Australian Sloth Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Well, as the title says, how did you get into/find KSP?My story: I was looking around at some indie games and happened to stumble across a post about ksp, went to the site and downloaded the 0.8.4 version.I then really became addicted when I watched this: From then on I was hooked, I loved the attitude that the forum has (Oh it exploded, get another one onto the pad and someone scrape Bill of the launch tower!), the way that it is so easy yet complex! Want to make a simple little rocket? Go ahead!Want to make a multistage autolaunchable monster? Go ahead!Your turn! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ydoow Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Someone made a post on the forums I used (back in august \'11) a few people tried it, and eventually I did. Loved it, and then I loved the community around it which really helped me learn what I was doing and have a lot more fun with the game.Honestly I think about 60% of the game is in the community. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xzbobzx Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012,3619.0.htmlThat.I was doing some brainstorming on how to let people build spaceships of their own, the kinds you see in star wars and stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ping111 Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I\'ve always crazy trains of thought:For example, I\'ll read a sign for Victoria\'s Secret, I have a cousin named Victoria, she lives in California, in 'End of ze World' Cali breaks off from US 'To go hang with Hawaii', then I remember Lilo and Stitch, and I\'ll ask if that show still airs.So, I was looking up Minecraft shit, I found a Minecraft Space Shuttle, then related to that was a Lego one. Related to that was 'Fun with KSP'. Curious, I clicked it, and was enthralled with the hilarity of the crashes. Now, this was pre-1.1, so there was no Mac version. I booted up my old HP touchscreen computer and downloaded. I would play for hours, and filled a clipboard with orbital tables, notes, and rocket sketches. I\'ve been playing since - oh, August \'11. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tortoise of The Cosmos Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I was on 4chan and a thread came up which was along the lines of 'List your best time killers.' Minecraft came up on nearly every post but occasionally Kerbal Space program was posted. So I checked it out and now I am hooked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deadshot462 Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I played Orbiter for over a year and found the KSP thread in the off topic forum. I migrated right away, I had pretty much everything I could on Orbiter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sal_vager Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 It popped up on reddit and I bookmarked it, then forgot it existed, as it didn\'t support linux I didn\'t bother trying it at the time.Then much later I was sorting my bookmarks, found KSP, saw it still didn\'t support linux so I gave it a shot in Wine.Zooming didn\'t work, joystick didn\'t work, several other keyboard controls were also dead, but I could build a rocket, land on the Mun and return.That was enough.I donated that day and have been playing it ever since, keyboard zoom was eventually fixed and now even the mouse is working properly, there\'s just the joystick left to get working.I am a little worried that the new terrain engine will break the game for me though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GOOMH Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 Lets see around late August/early September, to be exact September 12(check out the video), I was watching a Kurtjmac video showing off Space Engine and I saw this comment(along with others) Quote Huh, well, maybe you should try Kerbal space program, there you can build your own rocket and try to orbit? Kerbin/Kearth with it or do much more (it\'s still under quite a heavy development).So I checked it out got hooked for a while never orbited then abandoned it then while on the MC forums SteevyT who told me that they adding the Mun so I checked it again in November but soon abandoned it again until Kurtjmac started to play it so I updated my copy and been playing ever since with a few weeks of down time once in a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chrislo27 Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I saw a video by JJ5x5 with a stupendous amount of explosions. From there, I downloaded and was hooked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richy teh space man Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I was watching vids on youtube about rocket launches, and read a ksp related comment on there, one google search later and I\'m downloading another space simulator.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SiliconPyro Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 My buddy sent me an email: Quote SUBJECT: I\'m terribly sorryBODY: what i\'m about to show you is something that will literally eat hours upon hours from your day. all i can say is that i\'m sorry.what the hell i\'m talking about: tutorial: tell me what you think.I downloaded the demo that night and jumped on the forums. I\'m all about forums. I was immediately obsessed with the idea of landing on the Mun, I don\'t know why, but I pretty much paid $15 just for landing legs, haha. I finally landed safely last night (took almost a week). I actually commented to my buddy about how this community is so much different than most others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AngryC4t Posted March 24, 2012 Share Posted March 24, 2012 I was watching