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[PLUGIN, PART, 0.17] Bigtrak KSP Edition v.30 Liltrak


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Wow - Kiwi Cycle is awesome! It even lets you do tricks with it! (Try a wheelie at 45 m/s - keep holding down the i key and press s key for a second).

I can\'t wait to get it to the moon. I haven\'t been this excited about a game since GTA Vica City came out and they had motorcycles. I wonder if I can scale down a couple of solid rocket boosters and strap them on the side.

I see a lot of challenges emerging from this. For instance, I wonder how many rockets I can jump over on the moon?

Evil Kernibal !!

Thank you, by the way. This is a lot of fun. And will no doubt become legendary.

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Is there a way to record video in KSP? Or do I need 3rd party software?

Evil Kernibal is doing so wicked tricks on the moon. Cruise along at 30m /s and then while driving forward, hold down the s key - does one back flip and lands it = keep holding and it pops him way up. I also just jumped across a huge crater.

I love this thing!!!!!

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I would use WebEx conferencing software to record my screen, but that\'s all hosted at work and I\'d probably get a 'don\'t do that again' talk.

There are plenty of other video makers here - I\'m sure the next few weeks are going to be very, very entertaining.

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I love how fast it looks like you\'re going because he\'s so low to the ground.

I think I have to adjust node properties in CFG to allow side boosters - I will give it a shot. And then figure out how I can make a part super small. Surely it can\'t be that tough.

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I think it may be as easy as rewriting a line of code (of the model itself) to set the scale to a certain size. Someone made a part bigger than the whole launch tower once by accident because their scale was too large or something.

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Small update, Tumblebot is neat and all but the Kiwi really needs a Kerbal at the controls. So heres Evil Kernibal. He still needs some size tweaks, textures, and details yet but is coming along nicely. Can\'t wait to get started on texturing him.


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Here\'s a snippet of code to insert in the Bigtrak\'s part.cfg file that automatically provides a cabin-view camera using r4m0n\'s new camera mod.

// Camera settings for chickenplucker\'s Bigtrak:
name = MuMechModuleHullCamera
cameraName = Bigtrak_Cockpit
cameraForward = 0, 0, 1
cameraUp = 0, 1, 0
cameraPosition = 0, 0.6, 1.4



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Wow, the bike\'s fast! Maybe it caps off at a lower speed, but it certainly hits 50m/s easily on Kerbin. Can\'t wait to get it to the mun! Though, while it seems rock steady even while turning at high speed on Kerbin I doubt it\'ll be so well behaved up there.

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