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[1.1] AFBW v1.7-beta (Joystick & controller mod)


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OK, Thanks to Kevin, I have a dll for windows. However, it seems there may be some issues with SDL input. This is still being investigated.

thanks a lot taniwha!! :-)

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waiting for this one too, got a dual stick setup with pedals, can get by with stock settings but i like to have different controller setups for different craft. have just realised how important this mod is to me

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OK, Thanks to Kevin, I have a dll for windows. However, it seems there may be some issues with SDL input. This is still being investigated.

That's great to hear Taniwha. Please let us know if you need a Windows 8.1 test subject. I'm still having issues with my Saitek Cyborg X stick and need a replacement for stock joystick detection. However, the older AFBW had issues with 8.1 that were never resolved. As it is, a friend is shipping me two older Logitech sticks just in case but I'd love to be able to use my X properly for KSP.

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I can't seem to find this plugin on ckan, I 'm running v 1.6.13 beta (auto updated just today). I tried refreshing the repositories and restarting the client to no avail. It's not a problem to manually install it of course but I'm not really in a hurry since don't have time to play today anyways and it would be nice to have the auto-updates through ckan. So something wrong with my ckan or has it been removed?

Edited by Malec
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One question.

Will this mod let me use two different 1 way Axis for Yaw control? As in, left pedal only moves rudder left, centers at 0, full left at 100, and visa versa for right pedal?

KSP's axis bindings don't work for this purpose. In fact, is causes a massive memory leak if tried. Also causes control surfaces to rotate 360 degrees continuously. :P

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What would be VERY interesting to me, is using MIDI input information to control various systems in game. If I have a MIDI controller surface I could use various sliders to set to adjust fuel transfers, buttons to toggle other systems, even keys to effect changes. Combined with Extended Actions this would make controlling complicated vessels a bit easier, and controlling from IVA feel a bit more immersive. Using a MIDI control surface with ALCOR, for instance would feel really immersive. I post this here because this mod is dealing with alternate input devices (gamepads and joysticks rather than mouse/keyboard only setups). Something to mull over. If I could code worth a "Hello World!" I might give this idea a go myself.

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One question.

Will this mod let me use two different 1 way Axis for Yaw control? As in, left pedal only moves rudder left, centers at 0, full left at 100, and visa versa for right pedal?

KSP's axis bindings don't work for this purpose. In fact, is causes a massive memory leak if tried. Also causes control surfaces to rotate 360 degrees continuously. :P

It won't let you do that. You can, however, combine two axis with UJR: http://evilc.com/joomla/articles/9-code/autohotkey/1-ujr-universal-joystick-remapper

This works great for me.

Edit: Never mind, this has negative pair options, I just haven't used it for a very long time. You don't need the extra thing.

Edited by Truga
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It won't let you do that. You can, however, combine two axis with UJR: http://evilc.com/joomla/articles/9-code/autohotkey/1-ujr-universal-joystick-remapper

This works great for me.

Edit: Never mind, this has negative pair options, I just haven't used it for a very long time. You don't need the extra thing.

So this mod does what I asked about? Can you explain to me how to set it up? I've very interested in finally having rudder pedals to go with my 2 axis flight stick.

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OK, Thanks to Kevin, I have a dll for windows. However, it seems there may be some issues with SDL input. This is still being investigated.

What does the SDL input issues mean for Windows users? Should we try the Windows DLL and see if it works, or are the issues a deal breaker?

I'm on Windows 7 with 32-bit Kerbal, 1.0.2. I've got a great x52 profile set up, but input lag and inability to switch axes for spaceplanes kills it. Is there any way to get fly-by-wire working? Is there an alternative?

Sorry if this should be obvious. I tried to read through the thread, but I get confused about whether posted info pertains to Windows or Linux, Kerbal 1.0 or 0.9.

Thanks so much to anyone working to get this running again. This functionality should have been in stock KSP!

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Oh my, I fear this is way outside the scope of this mod. I am aware that the name is a bit awkward, I named it after KSP's Vessel.OnFlyByWire callback function, without really knowing what the term means at the time :)

I can only promise that if anyone makes such a mod I will work with them to integrate it with AFBW.