a stream on (a streaming site that streams anything from video games to Dexter; WARNING: potentially NSFW) and saw someone streaming KSP. ???I believe it was on Ver. .10 when I got it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Entropy Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 I saw an article on Rock Paper Shotgun, a very very good PC gaming news site. Just happened to check it one day when I was out of state and see an article over KSP, and it looked amazing. Installed it to my laptop right then and there and spent four hours in the hotel room coaxing rockets into orbit. This was back in July. I still have the zip file for KSP V.8.0 on this machine, too. I think I might keep that, as a reminder of what things were like before such luxuries as the plugin system, map screen, and joystick support. I can still remember desperately watching my tables to determine if I\'d made orbit or not, and the sheer thrill of my first 24-hour orbit, back when people still bragged about that sort of thing. Good times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteevyT Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 Got stuck on YouTube, saw a video, promptly forgot about it. About a week later I remembered it, searched the game. Downloaded, forget what version. I want to say .8.something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VincentMcConnell Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 Very Carefully. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest GroundHOG-2010 Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 My story: I was looking though one of KurtJMac\'s Videos (had been a long time subscriber at that point, the only lp that I have always watched) comments (I think it eather was Celestria or Orbiter, can\'t remember), and someone had posted about Kurt doing a KSP lets play. At the time, I didn\'t know what KSP was, so I decided to search it (as I do). After seeing what it was, I quickly downloaded it, and after playing it for a while, (about 1 hour or 25 jebs at that point), I got into space, and the next day, gave it to my friends to try out. That was 0.9.0 or 0.8.X, I can\'t renember which. The next day, I figured out how to orbit (more like re learnt after playing orbiter for 2 years), and completed one orbit in lunchtime at school, using NovaSilisko\'s N1. To this day, I still use that rocket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
softweir Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 There was a post on the Egosoft game forums back in July \'11 when they were still working on versions in the 0.8 range. A couple of the videos were funny and interesting, I tried it and got hooked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BarryCarlyon Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 Notch tweeted About being given a run thru follow the links gave the demo whirl and hooked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redrumsalad Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 Ydoow said: Someone made a post on the forums I used (back in august \'11) a few people tried it, and eventually I did. Loved it, and then I loved the community around it which really helped me learn what I was doing and have a lot more fun with the game.Honestly I think about 60% of the game is in the community.This is almost exact as to how I got into KSP, except it was more around July \'11. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mincespy Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 A friend on Roblox told me of this game, and then I quit roblox for this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warringer Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 Someone posted a thread over at SpaceBattles about KSP when it was still in 0.8, based on a post from SomethingAweful.Tried it out, exploded a couple of rockets and was hooked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Strange Posted March 25, 2012 Share Posted March 25, 2012 Someone over at the Paradox Forums linked to the game. Then I lost an evening. And a week. And the past few months.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
madmat Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 Here in Aus we have a TV program called GOOD GAME, all about PS3 and console games etc. They were discussing Flight sims and KSP came up. One Google search later and here i am. I must admit after 1 spinal fusion and looking down the barrel of another, This game has been a godsend to me in my 'downtime'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joshua21B Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 I check TIG periodically. This is the post that introduced me to KSP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GOOMH Posted March 26, 2012 Share Posted March 26, 2012 GroundHOG-2010 said: My story: I was looking though one of KurtJMac\'s Videos (had been a long time subscriber at that point, the only lp that I have always watched) comments (I think it eather was Celestria or Orbiter, can\'t remember), and someone had posted about Kurt doing a KSP lets play. At the time, I didn\'t know what KSP was, so I decided to search it (as I do). After seeing what it was, I quickly downloaded it, and after playing it for a while, (about 1 hour or 25 jebs at that point), I got into space, and the next day, gave it to my friends to try out. That was 0.9.0 or 0.8.X, I can\'t renember which. The next day, I figured out how to orbit (more like re learnt after playing orbiter for 2 years), and completed one orbit in lunchtime at school, using NovaSilisko\'s N1. To this day, I still use that rocket.Sounds like my story except with Space Engine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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