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Joystick problems

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I'm not sure if this is in the right category or if there is already an answer. Tried searching with a keyword "joystick" with little to no results.

My problem:

On a moments impulse I bought a joystick just to play KSP. Got home, plugged it in and started binding keys.

Trial and error, no luck. For example; the joystick has a small lever for thrust control, but whether I turned it up or down, thrust goes up.

Finally I wasn't even able to play. Every time I rolled a plane to runaway, all the control surfaces (small wings etc.) disappeared. If I hit the "next stage" button, everything went dark, couple times it even froze. In other words the game crashed. Problem was solved when I removed all joystick bindings.

My Question: Could someone with more experience post a quick tutorial how to use joystick with the game. Or something else helpful.

P.S. The Joystick I got is: http://www.thrustmaster.com/en_UK/products/usb-joystick


There are the thrust lever, 3 buttons, a trigger and an analog stick (sort of)

Edited by Las-pen
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I don't think so.

I got the little analog stick to control camera with no problem. So the controller works.

Problem is, that for both, the thrust control lever and the Stick itself, the other extreme (direction you wish to turn in game, let's say left, for example) is in the middle, in resting position and another (right) is in both directions you turn the stick. Well.. that was explained difficultly.

And I have a hypothesis to that game crashing bug I mentioned. It seems to happen when I go straight to a launching pad without going through hangar.

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I bind the "Throttle Axis" to the throttle lever (Axis 2)

"Pitch Axis" is bind to Axis 1 (front and back)

"Roll Axis" is bind to Axis 0 (left and right)

"Launch/Stages" is bind to that big yellow button you can see in the picture and it works with no problems.

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Did it work out of the box with you?

What kind of settings do you use? Dead zones and sensitivities and others.

Jups, plugged it in, changed sensitivity and everything worked well after binding the buttons and axes.

Also my thrustmaster is kinda bigger and have some extra buttons, but it shouldn't matter.

Didn't changed much on the deadzone settings.

So if this is only a KSP Problem, could you post you crashlog and output_log.txt ?

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A little update.

I installed NEAR-mod, which made the flying little more bearable. Or then I'm just beginning to master the awkward controls. Still would be nice, if I could use the whole joystick range, turn it all the way, and not just one quarter.

Also the throttle lever keeps the thrust between 75% and 75%. I think it started to happen after I calibrated the joystick in windows. Before that I could get it to go all the way (0 being in somewhere in the middle and 100 in both up and down) Also, according to precise controls (by pressing Caps Lock) the stick also turns between 25% and 75% and not all the way.

Edited by Las-pen
few corrections
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Well... one way to solve the problem... kinda

I downloaded http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92586-0-24-2-RKE-On-screen-Joystick-%28and-Fine-Keyboard-Controls%29-v1-0-%28Sept-21%29

and JoyToKey, that would allow me to assign joystick gestures into key pressings.

It's not perfect but I think it's the best so far.

I also tried Pinnacle Game Profiler, which would be even better, if I knew how to set it up right.

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