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Group flights together in tracking station

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I rarely post suggestions as a I figure most of the sensible ones will be implemented anyway, but I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one who thinks this would be useful...

Basically, the tracking station quickly becomes a usability nightmare when you have anything more than 15 active flights. Finding things becomes awkward and the whole thing is cluttered. Naming conventions will only get you so far because the flights are listed by MET. Anyone who has used RemoteTech 2 and built absurd networks of relays will know what I'm talking about - as will anyone who has multiple flights in progress or likes leaving crashed ships as active.

As a solution, I would want the ability to assign flights to a group of my choosing. Like this...


Ideally, I'd be able to name a 'group' and assign flights to it - either in the Tracking Centre or via the vessel view right-click menu.

Anyone else have this compulsion to organise?

Full disclosure: this was posted in add-on requests a few months ago but was pruned

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Sure why not. Using remote tech myself I see the issue. It's not that much of a problem to me right now, espacially by using the sorting options for ships, satelites and debris you can make it less critical.

With multiplayer coming I can see a use of this in the stock game aswell. If there are like 3 or 4 players on the same server it could get bad.

Polishing the smaller anoyances like this or the flooded craft menues in the VAB are still something that helps the atmosphere and imersion of the game. The less my attention gets drawn away from the gameplay by such small things the more it feels like running a space program

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Great idea. As well as being able to de-clutter permenant missions I think it makes sense when you are playing in 'realistic time' - where you launch a few missions to Jool around a good launch window and then multiple other missions during the long transfer.

The flags comment above made me think it would be good to unify these folders with the tracking map show/hide behaviour, so you could show/hide the the folder contents just like the little buttons at the top of the tracking map.

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I like this. I could put all my flags in one folder, all my `not going to fly them, not going to destroy them` vessels in another then have a folder for each major planet and put all the craft in the right places.

Then just have something like 3-4 craft on the root level.

Would be handy to be able to sort them with folders either top or bottom depending on which you prefer.

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  • 8 months later...

And here we are years later, with KSP 1.3.0 recently dropping, and absolutely NOTHING like this has been in stock yet...
And I'm guessing it must be REALLY difficult to make a mod for this, since no one has done it yet...

Anyone interested in taking up the challenge, and re-examining the API/code for the tracking station/map views, to see if anything has changed, to make a mod a possibilty?

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 6/11/2017 at 2:27 PM, Stone Blue said:

And here we are years later, with KSP 1.3.0 recently dropping, and absolutely NOTHING like this has been in stock yet...
And I'm guessing it must be REALLY difficult to make a mod for this, since no one has done it yet...

Anyone interested in taking up the challenge, and re-examining the API/code for the tracking station/map views, to see if anything has changed, to make a mod a possibilty?


I'll put this on my list for later, busy finishing school rn but I'll take a crack at it over the summer

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This is definitely that is something great as mod but will also be very usefull as stock feature. 
It doesn't change any mechanics or things like that, it just makes things a lot more simplified and more clear in the tracking station.
Maybe something else could be added to this kind of 'overhaul', the ability to filter the crafts on the current body they are orbiting/flying/standing/whatever.

Edited by DrLicor
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