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I enjoy the science part of KSP, but I feel like the tech tree is still a bit predictable and linear. How about this: While exploring the Kerbol system, finds made while doing science can lead to new tech that wasn't previously in the tech tree. An example would be "DISCOVERY! While taking a surface sample on Duna, Jeb finds a new mineral Kerbtanium that makes possible new stronger lighter struts!" These discoveries could be kinda like the easer eggs, scattered and hidden throughout the system, or could be found through normal science. An added benefit would be to make it harder to fill in the tech tree with a couple of novelty missions. (I'm sorry Scott!)

Just an idea....


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Well, the exiting science is supposed to be exactly what your describing. Things we learned in our build up to the Moon with Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo allowed us to build all sorts of new things here on Earth, not necessarily materials from the moon but things needed to get there that found other applications both in and out of the space program. Science in KSP is a simplification of that idea. Not to knock the idea but it seems like your requesting a different form of what we already have.

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Science could definitely use some work.

Harvesting resources from space is daft, but harvesting knowledge is not. I'd like to see a much longer tech tree, with items unlocked individually rather than as groups, and science rewards for taking particular equipment to particular places at particular times. The price mechanism is already in place to unlock items individually; why group them?

Science rewards that were biased towards investment in a particular direction of the tech tree wouldn't be bad, either. Launching comms satellites boosts antenna research, landing in new places boosts leg/wheel research, etc. Plus generalisable science rewards for the player to allocate however they want.

Adds variety to science hunting, keeps an interest in science beyond the early game, channels specialisation but allows redirecting or avoiding it.

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Data gathered from the materials bay could be a requirement for 'meta materials' or something. Re the Kerbtatium if you focus on the info rather than needing the actual material, say if it had some novel crystal structure then just the info could enable new kinds of materials to be made from just Kerbin materials - no mining.

In general you could make particular 'learnings' precursors for particular technologies. I guess you could go the other way also - particular tech a requirement for particular missions, but in a 'reality enforces it way' - either nuke or high efficiency/large solar cells are required for missions far from the sun, probably one could make other hazards/problems to overcome (radiators to dump heat, plasma bubble for solar wind/flare protection, high pressure resist construction techniques for eve).

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From my point of view, science is ok as it is now, i should only enlarge the tech tree, adding further levels of research with future technology. I believe that having all the tech discovered with the actual game only gives us the technology available in real world up today, but what about next ten or twenty or fifty years' tech? I think it would be very fun adding some new features that are planned to be used or developped in the future, for instance lighter EVA suits or solar sails which have already be tested (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_sail).

With the introduction of the contract system and therefore some economical simulation, ultra expensive and titanic proyects like Orion rocket ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Orion_(nuclear_propulsion) ) could be done provided you have enough funds.

Also, in real life the ultimate quest of space science is to find life in other planets. KSP science could also be oriented to that, at least try to reflect that search more consistently.

Edited by juvilado
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