I think FAR's Flight Assistance settings do some of what you want and they already work very nicely with AFBW :)

FARs flight assistance settings work but in a very basic manner, which on a lot of craft will cause serious oscillations which could be avoided with a Fly By Wire controls.

I wonder if kOS could achieve what Im looking for. I understand when it takes control it locks the player out, though... really need something that lets me separate what the joystick is doing, and what the control surfaces / reaction wheels / thrusters are doing, in a customisable way.

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Using the patched version on Windows with KSP 1.0.2, and it all works perfectly... except stock-configured rover controls. Steering works as expected, as does "drive forward", but "drive back" acts as an inverted version of "drive forward"... pressing it shuts off the motors, and letting go puts them into full-bore "forward" mode until I press it again or touch the "drive forward" control. AFBW-binding the rover controls to axes on a gamepad avoids the problem. In fact, I've done so now and haven't looked back. Still... a bug is a bug.

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Using the patched version on Windows with KSP 1.0.2, and it all works perfectly... except stock-configured rover controls. (...)

So, Windows users can ignore the insistence that this should be installed with CKAN, install AFBW manually, apply Taniwha's Windows DLL from Git, and things should work OK except for rover controls?

"SDL issues" sounded scary, since from my googling I think that's the layer that makes the joystick state available to AFBW.

Edit: So far, this seems to be working! I encountered the following issues, none of which were fatal, but without someone else saying it works I probably would have thought it was not and uninstalled.

  • CKAN will not show you this mod unless you force it, and will refuse to install it when you do force it.
    • That's fine! Just install manually. Unzip AFBW, overwrite ksp-advanced-flybywire.dll with Taniwha's version from git, drop in Kerbal folder like it says in top comment.

    [*]Kerbal Space Program will notify you on launch that a toolbar plugin is known to be incompatible.

    • Ignore it, press OK, seems to work for me.

    [*]My game's visual settings reverted to windowed mode and a low resolution.

    • Ignore that, just set them back in the settings.

    [*]I got a weird looking toolbar-related icon right in the middle of my screen. It seems to be clickable through other menus, and interferes with e.g. putting your graphics settings back how they should be.

    1. That's going to be the AFBW button. AFBW just doesn't automatically activate its icon in that toolbar. Left-click the pulldown arrow and use Configure Visible Buttons.
    2. You just have to move it where you want it to be, manually. Pulldown menu, Unlock Position and Size, move it where it should be, Lock Position and Size.

    [*]Some of my axes responded funny after installing. They were stuck zeroed at odd places and wouldn't go all the way in one direction. Wasn't due to trim.

    • When you assign a function in AFBW, it removes that function assignment from the main settings. Apparently sometimes it misses one. I had to unbind those axis controls from the main menu.

    [*]Lastly, you have to click the Configuration button next to your joystick and calibrate. I guess this uses its own calibration and deadzone system, not the one you probably already set up in the OS' joystick properties.

After doing all that, it seems to be working great. I haven't tested it in flight yet, still tweaking my x52 profile, but even if all I get is the ability to swap my yaw and roll axes this appears to be a success.

This is on Win7 x64, with 32-bit Kerbal and Saitek x52.

More info after experimenting for a few days.

When you start the game, the toolbar will always relocate itself to a strange default position that's in the way. Don't click it right away. If you try to fix it while you are in the space center, hangar bay, or anywhere but flying a craft, it will tend to glitch out and cause strange behavior, such as other game menus being active but invisible. This can lead to you being unable to leave the screen and having to end-task on KSP, because you can't click on the invisible menu but it is still active and preventing you using other buttons.

The solution is easy. When you first launch the game, ignore the toolbar icon and switch to a spacecraft. The toolbar will suddenly figure itself out, show the AFBW button, and locate where you last put it. Now right-click the toolbar button that isn't AFBW, and it will go away. From then on the toolbar with AFBW in it will behave normally. (Until the next restart, then you do the dance again.)

I use a flag at the head of the runway for this. (I called it "Not Space". It's helpful for finding the KSC runway too.)

