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deadly re-entry should be integrated and added to the difficulty settings

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I think it's more complicated than just buying DR, as a matter of balancing ships. DR (and a better aero) also benefit from service modules and telescopic legs. Then there is the issue of whether use heat shield parts or use tweakables to place heat shielding on a side (or the entire) ship, at a weight and funds cost. Other parts could also be added, like radially mounted inflatable heat shields.

And there is the issue of funds balance: a proper DR may not be keen on returning empty fuel tanks to the KSC from orbit (or, at least, without a heavy penalty on weight) for recovery, so funds might need to be balanced accordingly.

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Given that even on "Hard" running out of money is pretty difficult (the only reason I didn't ay "impossible" is because I guess it is theoretically possible), I doubt there needs to be much work on money balance. It might actually make reusables/landables matter, in fact.

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I have benn playing a lot with far an dre. Please keep in mind what dre means for spaceplanes and shuttles. If you have any form realistic aerodynamic system like we most likely will get sooner or later you need airbreaks for those to slow you down. Sure, you can do it without them but that makes reentry time consuming as hell because there isn't that much drag on a winged vessel to slow you down and if you reenter too steep your wings burn up. Either they add airbreaks or wings get a MUCH higher heat resistance than they currently have with dre.

Another point to keep in mind is that some parts (pods, maybe some SP parts) might need an offcentered COM to keep them stable on reentry. That might screw up some of the current designs even if you disable the DRE function on easy and normal difficulty settings. That could upset people.

I do love dre though and would like to see it implemented in some form ;) it makes hard mode a lot more interesting. Reusability is a lot more complicated to achieve with dre and far and increases the challenge.

However, I think it is a lot better and less work to add aerodynamics first. Otherwise you have to rework the reentry system with it's implementation. Reentry heat is not that simple if you keep aerodynamics in mind and will most likely be hard to balance

Edited by prophet_01
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Half of it is actually a good idea.

Not integrating DRE (don't get me wrong - I support this, but it seems that Squad has a different POV on reentry heat), but letting it (and other mods) use the difficulty settings menu.

Currently, all realism mods use their own settings system - either in-game (like FAR) or through configs. Why don't use difficulty settings for some general options (turn on\off, adjust reentry heat, disable crew deaths for life support mods, etc)? That would be great for testing stuff.

That, of course, if that menu is moddable (is it?).

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We've been going through this like... dozens of times already... but... what the hell: Please, make it happen. Can be by directly integrating DRE mod or creating your own version of it - I don't really care as long as reentry works like every new player expects it to.

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