatment area.

"Eve," he demands, "What did you do to the waiting room chairs?!"

She points to the newly equipped machine and says, "Jase. The vinyl's from there. These are the few itches of the star's hip exercise."

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Orbiter yet, have some free launch.

This was the reaction I was hoping for, lets see if it has enough mass...

Lettuce not mention this again, else to get beet to death for cheesey puns. See ya tomato....

Idk, we might be able to come up with a Gouda one... lets just hope the mods don't squash this before we get to see what stems from it... I guess I'll be leaving now...

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