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0.90 Kerbal Weather Systems! Alpha 0.5.3 WIP! (Jan 2)


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@tofox, global warming is a major part in our winds and weather systems, and it's not by choice that I'm including global warming in the mod, but by necessity, as with having an atmosphere, the way that black body radiation/emission works, it's just a thing of consequence, it's complicated, and I'm going through a metric .... ton of math to get you guys an awesome mod to play with. One that isn't whimsical and unpredictable, but one that follows patterns and rules and can be tracked and predicted, just like IRL weather can. It's quite the challenge indeed, but it's going to happen one way or another.

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Also, in the next update, there will be a weather API for any of you who may want to grab weather data for whatever mods you make! It will get better over time as more stuff comes into play, but it's already quite extensive in the amount of data you can grab.

Edit: And by API I mean you can do things like: grab the temperature at a specific cell on a specific planet, compare cells, pressures, get the neighbouring cells, tons of functions that can be used.

Edited by silverfox8124
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@sober667, with this mod it'll be with thermals, which if I model correctly, will lead to you having to plan out your flight path very carefully, just like professional gliders do irl! There's a lot of potential in this mod, and I'm happy I'm getting the chance to do it.

Also on note of my recent progress, I just switched from a latlong cell system to a hexcell system like Kethane has. So I'm busy learning how to utilize the grid to it's full potential for weather purposes. After that it'll be going onto doing cell maths and seeing if pressures and temps move around, if so, we have a primitive weather system set up~ Just thinking about it gets me excited~

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Your sail made me think of wing sails - basically a wing mounted vertically on a ship - with the KSP wing module this might even work! Now I need to go figure out how to make/launch boats...

Watching this with interest.

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Does "no work with 64 bit" include linux installs? That seems overkill. The vast majority of linux users are running 64bit.

EDIT: It is working under linux 64bit. So only the statement in the op is less than accurate.

Edited by Sandworm
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@politas, yes there is, if you still want the 4 layers of cloud, you can go into the textures folder and find the kerbin cloud map file, then open it up and erase some clouds, or if you want to erase cloud layers, just go into CloudLayer.cfg and find the layer you want to delete, then simply delete it, I suggest backing up the cfg before doing that however.

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Would it be possible please to get a bit more information on using your API from another mod? I'd like to add some TestFlight modules to support this mod.

Basically how would I go about getting the current cell that the vessel/part is in, and then calling your API with that cell?

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I'm not seeing an icon for this in either Blizzy's toolbar or the stock one. How do we change the parameters? Actually, the first time I ran with this installed, I did see the user interface, but there was no way to make it go away (including hitting F2!) for screenshot purposes.

@politas, yes there is, if you still want the 4 layers of cloud, you can go into the textures folder and find the kerbin cloud map file, then open it up and erase some clouds, or if you want to erase cloud layers, just go into CloudLayer.cfg and find the layer you want to delete, then simply delete it, I suggest backing up the cfg before doing that however.
Ah, I was hoping for a way to do it in settings so I'm not breaking updates. It weird, though. I see all these screen shots with blue skies and a few wispy clouds, but I get constant cloud cover that makes visual navigation almost impossible.
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@Agathorn, the API's functions are quite self-explanatory tbh... if you want the cell at location, use getCellAtLocation()

- - - Updated - - -

@politas, yes, this is a WIP, and I haven't implemented Stock toolbar yet, I will in the future, but not now. You also can't change the wind because those days are over. I'm working towards naturally occurring weather.

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I haven't implemented Stock toolbar yet, I will in the future, but not now. You also can't change the wind because those days are over. I'm working towards naturally occurring weather.

Ah, ok. Didn't see any comments about the UI going away in the change log. For now, is there any way to tell what the wind speed & direction are without building devices to litter the landscape?

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@Fox Loco, Fox Brethren! I have not yet tested it with RSS, if you would be so kind as to test it out and let me know how it goes, that'd be great. For wind functionality, it should be fine, but for the API im not too sure

And yes, I do intend to support RO and RSS

Edited by silverfox8124
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