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Change default translation keyboard shortcuts.

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Right now iirc the default keys for ship translation are IKJLHN. It would be a lot less awkward ergonomically if they were moved to the numpad.

Afaik a lot of people control ships with both hands with the left hand controling rotation and right hand controlling translation.

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I vote to leave it the way it is. I like it and got used to it. And I usually have one hand on the keyboard and the other on my mouse, rotating the view so that I can check the alignment from different directions as I dock.

I would prefer the I & K bindings get reversed though. I always swap those so that pressing I moves up, and K moves down. I understand W and S working the way they do for pitching up/down, but translating is different and I never could adjust to it.

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Pls don't change it. I'm happy with were they are at the moment and btw my Laptop does not have a numpad and I like to play ksp if I'm not at home ;)

I agree with taraniselsu. The i and k is a little awkward this way, although I'm used to it now and it would most likely take me weeks to adapt to anything else :P but for new players the other way around might be better

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
This is false.

It's most likely true. Laptops have outsold desktops for years, and most laptops don't have a numpad. Some common desktop keyboards, such as the Apple wireless keyboard, also lack a numpad.

This may or may not be true, however it's irrelevant because only the smallest cheapest laptops seem to lack a numpad.

I haven't seen a laptop with a numpad for years. Neither cheap laptops nor lightweight high-end ones have a numpad, and it's also rare in the high-end desktop replacements, where Apple dominates the market. There may be some niche markets where the numpad is a norm, but I don't know anybody who buys laptops like that.

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No, it's overwhelmingly false

All you have to do is type "Keyboard" into google shopping and see how many peripheral keyboards lack a numpad. You can keep scrolling and clicking "next" if you want.

This is getting off topic. What "most people buy" is not very relevant to what most gamers buy. I'm a gamer and I'm playing on a laptop out of necessity. I bought this laptop with the express purpose of a backup gaming platform. I would never buy a laptop without a numpad and I'm sure no self-respecting gamer would. If Squad started making decisions based on what "most people" buy they would be insane.

You can make an argument about Macbooks, but honestly I think it was a extremely stupid decision to make it available for that platform in the first place. Macbooks are not gaming devices, and this is just one reason why. My laptop is already a several years old and it was a mid-range laptop when I bought it. Somehow a similarly priced macbook or imac available today are either comparable in speed or much worse not to mention a screen for ants.

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I've never noticed this to be an issue ergonomically. Index fingers are on "F" and "J" when touch typing; index fingers go to "D" and "J" while docking (further apart).

NumPads are great for some things (like camera controls), but I'd not like translating with them primarily because the forward/back controls are difficult to locate. Ideally they'd be under control of the index finer as it has the best speed and control by far. The part of a numpad you'd use for translation doesn't really leave room for a forward/back control under the index finger (7 and 1 are close enough to other keys that fat fingering is sure to occur).

Thinking about not using the numpad because some computers don't have it is a bit odd since they likely also don't have middle mouse buttons or scroll wheels or Page Up/Page Down or num +/-, all of which are KSP controls. Although admittedly docking is such a large part of the game, the default controls should be set up to accommodate the majority of players: there is no single best layout.

Perhaps selectable profiles? "Translate with IJKLHN" or "Translate with NUM 845671"

Besides, at this point changing default profile settings would really trip up any current players.

PS An ergonomic keyboard makes this whole discussion very simple :D IJKLHN 4 lyfe

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
This is getting off topic. What "most people buy" is not very relevant to what most gamers buy. I'm a gamer and I'm playing on a laptop out of necessity. I bought this laptop with the express purpose of a backup gaming platform. I would never buy a laptop without a numpad and I'm sure no self-respecting gamer would. If Squad started making decisions based on what "most people" buy they would be insane.

The point is that it's pretty stupid to use default key bindings that a large fraction of potential players don't even have on their keyboards.

I'm a gamer myself, and I've been one for around 25 years. I haven't really used Windows for anything since 2007. I may still have a spare USB keyboard with a numpad somewhere, but I haven't used one for years. Even when my keyboards still had a numpad, I barely used it at all. Most of the time it's just pointless waste of space, unless you're doing a lot of data entry.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
No, it's overwhelmingly false

All you have to do is type "Keyboard" into google shopping and see how many peripheral keyboards lack a numpad. You can keep scrolling and clicking "next" if you want.

This is getting off topic. What "most people buy" is not very relevant to what most gamers buy. I'm a gamer and I'm playing on a laptop out of necessity. I bought this laptop with the express purpose of a backup gaming platform. I would never buy a laptop without a numpad and I'm sure no self-respecting gamer would. If Squad started making decisions based on what "most people" buy they would be insane.

You can make an argument about Macbooks, but honestly I think it was a extremely stupid decision to make it available for that platform in the first place. Macbooks are not gaming devices, and this is just one reason why. My laptop is already a several years old and it was a mid-range laptop when I bought it. Somehow a similarly priced macbook or imac available today are either comparable in speed or much worse not to mention a screen for ants.

My new Macbook Pro Retina it's a nice Gaming Laptop (2.5GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 +NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M)

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Ah c'mon. My laptop is 4 years old and still runs ksp. Of course it can't handle a 500 parts station at a decent framerate, but I did many missions with it I never had svere issues. It has an i5, 4gb ram and lacks a numpad. so don't give me that "good gaming laptops have a numpad" line :P It's not the case and btw involving the numpad doesn't add much to the game

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