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How far away can you see Easter Eggs on moderate graphics [MINOR SPOILER]


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Hi all,

I am currently doing a search of Bop for the easter egg that is on it. My search method is to land the craft, EVA 10 or so Kms north and return, then EVA 10 or so kms south, then I fly the craft 10kms east and repeat. Im about halfway round now and I am wondering if the gaps are too big and I will miss seeing it.

My graphical settings are probably middle of the road (Im not in game to check). Should I see it if I am 5 or more kms away (but moving around the view and zooming way out etc).

The same question applies for when I try to find the desert KSC etc, Im not sure how low I should fly the search plane!!

Any thoughts?

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First off I'd put this in the questions section of the forum, but I'll leave it to the mods to decide about that.

As for finding the Kraken on Bop: You can kinda see it from very low orbit, even though it's more like a bunch of pixels looking like a glistering in the distance from that hight. But you should be able to see it below you at some point if you are in a polar orbit. I've definitely seen people find it from orbit.

As for Kerbins larger easter eggs (KSC2, pyramids etc) I'd fly pretty low. If you can see stuff like the Iland runway you should be fine at that hight. I have never actually searched for or visited anything else than the Monolith near KSC and the island runway, so I don't really know.

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From my experience, it appears as if all easter eggs have their own render distances. I know that I can see the island runway on Kerbin from at least a 70km orbit, but I've had loads of trouble seeing, for example,

the Vall stonehenge

from low orbit.

EDIT: This is a very good question to be asking. I'll hyperedit some crafts near some easter eggs and fly straight up until they disappear. I'll report back with results!

Edited by turkwinif
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Got 'em. In the spoiler are just a few easter egg names along with the distances that they disappear.

KSC ~ 50km, Island Runway ~ 275km, KSC 2 ~ 40km, Pyramids ~ 60km, Kerbin UFO ~ 8km, Vallhenge ~ 15-20km, Kraken ~ 10km

Looks like you'll have fun finding it. Bop's pretty small, but still, you only have a 10km radius in which you can see the easter egg.

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I don't think there is a definitive answer to this, as it changes from version to version. It used to be that the Mun arches were visible, if you knew where to look, as twinkling points even 1000km away. But more recently, I find that you have to be within a handful of kilometers before they appear at all.

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