Everything else is working great. Windows users, give it a try it may work fine for you too.

Edited by misterbk
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So, Windows users can ignore the insistence that this should be installed with CKAN, install AFBW manually, apply Taniwha's Windows DLL from Git, and things should work OK except for rover controls?


This is on Win7 x64, with 32-bit Kerbal and Saitek x52.

I have exactly the same setup and joystick as you and it works great with my rovers. My solution was a little unconventional, however. I assigned the Wheel Throttle to the throttle axis, bound the reverse motor option on the rover wheels to an action group and then assigned the action group to one of the buttons on the throttle. Now when I move the throttle forward, the rover moves forward, and when I click the button, the rover goes into reverse.

This setup feels very natural (a bit like having a reverse gear) and makes it easy to have fine throttle control (no on/off acceleration) while still being able to move backwards and forwards with ease.

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  • 2 weeks later...
...However, it seems there may be some issues with SDL input. This is still being investigated.

Out of curiosity, what is the latest on this? Are we doomed? I've been trying to get a G27 up and running to drive rovers and use certain buttons and axes for various functions (clutch and accelerate for rudder and brake for, well...brake).

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Ah well, thanks for the update. The default game recognises the wheel I just couldn't be bothered messing with the config to see if I could fix the fact that full lock left aligns the wheels in game straight, so you can only turn in one direction, plus I wanted to do strange things with the pedals that the game will not allow. If I can get the game to use the steering properly, UJR might work for the pedal functions I had in mind. I just liked how AFbW gave split axis options.

Maybe I should start a campaign asking Squad for Force Feedback implementation ;)

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Hello everyone,

After reading the last few pages and installing AFBW 1.5.1 with the .DLL update posted a few days ago, here is what I get when i click the AFBW button:

Broken AFBW interface

This is in KSP 1.0.2 under Windows 7 64 bit. Is this the "SDL issue" discussed a few post back or something else?

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I think this must be a conflict with the other mods you have installed. I'm running vanilla KSP plus AFBW, no other mods, and the interface behaves relatively OK for me.

See my comment on the previous page, I did a detailed writeup of what I see when starting the game with AFBW and how to treat it to get the desired functionality.

I do wish someone would explain what "SDL Issues" means though, so I know what errors I should be expecting to encounter. For example, now that AFBW is installed I get very strange behavior from joystick buttons that have been mapped to keyboard keys within the X52 profiler. When the part count on screen is low, the keyboard keys sent by the joystick profiler act normally. When the part count on screen is high, even if it has not yet begun to affect framerate, joystick buttons mapped as keyboard keys cause a press within KSP once per frame.

So pressing a button mapped to the key will rapidly toggle the lights on and off, and pressing a joystick button mapped to [F12] will rapidly enable and disable the aerodynamics overlay, and pressing a joystick button mapped to the [1] key with "collect goo data" set to Action Group 1 will collect that goo experiment up to 8 times.

Is that the "SDL Issues?" I don't know. I've been trying to move everything I can to joystick buttons, but I really like being able to use the pinky trigger to make the toggle switches activate different sets of action groups. I wish the X52 profiler was better, it could easily solve all of this if it had the ability to change axis assignments as well as buttons, and the ability to change joystick button assignments in shift states instead of being limited to only keyboard keys. :\

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Hello everyone,

After reading the last few pages and installing AFBW 1.5.1 with the .DLL update posted a few days ago, here is what I get when i click the AFBW button:

Broken AFBW interface

This is in KSP 1.0.2 under Windows 7 64 bit. Is this the "SDL issue" discussed a few post back or something else?

Are your running the KSP 64 bit "hack" by any chance. This is exactly what I see when running KSP 64bit under windows, so.....unlikely to be resolved until Squad release a proper 64bit client....if this is the problem.

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Are your running the KSP 64 bit "hack" by any chance. This is exactly what I see when running KSP 64bit under windows, so.....unlikely to be resolved until Squad release a proper 64bit client....if this is the problem.

Good point. It works for me with 32-bit KSP, running on 64-bit Windows.

The mod is very clear about not supporting 64-bit KSP, so I imagine there would be issues.

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