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Space Planes Now Scare the Living Tar Out of Me


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First thing I did in my new career save was blow up the VAB and Launchpad with Whack-a-Kerbal.

It's hard, re-creating the Wrong Brothers in 0.25 career mode, with FAR installed. I don't feel bad about keeping reverts on to fix screwy launches.

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My biggest issue with the planes so far is designing a useful cargo plane with a dorsal cargo bay. My spaceplane designs were complete nightmares until I adopted a high-wing design that basically solved all my stability issues (maybe I'm just a bad pilot, but hey, not gonna argue with what worked for me). Problem is the high wing designs block the location of the dorsal bay. I've tried going back to mid-wing designs, but all the old instability problems are back, even with dihedral wings.

Can't you put the bay in opening downwards? Alternatively have you tried a gullwing design like this but mounted lower down? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Beriev_Be-12_Gelenzhik_2Sept2004.jpg

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Can't you put the bay in opening downwards? Alternatively have you tried a gullwing design like this but mounted lower down? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Beriev_Be-12_Gelenzhik_2Sept2004.jpg

A ventral "Bomb bay"-style cargo bay is an option, but I use deadly re-entry and I'm not sure if the bay doors act as a heat shield. At the risk of sounding like a tool, it seems "cheaty".

A shoulder mounted gull wing is a great idea that I'm going to try, thanks! First though, I'm going to see what I can do with a high wing and a single long bay. That should actually suffice for most launches I would perform with a spaceplane.

Tried high-tailplane mid-wing setups?

High tailplane as in the empennage? I haven't tried that. Is the purpose of the high tail plane to elevate the CoL?

Edited by LethalDose
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One thing I noticed today, is my game play and how I go about career mode has changed dramatically. Playing with reduced funds and now having to not only spend science points, but also pay the entry cost for each part in each section, has slowed my progression down slightly. Then add Mission Controller mod where each new hire is 4k and each death is 20k (with DRE, NEAR, RealChute, LS to further show my self hate), I have gotten quite a bit more cautious in nearly all aspects. However, I think one of my newest worries, is dropping a stage on KSC while not paying attention. :D

I might do that for 0.25, to slow my progression down even more :P

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I've set up a custom mode (more funds, more science, but huge penalties for failure of contracts) with no QS/QL, no respawn, and no Revert. Scared crapless to launch rockets, but my aerospace program continues just fine. At least, after I unlocked radial parachutes and could do "entire vehicle ballistic restriction systems" to keep from losing planes to the runway, and the runway to the planes. Though the first thing I did was intentionally bomb the VAB with Whack-a-Kerbal because I hate that place.

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I've always put emergency parachutes on my planes, but nevertheless I'm glad I didn't disable reverting in my new save.

Regarding that issue with twisting on the runway, I've discovered that some of the SP+ parts look like they have straight sides, but when you put wheels on them it turns out they're slightly angled, which makes the wheels not quite parallel and makes the plane flip sideways on the runway. Use girders or something to make sure the surface is straight before adding those wheels!

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I've also discovered that planes take off more easily if you angle the main wing upward slightly (as is often the case on real planes) and place it slightly in front of the center of lift - you'll have to be careful about the placement if you try this, so that you don't go dragging the center of lift in front of the center of mass. This does not apply if you use canards.

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I made a lot of exotic spaceplanes before 0.25... lots of attetion to details to fine tune CoM, Lift, lading gears placement... Now, it's so easy to make spaceplanes, it lost all the glamour...

If it's too easy for you, you should sweep the awards then: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93779-SSTO-Spaceplane-Airplane-Design-Contest-II-Akademy-Awards

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